walk on air

[wɔk ɑn er][wɔ:k ɔn eə(r)]


  • Whether we choose to go by car public transport walk or cycle has a direct impact on the quality of the air we breathe our health and that of the planet .

    无论我们选择开车、乘坐公共交通工具、 步行还是 自行车,都会直接影响我们呼吸的 空气的质量、人类的健康和地球的环境质量。

  • Just walk to a window look outside and take a single deep breath focusing on the air going in and out of your lungs and nothing else .

    将注意力集中到这次 呼吸 忘掉其他的一切。这听起来及其简单,但是你很难想象这样做能立即给你带来平静的心情。

  • We all felt it 's lucky to walk up on such a fine day green woods fresh air blue sky and snow-white cloud .

    如今我们如此姣好的天气 行走,感到真是幸运,绿色的森林,新鲜的 空气,蓝蓝的天,雪白的云,让人感觉一切真是美好。

  • Chloe obviously thinks that you can walk on air so .

    克洛伊显然觉得你能 腾云驾雾

  • She can walk even on a light wire in the air .

    她甚至能在 空中的钢丝

  • Saimaiti challenged to walk on a15-meter-long tightrope hung between two hot air balloons this time which was full of difficulty and danger .

    赛买提此次挑战的是一根架设 两只热 气球中间、长15米的钢绳。

  • I knew that if I jumped up onto the ledge I would freeze . So I used walk on air to fly up through the little hole in the floor .

    我知道如果我跳上边缘,我会卡住,所以我用了 空中 行走飞上穿过那个在地板的小洞。

  • Walk on air for70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West .

    在西部大峡谷边缘的 空中 漫步70英尺。