


  • All right we serve brandy whisky vodka and so on .

    好的,我们有白兰地、威士忌、 伏特加

  • The drink of choice seems to be vodka .

    欢迎的酒似乎是 伏特加

  • I just drank a fifth of vodka dare me to drive ?

    我才和了第5 伏特加,我能驾车吗?

  • This is my third vodka .

    这是我第三 伏特加

  • Your glass is empty . What were you drinking vodka ?

    你的杯子空了你 喝什么 伏特加吗?

  • Like milk and vodka or something .

    就像牛奶和 伏特加或是别的什么。

  • Vodka has acquired an upscale image in the US .


  • She was drinking vodka and lime .

    她在喝 伏特加和酸橙汁。

  • A vodka soda drink I had .

    我喝的 伏特加苏打水饮料。

  • Did I ever tell you my vodka story ?

    我和你说过我的 伏特加 的故事吗?

  • Had him order a @ vodka martini ? shaken not stirred @ .

    替他点了一 伏特加马丁尼&摇晃,不要搅拌,这并非偶然。

  • Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka

    塔格特思忖着是否再要一杯双份 伏特加

  • Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high .

    俄罗斯 伏特加 的销量已达到历史最高水平。

  • Here one can taste pepper cornel berry currants home-distilled vodka various pickles lavish and diverse food and fresh quail eggs .

    在这里人们可以品尝辣椒、山茱萸、浆果、葡萄干制作的 伏特加,以及各种泡菜、奢华和多样的食物,此外还有新鲜的鹌鹑蛋。

  • However I didn 't drink vodka at all I gave up it to my companions in arms .

    但是我根本不喝 伏特加,所以我把它给了我的战友。

  • He bought two bottles of vodka on account .

    他挂账买了两瓶 伏特加

  • When I told them that I 'd had a vodka and orange juice at the party .

    我告诉他们我在聚会上喝了一 伏特加和橙汁混合

  • Then mix the vodka wine sugar and vanilla sugar .

    然后混合 伏特加,红酒,糖和香草糖。

  • Laura wanted a sea breeze which is cranberry and vodka .

    我的同事,,And,Laura,,the,woman,that,I,was,with,想要一杯海风,是蔓越莓和 伏特加 的。

  • Your vodka can wait my good alexi .

    我的好阿列克斯,你的 伏特加在等你。

  • They spiked his drink by putting vodka in his beer .

    他们在他的啤酒中 加伏尔特加

  • What I wouldn 't give for a bottle of vodka or valium .

    我怕我戒不掉 和安定。

  • There 's a thriving black market in vodka and cigarettes .

    伏特加 和香烟的黑市交易很兴旺。

  • We need this product for our production of vodka and some other alcoholic beverages .

    我们需要这种产品 包装 伏特加和其他酒饮料。

  • Are you There Vodka ? It 's me Chelsea .

    你在那儿吗, 伏特加?是我,切尔西。切尔西·韩德莱。

  • Oscar much the worse for vodka did a striptease .

    奥斯卡喝了 伏特加 醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞。

  • The vodka was the genuine article .

    这种 伏特加 是正品。

  • He drowned in the hotel swimming pool after drinking a potent mix of whisky gin and vodka .

    喝了威士忌、杜松子酒和 伏特加的混合烈酒后,他淹死在旅馆的游泳池里。

  • She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows .

    她往玻璃杯里倒了一些 伏特加 ,两口就喝完了。

  • They also have a tiny grocery store that stocks bread meat and vodka .

    他们也有一些小的杂货店存放着面包、肉和 伏特加