vibration isolation

[vaɪˈbreʃən ˌaɪsəˈleʃən][vaɪˈbreɪʃən ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən]


  • At different parameter time response and response variance of the displacement and acceleration are calculated about these vibration isolation models .

    计算在不同的输入参数下,车辆的时域响应和位移与加速度响应方差,讨论了 弹簧 阻尼、车速等对 性能 影响

  • Research of the Design Method of the Vibration Isolation System Based on Elastic Base

    基于弹性基础的 系统设计方法研究

  • Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Translation-torsion Coupled Vibration Isolation System with Consideration of Bidirectional Nonlinearity of Rubber Bearing Pads

    地基土&偏心结构相互作用体系平扭耦联 振动 特性研究考虑橡胶垫双向非线性时平扭耦联 隔震结构动力性能的研究

  • Analysis of vibration isolation of a row of rigid piles to plane SV waves in saturated soil

    饱和土中 刚性排桩对平面SV波的 隔离分析

  • These conclusions will provide some theoretical bases and references for the design of vibration isolation with several rows of pipe piles .

    这为多排桩屏障的 设计提供了理论依据和参考。

  • Simulation Study of Vibration Isolation Performance of Powertrain Mount System Based on ADAMS

    基于ADAMS的动力总成悬置系统的 仿真研究

  • Finite Element Analysis of Vibration Isolation System for the Periodic Composite Structure

    有限周期复合结构 系统的有限元分析

  • Design and Development of Vibration Isolation System of Commercial Vehicle 's Cab Suspension

    商用车驾驶室悬置 系统设计开发

  • The whole-spacecraft vibration isolation technology and the spacecraft local vibration attenuation can improve the dynamic environment of the spacecraft .

    卫星在发射过程中的 振动环境比其在轨运行时更为恶劣,整星 和卫星局部减振可以使卫星的动力学环境得到改善。

  • The parameters of vibration isolation for JF75G-125A press have been figured out by theoretical calculation .

    通过理论计算,确定了JF75G-125A型压力机的 参数。

  • The Research on Vibration Isolation Performance of Car 's Powertrain Rubber Mounting System

    汽车动力总成橡胶悬置系统 性能研究

  • In addition the vibration isolation function of sub-frame for powertrain is also studied ;

    此外还对副车架在动力总成 系统中的作用进行了拼究;

  • Heating Equipment Noise Control Research Based on Pipeline Vibration Isolation

    基于管道 的供暖设备 振动噪声控制研究

  • In order to further increase the isolation rate a double layer vibration isolation system with Magnetorheological fluid dampers ( MRD ) is investigated numerically in the paper .

    鉴于这种情况,本文对加入磁流变阻尼器(MRD)的双层 隔震系统进行了研究。

  • Therefore effective isolation method is investigated by combining active and passive vibration isolation technology for out small disturbance .

    为此,结合主动 和被动 技术研究对外界微小 振动扰动有效隔离方法。

  • The Research of Structure and Principle of the Space Microgravity Vibration Isolation System

    空间微重力 系统结构的仿真及实验研究

  • Performance Analysis of vibration isolation of powertrain mounting system using finite element method

    动力总成悬置系统 性能的有限元分析方法

  • Research on Design Theory and Application of Multidimensional Vibration Isolation Platform Based on Parallel Mechanisms

    基于并联机构的多维 平台设计理论与应用研究

  • The Vibration Isolation Performance and Control Method Research of ERF Semi-active Engine Mount

    电流变液半主动发动机悬置 性能与控制方法研究

  • Test Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Vibration Isolation System for Large-scale Aqueduct

    大型渡槽 隔震体系 结构动力特性的试验研究

  • If not prevent the need to take solid vibration isolation sound insulation measures .

    如不能防止时,必需采取牢靠的 、隔声措施。

  • Suitable noise and vibration isolation and protection against freezing must be provided .

    必须提供适当的消声和 以及防冻保护的措施。

  • A numerical calculation method for determination of the transmissibility of an active vibration isolation system is proposed .

    研究了有源 系统传递率数值计算的一般方法,克服了传统解析法适用范围小的缺点。

  • An analytical approach of vibration isolation effect for floating raft system is given in this paper based on the impedance FEM .

    基于阻抗有限元法编制了浮筏装置 效果的计算分析方法。

  • In order to optimizing the vibration isolation of some diesel generator set an analysis of the vibration character and excitation forces of it is presented through theory study and vibration testing .

    通过对频响函数的测试,获得了某型柴油发电机组 系统各阶刚体模态频率和弹性模态频率,分析了该机组振源和振动特点。

  • Analysis of Active Vibration Isolation System Based on Magnetostrictive Actuator

    基于磁致伸缩作动器的主动 系统分析

  • The calculating formulas for the vibration transmissibility of passive vibration isolation system and active vibration isolation system with complex vibration environment are established .

    系统研究了复杂激励环境下加速度反馈、速度反馈和位移反馈对 系统振动传递率的影响。

  • Vibration isolation and underwater acoustic radiation test of ship cabin floating raft system ;

    本文对船舶浮 装置的 基础冲击特性进行了理论分析与试验研究。

  • The vibration isolation technology for a wobble plate engine is researched .

    研究了斜盘发动机的 技术。

  • How to control the vibration isolation devices in three main directions of stiffness damping and other mechanical properties parameters is the key of the study .

    如何控制 隔震装置在三个主轴方向的刚度、阻尼等力学性能参数是研究的关键。