The new student is still wet behind the ears ; he has not yet learned the tricks that the boys play on each other .
那个新学生依然 无所适从,他还不知道同学们彼此间玩的什么把戏。
The boys are still wet behind the ears and they don 't know how dangerous it is to catch in the floods .
这些男孩们真是 少不更事,他们还不知道在洪水里捉鱼是多么危险的事。
At that time he was still wet behind the ears .
那时候他仍然 有些 乳臭未干。
Most of those students are still wet behind the ears .
大多数的学生仍 涉世 不 深。
He was too wet behind the ears to bear such responsibilities .
他太 年轻了, 不能 担此重任。
This boy is too young to take on a job like this ! He 's still wet behind the ears !
这男孩不足以担当这样的工作,他还 少不更事。
But these parents forgot oneself also have when youth is junior control sexual impulse master even old people sometimes bad more the child that does not raise wet behind the ears .
可这些家长都忘了,自己也有青春年少的时候,控制性冲动,有时连大人们都掌握不好,更别提 少不更事的孩子了。
Look I want an experienced teacher I don 't want someone who is wet behind the ears .
听着,我想要一个经验丰富的老师,不想要一个 乳臭未干的人。
This group of new comers are wet behind the ears but I find that they have some very good ideas .
虽然这批新人虽然都是 初来乍到,可我发现他们有些想法还是很不错的。
They won 't let their daughter date because she 's still too wet behind the ears .
他们不会让女儿去约会,因为她仍 涉世 不 深。
Attempt to do me in ? You 're still wet behind the ears
想陷害我?你还 嫩 点儿
Wet behind the ears .
湿 耳朵 后面。
Many of his clients are tech companies and family-owned businesses that bring him in to help resolve clashes between Baby Boomers and bosses they perceive as still wet behind the ears .
他的许多客户,包括技术公司和家族式企业,都请他帮忙调解婴儿潮时代出生的职工和他们 乳臭未干的老板之间产生的矛盾。
Forgive her she 's still wet behind the ears !
原谅她吧,她毕竟还不 成熟 老练。
Some of the young actors are still wet behind the ears .
一些年轻的演员仍 涉世 不 深。
Graduates are often wet behind the ears and they fail to observe even the very basic business etiquette .
新毕业生通常都很 嫩,他们甚至连遵守最基本的社交礼节都做不到。
He was new and wet behind the ears so he became the target of all those tricks of the other boys .
他是新来的,又 不 老练,因而成了别的男孩耍花招的目标。
To be honest I would not hire him if I were the manager . He is too wet behind the ears .
说真的,如果我是那个经理人我就不会录用他,他太 乳臭 未 乾了。
What do you know about women ? You 're still wet behind the ears .
你对女人懂得什么,你仍然 乳臭未干。
Many of these youngsters know the job in theory but they 're still wet behind the ears when it comes to putting it into practice .
这些年轻人中很多人理论上知道怎么干,但要付诸实践时,仍然是 幼稚无知的。
You shouldn 't judge his mistakes too harshly as he 's still wet behind the ears .
你不该太严格地评断他的错误,因为他仍 涉世 不 深。
There was a time when people loved to carp and cavil at the post-1980s generation either referring to them as the beat generation or claiming they were wet behind the ears .
曾几何时,人们还对“80后”评头论足,或感叹他们是“垮掉的一代”,或认为他们很 嫩很 青涩。