vibration pick-up

[vaɪˈbreʃən pɪk ʌp][vaɪˈbreɪʃən pik ʌp]


  • By using finite element analysis software the radial magnetic field of permanent magnet generator is simulated and the main structure of generator is designed including : vibration pick-up device frame winding coil .

    应用有限元分析软件对所设计的径向磁化的永磁振动发电机的磁场进行仿真分析,根据分析结果优化设计了发电机的主要结构,包括: 装置、骨架、绕组线圈。

  • Effects of transversal and rotational vibration of foundation on the response of the rotation type pick-up during strong earthquake

    强地震时地基横向 振动和转动对 回转式 反应的影响

  • In order to compensate the measurement error of measuring result caused by limited band of a vibration pick-up and its measurement system a method for recovering the original input signal of the vibration pick-up using FIR transversal filter is presented .

    为了补偿由于 及其测量系统有限带宽而使测量结果产生的测量误差,本文提出了一种用FIR横向滤波器来恢复拾振器原始输入信号的方法。

  • Design of the Vibration Pick-Up Model GCS-1 for Engineering Survey

    GCS-1型工程 测振仪拾振器的设计研究

  • The coefficients of the FIR transversal filter was identified by using adaptive RLS algorithm while the output signal of the vibration pick-up was input into the FIR transversal filter . An inverse-convolution filter was acquired to recover the original input signal of vibration pick-up .

    该方法是将 器的输出信号作为FIR横向滤波器的输入,用自适应RLS算法对FIR横向滤波器系数进行辨识而最终获得可以恢复拾振器原始输入信号的反卷积滤波器。