


  • And on the other side the past few years have seen repeated vindication for policy makers who have never met a payroll but do know a lot about economic theory and history .

    另一方面,过去几年里的事件,却反复 印证了许多政策制定者的 观点,他们从来没给别人发过工资,但是对经济理论和历史却有很多了解。

  • Yet have we really pressed the case for the vindication of reason and civilized values ?

    然而我们是否真的为了 维护理智和文明的价值而坚持了这一主张?

  • I want vindication * For mulder .

    我想为穆德尔 辩护

  • Vindication : This effect will no longer be absorbed by Grounding Totem .


  • Or maybe we 're searching for forgiveness & or vindication .

    或许我们是在寻求原谅&或 辩解

  • Critics who long thought that Greenspan was too enthralled by free enterprise and financial markets have claimed vindication .

    格林斯潘的批评者长期认为,他过分痴迷于自由企业和金融市场的 功能 危机发生后, 这些 人声自己 正确的。

  • The army 's victory is being seen as a vindication of their tactics .

    这次部队胜利被看作是他们战术 正确 证明

  • May my vindication come from you ; may your eyes see what is right .

    愿我的 从你 面前 发出;愿你的眼睛观看公正。

  • There is much to be said in vindication of his claim .

    有很多 理由可以提 出来为他的要求 辩护

  • Our goal is not the victory of might but the vindication of right ;

    我们的目标不是胜利,而是 辩明权力;

  • I 'm trying to find out how vindication works on mobs .

    我想试试 辩护对小怪到底有 甚麽作用。

  • Critics of stem-cell research would be wrong to see Hwang 's downfall as vindication of their broader moral complaints .

    干细胞研究的批评者倘若把黄禹锡的下台看作 对更广泛的道德控诉的一个 证明那么他们就错了。

  • The success of the missile system is being interpreted as a triumphant vindication of the government 's policies .

    导弹系统的成功被说成是卓有成效地 证明了政府政策的 正确性。

  • Subsequent events have proved to be a vindication of his position .

    接下来发生的事情是对他地位的 维护

  • The research about this question will finally rest on the tension between vindication and social control of AOS .

    对于这个问题的研究,最终在很大程度上将落脚于对 科学 自主性的 维护与对其的社会控制问题上来。

  • Luxuries and Civilization-Hume 's Vindication of the Validity of Commercial Society

    奢侈与文明&休谟对商业社会合法性的 辩护

  • I mentioned moral vindication earlier .

    先前,我提到道德 澄清

  • The Georgian crisis also looks at first sight like a vindication for Mr McCain .

    乍看之下,格鲁吉亚危机似乎也在为麦凯恩 辩护

  • But this is not because the crisis has provided any great vindication of the discipline .

    但这 不是因为此次危机 有力 证明了这门学科的 合理性

  • Tonight we got vindication .

    今晚,我们 证明自己

  • There is only one direction to proceed in this week-and that 's forward to a pleasing development that gives rise to the sense of reassurance and vindication you so much deserve .

    本周只有一种前进的趋势&并且会促成一个令人愉快的发展,这种发展会让你产生恢复信心和被 证实了的感觉,这是你应得的。

  • Presumably this is because it is a powerful vindication of their research and not because they are Spanish .

    想必这是因为他们的研究 得到了有力 证明,而非因为他们是西班牙人。

  • Yeah that 's right . I mean that 's certainly felt like a vindication for me .

    我的意思是,就好像为我 正名了。

  • This is a vindication of the strategy the president has adopted said Tony Snow White House spokesman .

    证明总统采取的战略是 正确的,美国白宫发言人 托尼•斯诺(TonySnow)表示。

  • But vindication appears to come sooner and more easily in financial services .

    但在金融服务业, 这个过程可能 更快,也更为容易。

  • Vindication reduced to2 ranks for10 / 20 % attribute reduction .


  • He will bring me out to the light ; I shall see his vindication .


  • Nor should the social market countries be too emboldened by this vindication .

    社会市场经济国家也不应因为道路 正确得意忘形

  • As vindication of the truth of their mission God often vests them with miracles : Abraham was saved from fire Noah from the deluge and Moses from the Pharaoh .

    作为他们的使命和对真正的 辩护,神经常授予他们奇迹:亚伯拉罕从火中被拯救出来,诺亚是从大洪水中获救,摩西是从法老王中获救。

  • Winners are not motivated by gooey feelings about loved ones those come later but by thoughts of defiance and vindication .

    胜利者不是从亲人的脉脉温情获得动力的那些是事后的事而是来自挑战和 反驳的念头。