That is why Andrea Robins spent several hours on a recent weekday hunting for a handbag .
这也是 安德列娅&12539;罗宾斯(AndreaRobins)在最近一个 工作日花了数小时搜寻一只手袋的原因所在。
Boxing Day : The first weekday after Christmas celebrated as a holiday in parts of the British Commonwealth when Christmas gifts are traditionally given to service workers .
节礼日:圣诞节后的第一个 星期 日在英联邦部分地区庆祝的节日,这一 日传统上向服务业工人赠送圣诞节礼物。
Some people chow down more calories on Saturday and Sunday than on a typical weekday researchers find .
研究人员发现,有些人在周六和周日吸收的卡路里多于 平日。
On a normal weekday evening there would be dozens of passengers in his bus .
要是在平常的 工作 日 傍晚,他的巴士里应该有几十位乘客。
It 's one of the most stressful points of weekday life according to consumer research .
针对消费者的研究表明,这是人们 平日生活中压力最大的时刻。
Sunday afternoon opening and the extension of the weekday closing time to 9 pm will be phased in .
至于在星期日下午开放及在 平日延长开放时间至晚上九时的计划,将会分阶段推行。
This is weekday cooking to remember and we hope the start of a glorious journey toward the delicious .
这是 值得 纪念 的 工作 日烹饪,我们希望它能 帮你开启美妙的美食之旅。
It means that there is no school every weekday for six hours .
它意味着没有 每天六个小时的学校生活。
According to students cleanliness inspections are conducted every weekday .
据学生们说, 学校 平日每日进行卫生检查。
Patient of emergency call rescue can turn first courtyard fill inside 3 weekday next do procedure .
急诊、抢救病人可先转院,然后在三个 工作 日 内 补办手续。
At least one weekday must be selected .
最少要选择一 周中的一个 日期。
As luck would have it I had some free time in London on a weekday ( Tuesday I think it was ) and checked out that week 's edition of Time Out magazine and there it was !
幸运的是那个 工作 日(我想应该是周二)里在伦敦我有些空闲时间,查看那周的TimeOut杂志,发现了!
His company won the London weekday franchise last year .
他的公司去年获得了 工作 日在伦敦 播映的特权。
Value containing the name of the specified weekday .
值,该值包含指定 工作 日的名称。
Weekday hours calc - This is a good example of manipulating dates and times in a results section .
这是一个演示在结果区处理日期和 时间的好例子。
Class one will play football with class two _________ next weekday .
下 星期后一班将和二班踢足球。
A newspaper published every day or every weekday .
日报, 周报每天或 每周出版的报纸。
She is to host a new half-hour show which will be broadcast every weekday evening .
她将主持 - 档 在 平日晚上播出的半小时节目。
What is your routine weekday like ?
你的常规 工作 日是怎么样?
For an evening ( especially a weekday ) it really is .
一瓶真的够了,特别是 工作 日。
I had a lot of fun there as it was a weekday and there were not many people around .
我刚找出来一些 去年 去 动物园 的 照片。 那天我玩得很开心!因为那 时候 是 平日所以没有很多人。
Boxing Day : the first weekday after Christmas .
节礼日:圣诞节过后的第一个 工作 日。
If you want to avoid the crowds it 's best to come on a weekday
如果想避免人多,最好在 周一到周五来。
This train run on weekday .
这班火车 除 周末 外 天天有。
A weekday which is a public holiday when the bank is closed
公共假日碰上的 平日的那一 天,在这一 天银行停业
Do not you go to the office on weekday ?
难道你 工作日不 上班吗?