


  • The researchers are now interested in whether piranhas vocalize during mating .

    研究人员现在研究,食人鱼在交配时是否 发声

  • Make time for the people you consider yourself closest to and vocalize your care for them despite how much easier it can be to think I love you than to say it .

    给那些你觉得和自己亲近的人一点时间,虽然在心里想着我爱你比说出来更容易,但也要 语言 表达 你对他们的关心。

  • If you find that other people often present an idea you had but didn 't vocalize ( those I thought of that too ! moments ) stop being so shy .

    如果你发现其他人总在说你嘴里没 说出的点子(那些”这我也到了“的时刻),那么不要那么胆怯。

  • In it the animals get to vocalize and we all get a chance to laugh as we sing .

    歌中的动物 发出 声音。我们唱这首歌时都有机会欢笑。

  • Mechanically ventilated patients are unable to vocalize feelings verify perceptions and cope with fears anxiety and stress through verbal communication .

    使用机械通气的患者无法 表达感情、确认需求以及通过语言交流来面对恐惧、焦虑和压力。

  • The ability to vocalize your emotions will show confidence and girls will eat that sht up .

    能够 说出你的情感就显示出你很自信,而且女孩也吃这一套。

  • An evening conversation could bring the right time to find out where others stand or to vocalize your support .

    一次夜晚的谈话会带来合适的时机去发现别人的立场或者 声援 他们

  • In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments .

    在印度和巴厘岛,学生们在开始学习 乐器之前要先学习唱歌。

  • Archbishop Hunthausen also vocalized his beliefs that women and homosexuals should be more active in the church .

    大主教 亨特豪森也发言 阐述了他的看法:妇女和同性恋者应该更积极地参与教堂事务。

  • Television is not only a poor caregiver substitute but it actually reduces the number of language sounds and words babies hear vocalize and therefore learn he said .

    “电视不仅是一个蹩脚的看护人,而且实际上还降低了宝宝听到、 发出进而学习语音和词语的数量。”他说。

  • To vocalize in that state to our advantage .
