The baby is sucking its finger .
u90a3u5c0fu5b69u5728 u542e u624bu6307u3002
I walked around the house sucking my very painful finger and eventually arrived at the telephone .
u6211u5728u5c4bu91ccu8d70u6765u8d70u53bbuff0cu4e0d u4f4fu5730 u542e u7740 u9635u9635 u4f5cu75db u7684 u624bu6307uff0cu6700u540eu8d70u5230u4e86u7535u8bddu673au65c1uff01
I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger finally arriving at the stairway .
u6211 u5438u542eu8457u5267u75dbu7684 u624bu6307u5934u5728u5c4bu5b50u91ccu8d70u6765u8d70u53bbuff0cu6700u540eu5230u4e86u697cu68afu53e3u3002
美[ˈsʌkɪŋ ˈfɪŋɡɚ]英[ˈsʌkiŋ ˈfiŋɡə]
[医] 吮指,吸指