wired AND

[waɪrd ænd][ˈwaiəd ænd]


  • For example the systems and marshalling cabinets were designed ordered wired and tested in just seven weeks .

    例如,信号编集柜仅在七周之内就完成了设计、 线 测试。

  • Finally the dissertation studies the bandwidth estimate scheme for wired and wireless heterogeneous networks .

    本文的最后一部分研究 有线无线异构网络的带宽估计协议。

  • Wired And Wireless 802.11 Home Networking

    有线 无线802.11家庭网络

  • Wired or wired and logic

    布线或 布线 逻辑

  • It uses the advanced bus acquisition mode to collect meteorological elements . It communicate with the host computer throw high-speed Ethernet which is based on TCP / IP protocol and it is in wired and wireless ( GPRS ) ways .

    其中,各气象要素的采集采用了先进的总线采集方式,基于TCP/IP协议通过高速以太网与上位机通讯,并采用了 有线 无线(GPRS)两种方式。

  • Tonight he is manic wired and uptight .

    今晚,他躁动不安,紧张 的。

  • Among them Window terminal and big screen connecting communication controller connection mode can be adopted wired and wireless in two ways .

    其中,窗口终端及大屏幕和通讯控制器相连,连接方式可采用 有线 无线两种方式。

  • The working conditions temperature is120 ℃ - 35 ℃ operation way for ground operation ( wired and wireless two kinds ) .

    工作环境温度为一20℃-35℃之间,操纵方式为地面操纵( 有线 无线两种)。

  • Sonde Housings have a special anti-vibration structure the effective protection of prober wired and wireless dual-use .

    探棒腔设有特殊防振结构,有效保护仪器, 有线无线两用。

  • In the economic and practical purposes research for industrial control environment of wired and wireless hybrid industrial control network technology is very necessary .

    本着经济实用的目的,研究面向工业控制环境的 有线 无线混合的工业控制网络技术是非常必要的。

  • The system establishes a real-time water-supply scheduling system with multi-level scheduling and mixed wired and wireless communications .

    建立起一套适应于多级调度的,以 有线 方式 无线通信方式相结合进行数据传输的实时供水调度系统。

  • Bedrooms feature a large work area with a desk a multi-purpose fax machine and wired and wireless Internet access .

    睡房为宾客提供了充分的商务空间,办公桌,多功能传真机、 有线 无线网络连接 设备 一应俱全

  • These elements define various clustering parameters controlling how the underlying WADI 's components are wired and set-up upon application deployment .

    这些元素定义各种集群参数,用于控制如何在应用程序部署时 连接 设置基础WADI的组件。

  • As you will see the way our brains are wired and the hormones pulsing through our bodies are the two factors that largely dictate long before we are born how we will think and behave .

    正如你所看到的,即使在你出生前,你大脑的 构造 以及荷尔蒙的作用就决定了你今后思维和行为的方式。

  • I was constantly either tired or wired and you could have literally played'connect the dots'with a crayon on my face ; I had a ton of zits .

    我经常觉得累而且浑身缠着电话 线(叫外卖)你 甚至可以用蜡笔在我脸上玩“连点”游戏,天啊!那时我脸上净是痘痘。

  • Compressor control panels shall be mounted on the equipment skid fully wired and tested before dispatch from manufacturers'works .

    从制造商工厂发运前,压缩机控制面板应安装在?、线路全部 经过测试。

  • Browser and mobile terminal for the carrier the use of wired and wireless networks and server systems to connect and build a flexible mobile application office information systems .

    以浏览器和手机终端为载体,使用 有线 无线网络与服务器系统进行连接,建立起一套灵活的移动化应用办公信息系统。

  • Moreover it provides various user interfaces and supports almost all the prevalent wired and wireless interfaces .

    并提供了丰富的外围接口,支持几乎所有流行的 有线 无线接口标准。

  • Message Authentication Code ( MAC ) for data authentication has been widely applied in traditional wired and wireless networks .

    用于数据认证的消息验证码(MAC)在传统 有线 无线网络已有广泛应用。

  • The Design on Planning for Integrated of Wired and Wireless Network in Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics Library

    兰州商学院图书馆 有线无线综合网络规划设计

  • In the access field ZTE can provide a full range of access solutions including narrowband broadband wired and wireless .

    在接入领域,中兴通讯提供包括窄带、带、 线 线多种接入产品。

  • This paper respectively introduces composition characteristics and design methods of wired and wireless communication in measuring and controlling system for agricultural establishment mass .

    分别介绍了农业设施群测控系统中使用 有线通信技术 无线通信技术的组成特点与设计方法。

  • The typical wired and wireless data transmission systems used in PHM system are also discussed .

    并对 有线 无线两种数据传输技术的典型应用实例进行了讨论。

  • Combined Wired and Wireless Access Network

    有线 无线技术结合的接入网

  • In addition it allows various portable equipments and notebook PC to move from one building to another one or from one network to another one and get across wired and wireless networks at the same time .

    此外,它还可以使各种手持设备和笔记本电脑从一栋建筑物移动到另一栋建筑物,或从一个网络到另一个网络,同时能够跨越 有线 无线网络。

  • The video communication service will be the future wired and in the wireless network one of load bearing primary services .

    视频通信业务将是未来 有线 无线网络上承载的主要业务之一。

  • Considering the information transmission and the different applications both wired and wireless network communication module is designed and implemented . 4 .

    为了方便信息传输,并考虑到不同的应用场合,设计并实现了 有线 无线两种网络通信模块。

  • Research on Simultaneous Transmission for Both Wired and Wireless Signals in Radio Over Fiber System

    Radio-over-Fiber系统中 有线 无线信号混合传输相关技术研究

  • Eventually the respective merits of wired and wireless transmission are combined powerfully .

    最终把 有线 无线传输的各自优点进行有力结合。