The protests in financial centres are a well-meant but ill-focused attempt to offset this bias .
金融中心上演的那些抗议活动的出发点是 好的,但关注点不对,很难消除这种偏见。
The free universal well-meant offer of the gospel does not imply universal ability to believe .
福音的赐与是免费的、普世性的、 善意的, 但是却非意味着普世的人都有能力相信它。
What could be wrong with a little well-meant advice ?
小小的 善意的建议能有什么错呢?
At the surface of the pool there were constant ruffles ; well-meant but misguided interpretations rose to meet and fight each other in my name .
可池塘表面不断地掀起波澜, 善意然而错误的各种解释 相互 激荡,并以我的名义彼此讨伐。
Teleological observations on things often proceed from a well-meant wish to display the wisdom of God as it is especially revealed in nature .
目的论的看法常基于一种 善意 的 兴趣,想要揭示出上帝的智慧特别启示于自然中。
But clyde in spite of this honest and well-meant caution was not to be dissuaded .
虽然有这 番诚恳和 好意的劝告,克莱德还是不死心。
I am grateful to you Wilhelm for you sincere sympathy for your well-meant advice .
尽管 这样,我很感谢你给我的忠告。威廉,我感谢你真诚的同情和 善意的忠告。
There certainly may be individual cases where the malice of outward circumstances frustrates well-meant designs and disturbs the execution of the best-laid plans .
生活里的确有个别情形, 因 恶劣的外在环境而 使得 良好 的 动机 化为泡影, 使得 具有 良好目的的计划在实行的时候受到阻碍。
It 's no use telling them the dangers of smoking because they 'll just snap their fingers at the well-meant advice .
告诉他们抽烟的危害是没有用的,因为他们会把忠告 当耳边风。
Only half of women actually enjoy being praised and many others misinterpret well-meant words as offensive according to new research .
新研究发现,只有半数女性受到赞美会 感到高兴,其他许多女性会将 好意 的 赞美误解 成冒犯。
He cut the ladies and their well-meant condolences off shortly rudely .
他骄横而粗暴地对待那些太太们,并 打断她们的 善意慰问。
Could all of this come from well-meant praise ?
所有这一切都来自于 善意的称赞吗?
All the well-meant sincere advice is largely wasted on him .
他对所有 善意、真挚的建议基本都无动于衷。