


  • Cisplatin ifosfamide and vindesine in the chemotherapy of non-small-cell lung cancer : a combination phase ⅱ study

    顺铂、异环磷酰胺和 长春 酰胺联合用药治疗非小细胞肺癌的Ⅱ期研究

  • Reproductive toxicity study of vindesine sulfate in Wistar rats

    乙酰 长春 酰胺硫酸盐大鼠生殖毒性研究

  • The dose limiting toxicity of CAP + vindesine regimen was myelosuppression .

    CAP+ 长春 地辛方案的剂量限制性毒性为骨髓抑制。

  • Clinical study of advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy combined with DDP and vindesine

    顺铂加 长春 酰胺 配合 照射治疗晚期鼻咽癌的临床研究

  • During 1991.1 ~ 1991.10 the second stage clinical observation of 27 patients with malignant tumours was carried out with vindesine .

    自1991年1月至10月,用 长春 酰胺对27例恶性肿瘤病人进行Ⅱ期临床观察。

  • Objective To observe the kill effect of hyperthermia combined with anti-cancer drugs ( mitomycin vindesine cisplatin ) on human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines ( D6 ) .

    目的观察高温和丝裂霉素(MMC)、 长春 酰胺(VDS)及顺铂(DDP)联合应用对人肺腺癌细胞的杀伤作用。

  • Mitomycin vindesine cisplatin combination chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced lung adenocarcinoma

    丝裂霉素 长春 酰胺和顺铂联合治疗晚期肺腺癌

  • To study the response rate and toxic side effects of vindesine aclarubicin and mitomycin ( VAM ) as a new regimen of second line chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma .

    目的研究 长春 酰胺、阿克拉霉素、丝裂霉素联合化疗治疗耐药卵巢癌的疗效和毒性反应。

  • Purpose w_122 To analyze the therapeutic effectiveness of TMK ( Vindesine VDS ) for lung cancer .

    〔目的〕观察托马克( 长春 地辛VDS)对 性肺癌的疗效。

  • Studies on Determination of the Purity of Vindesine Sulfate

    硫酸 长春 地辛 原料 纯度检验方法的研究

  • Phase ⅲ Clinical Study of Vindesine

    硫酸 长春 地辛Ⅲ期临床试验 总结

  • Vindesine Combined-chemotherapy in the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

    长春 地辛联合化疗治疗非小细胞肺癌