What would it matter if they don 't support the plan ?
如果他们不支持这个计划 又 有 什么 关系 呢?
What does it matter if I trust you or not ?
我 是否信任你又 有 何 区别?
What would it matter if censorship were lifted ?
如果新闻检查制度被取消 又 有 什么 关系 呢?
What 's the matter with that man ? He looks as if he 's zonked out .
那人 怎么 啦?他看上去 像是神志不清。
What does it matter where I am if you are not with me .
如果没有你,我在 哪里又 有 什么分别。
What does it matter so that it does not injure her happiness ? Yes if she cannot love me I ought to blame myself only .
只要她幸福,又有 什么 关系 呢?是的, 如果她不爱我,我能责备的只有我自己。
What does it matter if you 're not first in the trials ?
预赛得不到第一 又 有 什么 关系 呢?
What 's the matter with me doctor ? I wonder if it is T.B.
医生,我是 什么病?不会是肺结核 吧。
What is the good of explaining the matter to him if he turns a deaf ear to you ?
如果他对你的话充耳不闻的 话,向他解释 还有 什么用呢?
Jenny : hi what 's the matter ? Bob : jenny I wonder if you are free this morning .
甄妮:嗨, 有 什么 事吗?鲍勃:甄妮,我想 知道你上午 是否有空。
What did it matter if he neither washed his face nor brushed his teeth ? It saved both money and effort .
脸不洗,牙不刷, 原来都没大 关系,不但省钱,而且 省事。
What does it matter he jests if we watch football drink beer and wolf down ice cream instead of reading Joyce ?
看足球、喝啤酒、享用冰淇淋,不看 乔伊斯, 有 什么大不了的吗?
Cindy : What 's the matter you look as if you 've been crying ?
辛迪: 什么 事?你看来 像哭了一场。
What does it matter if someone likes hanging around in fetish bars or is as straight and dull as they come – as long as they can do the job ?
如果有人喜欢流连拜物主题酒吧,或者根本就正直而无趣,这 又 有 什么 关系呢? 只要他们做得了这份工作就行了。
But what does it matter what the content of the textbook is and how perfect it is if teachers do not make use of it ? With the development of education in our country the teachers ' group is expanding rapidly .
无论教材编写的多么完美, 如果教师并没有使用教材又 有 什么用呢?随着教育事业的不断发展,教师队伍在不断壮大。
Sure you might earn $ 200 annually & but what does it matter if you 're not doing something you enjoy ?
你也许每年能赚20万美元&但是 如果你不能做喜欢的事情,那又有 什么意义 呢?
For the lamentable fact is that the engineers who watch over this machine disagree on its nature about how to operate it about what if anything is the matter with it and if it is malfunctioning about how to fix it .
而可悲的是, 对于这一机制的性质、运行原理、存在的 问题,以及在出现故障 时如何纠正等 问题上,负责监督这一机制的工程师们却众说纷纭。
What does it matter if he gets what he 's after ?
如果他到手了他要找的东西,那又有什么 关系 呢?
美[hwɑt ˈmætɚ ɪf]英[hwɔt ˈmætə if]