It causes muscle weakness and paralysis .
导致了她 肌无力和麻痹。
His one weakness apart from aeroplanes is ice cream .
除了对飞机情有独钟,他还 嗜好冰激凌。
Drinking is his weakness .
他的 缺点 是 爱喝酒。
Simpson 's ruthless ambition and weakness for self-promotion has not made him the most popular journalist in the BBC .
辛普森不择手段的勃勃野心和自抬身价的 毛病使他没能成为英国广播公司最受欢迎的记者。
Stephen himself had a weakness for cats
史蒂芬本人 偏爱猫。
I think this is due to Western weakness .
我认为是因为西方 变 弱了。
I would overcome any weakness any despair any fear .
我要克服所有的 软弱、绝望和恐惧。
This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage .
这样可能会导致身体 虚弱和肌肉萎缩。
She was plagued by weakness fatigue and dizziness
她感觉体 虚、疲倦、头昏眼花 。
You should know your weakness .
你应清楚自己的 弱点。
He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness .
他可能一时大意说漏了 嘴。
The country 's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery
该国的经济问题很大程度上是因为复苏 乏力。
The king was suffering from cardiac weakness .
国王患有心脏 病。
Many rural areas suffer from long years'poverty and subsequent weakness .
很多农村地区 积弱积贫有年。
Do not take our restraint for a sign of weakness .
不要把我方的克制 看做 是 软弱 可欺。
He walked away hurriedly so as not to betray his weakness .
他赶紧走开,免得露 拙。
You 're right in your criticism . you 've pinpointed my main weakness .
你批评得对,击中了我的 要害。
He admitted his weakness .
他承认自己的 短处。
The Treasury had been blaming the pound 's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar .
财政部一直将英镑的 疲软归咎于美元贬值。
Carelessness is an old weakness of his .
粗心大意是他的老 毛病。
Life was a dark insoluble mystery but whatever it was strength and weakness were its two constituents .
人生是玄妙的,不可分解的秘密,但是不管怎么样,强和 弱就是它的两种组织成分。
A tiny insect trying to shake a mighty tree is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness .
蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不 自量。
You 've found my weakness : pride .
你发现了我的 弱点自傲。
He has a weakness for money .
他 爱钱如命。
Not doing your homework carefully is your weakness .
你的 缺点是写作业不认真。
Early symptoms include anorexia muscular weakness and fatigue .
早期症状有厌食、 肌无力和疲劳。
Narrow-mindedness is an old weakness of mine .
气量狭窄是我的老 毛病。
I think they feel that we have taken advantage of them in their period of weakness and confusion .
我认为,他们感觉到,我们已经采取了他们在 软弱和混乱时期的优势。
He is consciously trying to overcome his weakness .
他有意识地在克服自己的 缺点。