video carrier

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˈkæriɚ][ˈvidiəu ˈkæriə]


  • Now with the development of computer technology and multimedia technology image and video has become the most effective information carrier .

    现在,随着计算机技术以及多媒体技术的发展, 可视化 数据,图像、 视频已经成为了最有效的信息 载体

  • Meanwhile as the enhancement of the progress of spiritual civilization construction communication with the usage of images and video as the carrier of information has become increasingly universal .

    同时,随着精神文明建设的进步,以图像和 视频载体的信息传播日趋普遍化。

  • Digital media video is a way of express meaning in essence so the modeling has the narrative characteristics as it is the carrier of the narrative expressing .

    数字媒体 影像在本质上是一种表意方式,造型作为影像叙事的 载体,也就带有了叙事性的特征。

  • The traditional means of exchange information using paper tapes videos and other physical carrier has been gradually replaced by the new means of exchange information using documents audio files video files and other binary files carrier base on information technology .

    传统的以纸张、磁带、录像带等实物载体的信息交流方式已逐渐被以文档、音频文件、 视频文件等二进制文件 载体的信息交流方式所替代。

  • The algorithm can take the video stream as the carrier and has high hiding capacity so it is one kind of latent video hiding algorithm .

    尽管算法是以数字水印技术的形式提出的,但其以 视频码流为 载体,具有较大的隐藏容量,可以实现隐蔽通信的目的,是一种潜在的视频隐藏实用算法。

  • Video Image is the most important information carrier with the biggest data quantity .

    视频图像是人类生活中最重要的信息交流 载体,也是所有可能数据中蕴涵信息量最大的数据类。

  • Information hiding technology can hide secret information in the non - secret information ( such as audio video static graphics and text ) thus people will have no sense with the change about the information hiding carrier .

    信息隐藏技术是一门将秘密信息隐藏在非秘密信息(例如音频、 视频、静止图像以及文本)当中,从而不引起人们对信息隐藏 载体的感知的改变。

  • With the increasing development of Internet the video becomes the main carrier of networking information .

    随着互联网的发展, 视频成为网络信息的主要 载体

  • Video which is the most abundant information carrier has become an indispensable part of the information age .

    视频作为一种信息含量十分丰富的信息 载体,已经成为当今信息时代不可缺少的重要组成部分。

  • A DVB-C ( Digital Video Broadcasting-Cable ) demodulator chip with this carrier recovery loop has been implemented chip test shows that the phase noise has been efficiently suppressed and the system performance meets the QEF ( Quasi Error Free ) standard .

    将该 载波恢复环路应用到 DVB-C解调芯片中,芯片测试结果说明该解调芯片抑制相位噪声能力较强,性能上达到了准无误码(QEF)的标准。

  • Image and video technology have been in rapid development in recent years and become the main carrier of information transmission .

    图像和 视频技术在最近几年得到了较快的发展,也成为传递信息的主要 载体