Such being the case is due to the decrease of the agricultural productive forces the slow speed of development of rural enterprises the slowdown of the urbanization of rural areas and the system differences between urban and rural areas .
u8fd9 u662fu7531u4e8eu519cu4e1au521bu6536u80fdu529bu4e0bu964du3001u4e61u9547u4f01u4e1au53d1u5c55u51cfu7f13u3001u519cu6751u57ceu9547u5316u53d1u5c55u6edeu540eu4ee5u53cau57ceu4e61u4e4bu95f4u7684u5236u5ea6u6027u5deeu522bu7b49u539fu56e0u9020u6210u7684u3002
Such being the case is this situation unchangeable ?
u5c31u662f u8fd9u6837u3002 u4f46uff0cu53eau80fdu8fd9u6837u5417uff1f
The roads are bad and such being the case we must drive slowly .
u9053u8defu5f88u7cdfuff0c u60c5u51b5u65e2u7136 u5982u6b64uff0cu6211u4eecu53eau597du628au8f66u5f00u6162u70b9u513fu3002
Such being the case and a convent having happened to be on our road it has been our duty to enter it .
u65e2u662f u8fd9u6837uff0cu6211u4eecu5728u8defu4e0au53c8u9047u5230u4e86u4e00u4e2au4feeu9662uff0cu6211u4eecu4fbfu5e94u5f53u8d70u8fdbu53bbu3002
Such being the case is there any doubt that as long as fighting and training are not impeded all troops without exception should use the present opportunity to learn how to be partially self-supporting through production ?
u7167 u6b64 u770bu6765uff0cu6211u4eecu5168u519bu5e94u8d81u76eeu524du7684u65f6u673auff0cu5728u4e0du59a8u788du4f5cu6218u548cu8badu7ec3u7684 u6761u4ef6u4e4bu4e0buff0cu4e00u5f8bu5b66u4f1au5b8cu6210u90e8u5206u7684u751fu4ea7u81eau7ed9 u7684u4efbu52a1uff0cu96beu9053u8fd8u6709u7591u95eeu5417uff1f
Such being the case I have to consult my manager .
u65e2u7136 u662f u8fd9u6837 u7684 u8bdduff0cu6211u5f97u8bf7u793au7ecfu7406u3002
Such being the case the understanding of nature would be greatly improved .
u5982u679c u662f u8fd9u6837uff0c u90a3u4e48u6211u4eecu5bf9u5927u81eau7136u7684u8ba4u8bc6u5c06u4f1au5927u4e3au63d0u9ad8u3002
Even things that infuriated him so much fail to make a single stir in his heart ! Such being the case the person truly needs to go elsewhere to look for different scenery .
u751au81f3u6fc0u6012u8fc7u4f60u7684u4e00u5207u4e5fu4e0du518du6fc0u6012u4f60uff0c u8fd9u65f6uff0cu4ebau5c31u9700u8981u5bfbu627eu53e6u4e00u7247u98ceu666fu3002
Such being the case how are We to save the millions of Our subjects or to atone Ourselves before the hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors ?
u5728 u8fd9u79cd u60c5u51b5 u4e0buff0cu6211u4eecu5982u4f55u4fddu62a4u6211u4eecu6570u4ee5u767eu4e07u7684u76eeu6807uff0cu4ee5u53cau5982u4f55u507fu8fd8u6211u4eecu5e1du56fdu7956u5148u7684u795eu5723u7cbeu795eu5462uff1f
Such being the case of different double beam section and load change adopting decomposition combination to making double bean frame internal force analyse .
u5728u53ccu6881u65adu9762u4e0du540cuff0cu53ccu6881 u4e0au8377u91cdu53d8u5316u8f83u5927u7684 u60c5u51b5 u4e0buff0cu91c7u7528u5206u89e3u7ec4u5408u6cd5u8fdbu884cu53ccu6881u5f0fu6846u67b6u5185u529bu5206u6790u3002
Such being the case it becomes very essential to quicken then development of railway container transport and one of the important tasks is to improve the layout of the railway container yard and station .
u52a0u5febu94c1u8defu96c6u88c5u7bb1u8fd0u8f93u7cfbu7edfu53d1u5c55 u5df2u7ecfu523bu4e0du5bb9u7f13uff0cu5176u4e2du8c03u6574u94c1u8defu96c6u88c5u7bb1 u573au7ad9u5e03u5c40u5c31u662fu91cdu8981u4efbu52a1u4e4bu4e00u3002
Owing to the overexploitation for groundwater thus leading the water lowering of groundwater the formation and enlargement of the cone of depression and the ground subsidence such being the case the geologic hazard will easily occur at any time .
u56e0u8fc7u91cfu5f00u91c7u5730u4e0bu6c34u800cu5f15u8d77u5730u4e0bu6c34u6c34u4f4du4e0bu964duff0cu964du843du6f0fu6597u5f62u6210u5e76u6269u5927uff0cu540cu65f6u5f15u53d1u5730u9762u6c89u964duff0c u9020u6210u5730u8d28u707eu5bb3 u53d1u751fu3002
Such being the case accuracy of test results can be obtained through verification on condition that a model is similar to prototype departure from water surface profile is in a limit required and distribution of flow velocity on cross-section coincides basically with each other .
