What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries ?
什麽在干燥时却 变得越来越湿润。
So they had to stay outside and they grew wetter and wetter .
他们不得不呆在门外, 身上被 雨淋得更湿了。
So in any given second you stay driest by standing still and the faster you move the wetter you become .
所以在任何一秒钟,站者不动可以让你保持最为干燥,而你移动的越快,就会 变得 越 湿。
Comes a point you can 't get wetter .
湿到一个程度就不能再 湿。
I certainly couldn 't get any wetter .
我自然不会 淋得 更 湿了。
Snow is heavier when I try to shovel it and I have to put on rubbers whenever I go out because rain today is wetter than the rain we used to get .
我去铲雪的时候发现雪也变重了。去哪里我都要穿上 雨靴,因为 连雨都比以前的更 湿。
NP OP : used for pesticide emulsifier wetter and other industrial surfactant .
用于农药乳化剂, 可 湿性 粉剂及其它工业用表面活性剂。
A And wetter I believe !
A而且 更 潮湿,我想!
A poor bedraggled figure strangely attired wetter than an otter in a washing machine and hitching .
一个满身泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异, 淋 得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要 湿。
Nor can their models agree on whether the Sahel will be wetter or drier in the future & a worrying gap given that its weather systems affect the entire planet .
气候 学家的各种模型对于荒漠草原地区在未来是否会变得 更 湿润或者更干燥也没有达成一致&由于西非荒漠草原的天气系统会影响到整个地球,这是 气候研究一个令人担忧的缺口。
Wetter and more temperate regions where the soil holds much more water and agriculture can rely on cheaper rainfall rather than expensive irrigation export water to hotter drier countries .
在 较为 湿润、 气候相对温和的地区,土壤中含有更多水分,农业可以依靠廉价的降雨而非成本高昂的灌溉体系。这些地区可以通过农作物,将水出口到较为炎热干旱的国家。
Very soon it became a water splashing frenzy as the wetter you get the more luck you receive and the happier you will be .
人们很快就进入泼水狂欢状态,因为你 身上 越 湿,你就会得到更多好运,变得更幸福。
Both occurred during periods that were warmer and wetter than normal .
这两次 鼠疫 流行都发生在比正常气候更温暖和 湿润的时期。
North and South America and northern Europe are getting wetter ;
南北美洲和北欧变得 越来 越多 雨;
The weather becomes wetter this winter I wonder whether the weather will be wetter next winter .
今年的冬天变得 多雨了,我不知明年冬天天气会不会变得更多雨。
This year Iowa Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin have been wetter than ever before ; Australia India Pakistan and Bangladesh have severely flooded ; in New Zealand the rainfall is four times the usual .
今年,爱荷华州、伊利诺伊州、密歇根州和威斯康星州比 往年 更加 多雨;澳大利亚、印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国已经遭受严重水灾;新西兰的降雨量是平常的四倍。
Low crop yields in Africa is not due to climate change but rather farmers failing to exploit opportunities in wetter years says a Kenya-based scientist .
在肯尼亚工作的一位科学家说,非洲粮食产量偏低并不是由于气候变化,而是由于农民没能利用 湿润年份的机会扩大生产。
The water being pumped was deposited tens of thousands of years ago in much wetter times .
抽上来的水是数十万年前在很 湿润时期 积聚 下来的。
It was wetter too ; floods were a problem and appear on more than one occasion to have overwhelmed certain settlements .
它也是 湿润的;洪水的出现很可能是一个问题,在更多的时候,是把某些定居点淹没了。
In simple terms he says the wet places will get wetter and the dry drier .
简单地说,他表示,“多雨地区将变得 更加 潮湿,干旱地区则更加干旱”。
Wet areas of the globe will get wetter and dry areas drier under the warming climate scientists have predicted .
科学家们预言,随着气候日益变暖,地球上湿润 多水的地方将更加 湿润,干燥的地方将更加干燥。
Why is the southwest of the UK warmer and wetter while the northeast of it drier and hotter in Summer ?
为什么 大不列颠西南部夏天漫暖 潮湿而东北部却较干燥炎热、少雨?
When a warmer wetter climate led to more disease in the late1990s tequila producers took action .
在90年代晚期,温暖、 湿润的气候导致了更多的疾病,龙舌兰生产者开始了他们的行动。
The study got mixed reviews from other climate scientists in part because the eastern United States has recently been wetter and cooler than forecast .
这份研究与其他气候学家的评论发生了混乱,部分原因是 今年美国东部的 天气比预测的 要 更 潮湿和凉快。
The west of Britain is wetter than the east .
英国西部比东部 要 更 干 润 些。
Warmer and wetter weather will advance the spread of tropical diseases .
更加温暖 潮湿的气候将加剧热带疾病的传播。
At the same time conditions to be wetter than normal along the US Southeast Coast and the Gulf of Mexico .
同时,在美国东南沿海和墨西哥湾, 气候情况 往往比正常情况 潮湿。
I 'm not a bed wetter . you 're so mean !
我不是 尿床 精,你真卑鄙!