


  • Correlation Between Anxiety and Cellular Immunologic Status in Patients with Vitiligo or Alopecia Areata

    斑秃、 白癜风患者的精神焦虑与细胞免疫功能的相关性研究

  • There are two main types of vitiligo : the generalized form and the segmental form .

    有两种主要类型 白癜风:广义形式和节段性形式。

  • Diagnosis of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE was made in accordance with clinical and histopathological manifestations .

    结合临床和组织病理改变诊断为斑秃伴 白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。

  • In rare instances vitiligo may affect eye hair and gum color .

    在罕见的情况下,可能会影响 白癜风眼睛,头发,和口香糖颜色。

  • A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported .

    报告1例斑秃伴 白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。

  • In dermatology : neurodermatitis bromhidrosis and vitiligo above the chest etc.

    皮肤科疾病:神经性皮炎、腋臭、胸部以上 白癜风等。

  • Vitiligo patients with UBV light therapy light therapy machine is an advanced method of treatment .


  • Objective To observe the efficiency of spiring capsule to treat patients with vitiligo vulgaris .

    目的观察螺旋藻胶囊治疗寻常型 白癜风的临床疗效。

  • Vitiligo can not cure the patient family and medical issues of common concern .


  • To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the epidermal cell transplantation combined with tacalcitol ointment in treatment of vitiligo .

    随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组采用表皮细胞移植术联合他 卡西醇治疗;

  • A review of progress study of correlated cytokine in serum of vitiligo patients


  • This provides support for the future clinical evaluation of piperine and its derivatives as novel treatments for vitiligo .

    这为将来评价胡椒碱及其衍生物 治疗 白癜风的新疗法提供了依据。

  • No one knows why the immune cells attack and kill the melanocytes in patients with vitiligo .

    没有人知道为什么免疫细胞攻击并杀死黑色素细胞在 白癜风患者。

  • Its use with Psoralen is beneficial as a home remedy of vitiligo .

    将它和补骨脂使用是有益于家庭治疗 白癜风的。

  • This paper reviews the psychological researches of vitiligo patients internal and abroad to find more effective treatment and found the basis for further research .

    本文回顾了近年来国内外对 白癜风患者心理方面的研究,为寻求该病更有效的治疗方法和今后进一步的研究提供依据。

  • Objective To determine the clinical features of childhood vitiligo in Han nationality .

    目的探讨汉族儿童 白癜风的临床特点。

  • Vitiligo is a skin depigmentation disorder of unknown etiology without specific treatment .


  • Its use with tamarind is very beneficial for the cure of Vitiligo .

    它和罗望子一起使用对于 白癜风的治疗十分的有益。

  • And pure rosea quite common and symptoms of light similar to the seasonal changes and vitiligo .

    而单纯糠疹相当常见,并且症状较轻,季节性的变化与 白癜风类似。

  • Objective To study the HLA-DR genotypes in generalized vitiligo patients of Han Nationality in Guangdong .

    目的研究广东籍汉族泛 发型 白癜风患者与HLA-DR的相关性。

  • Objective To study potential risk factors for vitiligo in environment .

    目的探讨影响 白癜风 发病环境中可能的危险因素。

  • People with dark skin and vitiligo are often ostracized by their community .

    人黝黑的皮肤和 白癜风往往是他们的社会排斥。

  • Objective : To investigate the association of HLA-DRB1 alleles and generalized vitiligo in the Han nationality in northern China .

    目的:探讨HLA-DRB1等位基因与中国北方汉族泛 发型 白癜风的相关性。

  • HN is closely correlated with vitiligo and melanoma in antigens and immune response pattern .

    晕痣与 白癜风、黑素瘤在抗原及免疫反应模式方面密切相关。

  • Objective To observe the efficacy of halometasone cream combined with Qu-Bai tincture in the treatment of vitiligo .

    目的观察祛白酊与卤米松联合治疗 白癜风的疗效。

  • The excimer laser and intense pulsed UVB light have been shown to be effective in treating vitiligo and hypopigmentation .

    受激准分子激光器和强脉冲的UVB激光已显示出治疗 白斑和低色素沉着的有效性。

  • Conclusion There are some differences in clinical characteristics of vitiligo between children and adults .

    结论儿童 白癜风临床特点与成人相比有一定差异。

  • The study suggests that trichrome vitiligo skin is an ideal model to study skin melanin content and distribution ;

    研究表明:具有三种颜色的 白癜风皮肤可作为一个较好的皮肤黑色素含量与分布的模型;

  • People who have vitiligo are sensitive to the sun .

    人谁也 白癜风是敏感的太阳。