u5728u6b64 u60c5u51b5 u4e0buff0cu901au8fc7u9a8cu8bc1u8bd5u9a8cuff0cu53eau8981u505au5230u6a21u578bu4e0eu539fu578bu57fau672cu76f8u4f3cuff0cu6c34u9762u7ebfu7684u504fu79bbu5904u4e8eu8981u6c42u8303u56f4u5185uff0cu6d41u901fu6cbfu65adu9762u7684u5206u5e03u57fau672cu4e0au4e0eu539fu578bu4e00u81f4uff0cu8fd9u6837u5c31u53efu4ee5u4fddu8bc1u8bd5u9a8cu6210u679cu7684u53efu9760u6027u3002
Such being the case archaeology therefore unlike most other natural sciences which have come to China unprecedented serves best to link together modern science and traditional Chinese learning .
u65e2u7136 u5982u6b64uff0cu90a3u4e48uff0cu4e0eu5927u591au6570u4e2du56fdu7b2cu4e00u6b21u63a5u89e6u5230u7684u81eau7136u79d1u5b66u4e0du540cuff0cu8003u53e4u5b66u6781u597du5730u5c06u897fu65b9u8fd1u4ee3u79d1u5b66u548cu4e2du56fdu53e4u5178u5b66u95eeu8054u7cfbu8d77u6765u3002
Such being the case there are no grounds to justify your complaints .
u60c5u51b5 u5c31u662f u8fd9u6837uff0cu4f60u7684u62b1u6028u662fu6ca1u6709u9053u7406u7684u3002
Such being the case countermeasures must be taken accordingly .
u9488u5bf9 u4ee5u4e0a u60c5u51b5uff0cu5fc5u987bu53cau65f6u63d0u51fau5bf9u7b56u548cu5efau8baeuff0cu91c7u53d6u4e00u7cfbu5217u7efcu5408u6027u63aau65bdu3002
Such being the case the teachers must pay attention to that the teachers apply the migration law consciously during the teaching activities so as to improve the comprehension ability of the students during the reading .
Such being the case it is impossible for us to
u60c5u51b5 u65e2u7136 u662f u8fd9u6837uff0cu6211u65b9u5f88u96be
Such being the case the cultural context knowledge is important the teacher should induct in the foreign language teaching cultural context knowledge momentarily to the teaching .
u6587u5316u80ccu666fu77e5u8bc6 u65e2u7136 u5982u6b64u91cdu8981uff0cu6559u5e08u5728u5916u8bedu6559u5b66u4e2du5c31u5e94u8be5u628au6587u5316u80ccu666fu77e5u8bc6u968fu65f6u5bfcu5165u5230u6559u5b66u4e2du3002
Such being the case introducing market mechanism and marketing theory tools reasonably using marketing principle guiding the higher vocational colleges to market competition is the inevitable choice in the wave of higher education marketization .
u9274u4e8e u6b64uff0cu5408u7406u5f15u5165u5e02u573au673au5236u53cau5e02u573au8425u9500u7406u8bbau5de5u5177uff0cu7528u5e02u573au8425u9500u7684u7406u5ff5u6307u5bfcu9ad8u804cu9662u6821u5e94u5bf9u5e02u573au7adeu4e89uff0cu662fu9ad8u7b49u6559u80b2u5e02u573au5316u6d6au6f6eu4e0bu7684u5fc5u7136u9009u62e9uff0cu66f4u5177u6709u91cdu8981u7684u73b0u5b9eu610fu4e49u3002
Such being the case how can we change our policy towards Hong Kong ?
u65e2u7136 u8fd9u6837uff0cu600eu4e48u4f1au6539u53d8u5bf9u9999u6e2fu7684u653fu7b56u5462uff1f
Such being the case you have no grounds for dismissing him .
u5982u679c u60c5u51b5 u5982u6b64 u7684 u8bdduff0cu4f60u6ca1u6709u7406u7531u89e3u96c7u4ed6u3002
Such being the case we were very lucky to have a house of our own .
u60c5u51b5 u65e2u7136 u5982u6b64uff0cu6211u4eecu80fdu6709u4e00u5e62u81eau5df1u7684u623fu5b50u5c31u7b97u5f88u5e78u8fd0u4e86u3002
Such being the case this dissertation regarding New Literature as a part of the variation and transformation of Chinese literature posits that it is in the period of New Literature that the variation and transformation of Chinese literary theory actually start .
u5728 u8fd9u6837 u7684u7814u7a76u80ccu666f u4e0buff0cu672cu8bbau6587u5c06u4e2du56fdu65b0u6587u5b66u89c6u4e3au4e2du56fdu6587u5b66u53d8u5f02u548cu8f6cu578bu7684u4e00u90e8u5206u8fdbu884cu8003u5bdfuff0cu6307u51fauff0cu4e2du56fdu6587u5b66u7406u8bbau7684u53d8u5f02u548cu8f6cu578bu6b63u662fu5728u65b0u6587u5b66u53d1u751fu65f6u671fu5f00u59cbu7684u3002
Such being the case it is of theoretical and practical significance to study WTO ^ specially its dispute-settling system .
u6240u4ee5u7814u7a76u4e16u8d38u7ec4u7ec7u7279u522bu662fu5176u4e89u7aefu89e3u51b3u673au5236 u5c31u66f4u5177u7406u8bbau548cu73b0u5b9eu610fu4e49u3002
He is very sick such being the case we should take care of him .
u201cu4ed6u75c5u5f97u5f88u91cduff0c u65e2u7136 u5982u6b64uff0cu6211u4eecu5e94u8be5u7167u987eu4ed6u3002u201d
Such being the case we should probe into or solve the problem on the comparative advantage and its decisive factors in the trade of financial service and even the important research subject on the transformation of financial service trade from comparative advantage to internationally competitive ability .
Such being the case when a student starts to learn English today he must be aware of or the teachers must help him aware of the differences between the two and then decide which one he prefers .
美[sʌtʃ ˈbiɪŋ ði kes]英[sʌtʃ ˈbi:ɪŋ ðə keis]