Meanwhile China should carry out the volitive system of purchase and sale of foreign exchange attach importance to the quality of foreign funds and improve the system of foreign exchange risk management .
面对这种 情况, 确定 合理的外汇 储备规模,实施 意愿性 结 售汇制度,重视引进外资的质量,完善外汇风险管理制度具有重要的理论和实际意义。
Volitive auxiliary is an important area of study . The scholars have respectively studied the errors about the usage of volitive auxiliary made by the learners from Japan Thai Britain and America .
能 愿动词作为一个很重要的研究领域,有关学者分别进行过面向日本、泰国、英美等对象国学习者习得能愿动词偏误情况方面的研究。