Why won 't vultures eat dead lawyers ? A : there are some things that would gag even a vulture .
秃鹰为什么不吃死去的律师?答:有些东西就连 秃鹰吃了也会 噎 着。
Tight credit should favour cash-laden companies over the vulture funds that have circled Europe for the past two-plus years .
该公司上周通过发债募集了20亿欧元。紧缩的信用环境应该更有利于现金充裕的企业,而不是两年多来一直围着欧洲打转的 秃鹫基金。
We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase .
我们看见一 只 秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。
On a snowy Spanish hillside in Aragon a griffon vulture vies with a raven for a scrap of food .
西班牙北部阿拉贡一处白雪皑皑的山坡上,一只 兀鹫为一小片食物与一只大乌鸦争斗。
Finally a single ray of light shot from out and fell full upon the vulture eye .
最后,一个单一的光芒从俯伏充分的 秃鹰眼。
Fall while fighting me and you 'll be vulture meat !
下来跟我打吧,你将 变成我 秃鹰 嘴里的肉!
A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out .
对康多兀鹫和 秃鹫骨骼进行了系统地比较。
He 's a bit of a culture vulture .
他是个有点 喜欢在文化上 凑 热闹 的 人。
With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole the vultures started to circle .
由于公司目前找不到买主, 趁火打劫 者开始 围攻。
This product becomes by the red sandalwood lump fine vulture .
本产品由紫檀瘤 精雕而成。
The turkey vulture could scent up to10 miles .
土耳其 秃鹫,能够闻到10英里以外的气味。
Yes he looks like a real vulture .
听说了,他看起来像是个 剥削 者。
The pike eels and carp eat greedily always as everybody knows & well they feast on the vulture .
谁都知道,那些梭子鱼、鳗鱼和鲤鱼吃东西时是很贪婪的,它们把 那 只 兀鹰 大嚼了一顿。
Trapped in the net the vulture was resigned to his fate .
而那 落人 猎入网中的 秃鹫 感叹 着它的命运。
American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard . A bald eagle is a large white-headed eagle .
美洲 秃鹫,比红头兀鹰秃鹰是一种头上有白毛的大鹰。
Meanwhile vulture funds would invest in obtaining requisite knowledge . Losses will also have to be written off .
与此同时, 兀鹫基金( vulture funds)会为获得必备知识进行投资,而损失也不得不进行冲销。
Kid we 'd like to make you an honouray vulture .
孩子,我们会让你做一只受人尊敬的 秃鹰。
Vulture is a large bird usually with a head and neck almost bare of feathers .
This is the Ruppell 's Griffon Vulture .
这是一只鲁氏粗毛 秃鹫。
Words that embody people or things in your periphery are Redemption Sentiment Vulture .
实现的词人们或事在您的周围是“收兑,情绪, 雕”。
Large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff .
安第斯山脉的大型 秃鹫,黑色羽毛,白色颈毛。
It never occurred to the vulture that he could be trapped as he prepared to peck at the grain .
秃鹫 万万没想到就在它啄那 颗麦粒的 时候,却被罩住了。
A vulture once bragged to the crow No one 's eyesight can be better than mine .
一次, 秃鹫对乌鸦吹嘘:谁的视力也不如我的好。
After she saw the ugly vulture they fell in love with each other and became a loving vulture couple .
当她看到她的丑 秃鹰之后,他们就爱上了彼此,成为一对相亲相爱的秃鹰夫妇。
Often you would see some dead animal floating by and a vulture or two would be on it and the crows would flutter around it hoping for a bite .
你常常会看到死去的动物漂 过,一两 只 秃鹫就会扑上去,乌鸦们也会飞到那周围,希望能分一杯羹。
This girl is circling like a vulture .
这孩子像个 秃鹰 似的在盘旋。
The vulture answered Don 't mock me when I say this that there is a wheat grain in the wasteland of the wilderness ?
秃鹫答: ¨我若说出来你可别笑我,有一颗麦粒 掉落在旷野的土地上。
Besides he was an atheist like all the rest of those people gossip of the geese about the vulture .
他并且和那些人一样,是个无神论者枣这些全是鹅群诋毁 雄鹰 的 妄 谈。
The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that they can eat it .
这 群 秃鹰正在等着孩子死去,好吃他的 肉。
Vulture thin chisel in each place its special originality can witness .
精雕细凿,在每一个 精微之处,都可见证其非凡匠心。