They had some hot drinks to wash down their dry muffins .
他们就着热饮料 吃 下干 松饼。
Eg. the bus is so dirty and you have to wash down the bus right away .
这公交车太脏了,你必须 冲洗公共汽车了。
Objective To study the need of flushing liquor for wash down remained blood for vein transfusion port after blood transfusion .
目的探讨输血后需要多少冲洗液量和如何 冲洗才能 冲 净静脉输液港内残留的血液。
He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water .
他立刻吃了两片阿司匹林,用3杯水送服 下去。
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down ;
也许海浪会 把我们 冲 下深渊;
The prisoner started to wash down the walls of his cell .
囚犯开始 冲洗各自囚室的墙壁。
Go after your dreams with energy and passion or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain .
精力充沛、满怀激情地追求梦想吧,否则你只好止步不前,眼看 着梦想 付诸东流。
Have you some tea to wash the fry cake down ?
你 倒点茶水 把这干蛋糕烟 下去,好吗?
One of the advantages of sol-gel method is that the dielectric constant of silica and magnesium oxide was low which can wash largely down dielectric constant of BST.
用溶胶-凝胶法制备硅镁盐包覆BST粉体的优点一是,硅镁氧化物的介电常数低,可以大大 冲淡BST的介电常数;
Then after a long time woven mother finally finished she crept to the bathroom to wash then lay down exhausted .
又过了很久,妈妈终于织完了,她蹑手蹑脚地到卫生间 洗漱,然后疲惫的 躺下 了。
And it owns Dunkin'Donuts which sells coffee to wash down the doughnuts at its stores .
这家公司还拥有 唐恩都乐连锁店,销售甜面圈的同时也出售咖啡。
Whether be strict in one 's demands neat fine painting or writing ink and wash down the freehand drawing all without exception Ya and Jane as the artistic realm in the pursuit of .
不论是一丝不苟、工整精细的工笔画,还是急驰挥洒、 水墨 淋漓的写意画,无不 把“雅”与“简”作为艺术境界在追求。
Rub this medicine on your skin after your daily shower . Take a pill for itching at bedtime . I took two aspirins I went into the bathroom to wash them down .
每天浴后涂上这个药膏,就寝时服一粒止痒药丸。我拿了两片阿斯匹林,进入浴室,把药片 吞服 下去。
I need some help to wash the walls down before painting .
绘画前,我需要有人帮忙把墙壁 洗刷 干净。
Wash it all down with one or two cups of green tea .
然后喝1至2杯绿茶 把所有食物 吞 下去。
Wash the walls down well with soap and water before putting on the distemper .
涂刷色胶前用肥皂水 好好 地 冲洗墙壁。
The Racetrack is primarily covered with hexagonal saucers of dry mud left after a very short season when the lake bed is covered with a shallow layer of water after rains wash down from the surrounding mountains and into the playa .
湖床表面覆盖着一层龟裂的干泥,这是由于每年有一段时间雨水从周围的山上流 下来,在湖汇聚成浅浅的一层,湖水蒸发之后,就剩下了龟裂的湖泥。
You 'll wash it all down with a diet drink of course as a gesture to your commitment to healthy eating-starting tomorrow .
当然,顾客们会 喝 下一杯无糖饮料,表明自己已经下决心要采取健康饮食习惯了。 不过,这个行动明天才开始实行。
Joseph said that on the day Johnathan died he had peanut butter stuck in his throat but his parents wouldn 't let him wash it down .
约瑟夫说,当他死的那天,喉咙里还卡着花生 酱,但父母们不允许他 把花生酱弄 掉。
Put the pill on your tongue and drink a big mouthful of water to wash it down .
把药片放在舌头上,喝一大口水 把它 冲 下去。
I took two aspirins I went into the bathroom to wash them down .
我拿了两片阿斯匹林,进入浴室,把药片 吞服 下去。
We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink .
我们可以去喝一碗鱼丸汤,然后用酸梅汁 将它 消化 掉。
In a rage he snatched a basin of cold water which another girl had brought in to wash down the table and poured this over Spindle-shanks ' head .
打杂的恼了,顺手夺过一盆另一个包身工正在 抹桌子的冷水,迎头泼在 芦柴棒头上。
She then stops and looks across at him and asks What do you suggest I wash it down with ?
这时她停下了,看着坐在对面的他,问,“你认为 咱们该 喝什么 酒水配这些菜呢?”
Wash the walls down with soap and water .
用肥皂 水洗 刷墙壁。
Of course the first thing you need to do is wash down the walls of your house .
当然第一件事,你需要做的是 洗 下来的墙壁上你家。
Absorption of amine collector named GE-609 on the surface of quartz belonged to electrostatic and physical type . Distilled water could hardly wash the GE-609 down from the surface of quartz .
胺类阳离子捕收剂GE-609在石英表面的吸附属于静电物理吸附,但很难 用水洗的方法使 GE-609从石英表面脱附;
We might wash down the walls for you but nothing else .
我们可以给您 洗刷 一下墙壁,不过再没有别的了。
That day to day wash the toothpaste down the sink close the toilet seat stuff can drive you crazy .
那些日复一日的 刷 洗脸盆里的牙膏斑迹、 放下马桶座的活儿会让你发疯。
美[wɑʃ daʊn]英[wɔʃ daun]