


  • When they had finished they felt a virginal glow of happiness .

    事后,他们 满心都是 圣洁的幸福光辉。

  • The thousand liveried angels-begin to cast their special beam on the virgin 's outward shape & that 's her body the unpolluted temple that houses her virginal mind .

    一千个穿着衣服的天使,开始在处女的身体上投射他们神奇的光束-,那就是她的身体,那个装着 无暇心灵的未受污染的殿堂。

  • And Julie married Alec dressed appropriately in virginal white .

    朱莉穿着一 场合 相称的纯白 婚纱嫁给了 亚历克

  • It is in order to provide the seed cells for vaginal tissue engineering and prepare for the virginal SMC research in vitro later .

    研究 阴道平滑肌细胞的体外培养方法,为阴道组织工程研究提供种子细胞,并为阴道 平滑肌细胞体外研究提供实验模型。

  • At the same time it was pointed out that the research on parthenogenesis of silkworm was necessary to apply completely homozygous lines in the genetic research and breeding and to use virginal reproduction in the silkworm egg production .

    并指出在遗传学研究和育种中利用完全纯合的品系以及在 蚕种生产中应用孤雌生殖技术的重要意义。

  • Virginal girl pure and sweet trapped in the body of a swan .

    纯美 无暇 纤纤 处子,被 坏人 变成了一只天鹅。

  • Research on the Decreasing Function of Evodia Rutaecarpa Angelica Sinensis Ethanol Extract on Contractile Activity of Uterine Smooth Muscle Strips of Virginal Rats


  • Virgins are not virginal as they used to be . I 've plenty of faults but I 'm very faithful .

    我有好多短处,但人倒是忠实 贞洁的。

  • Conclusion : The spermicidal effect was satisfying when the concentration of NP-9 in compound virginal preparation is a tenth of NP-9 preparation sold on market .

    结论:复方制剂中NP-9的含量是国产 NP-9避孕栓的1/10时即获得了满意的杀精效果。

  • My notebooks were virginal white .

    我的笔记本是 雪白的。

  • Nothing so pure so sweet so virginal as Tess had seemed possible all the long while that he had adored her up to an hour ago ; but

    直到一个小时以前,他一直崇拜苔丝,很久以来,他都认为不可能有 比苔丝更纯洁、 甜蜜、更 贞洁的了;可是

  • We analyze her virginal play Blasted by the configuration of modern tragedy which reveals the unique objective world in the second chapter .

    在第二章中,我们用现代悲剧的范畴进行对《摧毁》的分析,并且发现了她 戏剧中独特的客体世界。

  • Somehow she 'd always been a child in his mind pure and virginal

    不知何故,她在他心里一直是个 天真 无邪的孩子

  • She 's probably said way more than enough in her testimony to the potentially apocalyptic power of her virginal speech .

    在她证明 童贞潜在的启示力量的演讲中,她很可能说得更多。

  • The fresh unforgettable virginal love for her bridegroom was hers ;

    对自己的丈夫她 保留着那鲜活、难忘、 纯真的爱;

  • Aim Tow dimension trans virginal ultrasound pictures of ovarian malignancies was analyzed to determine its diagnostic value for this malignancies .

    目的重点分析卵巢恶性肿瘤经 阴道超声的二维声像图表现,旨在探讨经 阴道超声对卵巢恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。

  • Influence of Storage and Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Seedling Growth of Korean Pine under Virginal Forest

    林下红松 幼树氮、磷贮藏与分配对生长的效应研究

  • Results Trans virginal ultrasound can clearly reveal ovarian malignancies its diagnostic accuracy was over 95 % all were accordant with pathologic results .

    结果经 阴道超声能清楚显示卵巢恶性肿瘤,其准确性达95%以上,均与病理符合。

  • Pure and vestal modesty ; a spinster or virgin lady ; men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal .

    贞洁的端庄;未婚妇女或者处女;男人们规定他们的女人必须是贞洁的 处女

  • Different mechanisms Mediated the potentiation uterine smooth muscle caused by Polygala tenuifolia decoction progesterone in virginal rats

    远志增强 孕大鼠子宫平滑肌运动的机制研究

  • What a fresh and virginal daughter of Nature that milkmaid is !

    那个挤奶的女工,真是一个多么新鲜、 多么 纯洁的自然女儿啊!

  • The Value of Trans Virginal Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Ovarian Malignancies


  • She was no longer virginal and there was the risk of a child .

    她不再是 处女了,还有怀孕的危险。

  • The unhappy tale of a virginal laundry lass .

    一个 纯洁的洗衣少女的悲伤故事。

  • Virgins are not virginal as they used to be .

    现在的 女孩子可没有 从前 那么 贞洁了。

  • As the placid years passed and she came to rely less upon her virginal features it seemed to him that the ripe opinions of her youth began to shrink and flatten as fruit does that has hung too long on the tree .

    随着平静岁月的流逝,维多利亚 美丽的容颜开始 ;他似乎觉得她年轻时的成熟思想也开始变得 不再 锋芒毕露,就像果实在树上挂得过久。

  • The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries & the spinet the dulcimer and the virginal .

    钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、洋琴和维金 娜琴

  • While conversing in the most natural and tranquil manner in the world with the white-haired man she bent upon Marius all the reveries of a virginal and passionate eye .

    她一面和那白发男子极自然极安详地谈着话,一面又以热情的 童贞神态把一切梦想传达给马吕斯。

  • A Susceptibility Test of 80 Virginal Candida albicans Detection and Susceptibility to Antibiotics of Mycoplasma in Genitourinary Tract

    80株 生殖 道白念珠菌的药物敏感性研究泌尿生殖道支原体感染检测及抗菌药物的分析