
[ˈvɪlən, -ˌen, vɪˈlen][ˈvɪleɪn]


  • The Common Law of the Villein 's Country in Russian in 18-19 Beginning of the Century

    18&19世纪初俄国 农奴农村习惯法

  • The legal status or condition of a villein or feudal serf .

    封建 农奴的合法地位。

  • From such materials as the demands of the villein movements folk sayings and the changes of the official attitudes it is made clear that there exists some delicate differences between the traditional folk saying and the academic concept on the relationship .

    佃权 地权之间的关系进行了 详尽 剖析,通过对佃农 风潮所提要求的分析,民间话语,官方态度演变过程的考察,认为民间习惯和学术概念之间存在微妙的差异。