The portraits and sumptuous ornaments and the gold clock show that this is not just any old front room .
u5899u4e0au6302u7684u753bu50cfu3001 u5962u534eu7684u88c5u9970u548cu90a3u5ea7u91d1u949fu90fdu8868u660eu8fd9u53efu4e0du662fu4e00u95f4 u666eu666eu901a u901au7684u5ba2u5385u3002
Such an occasion would be concluded with a sumptuous feast .
u8fd9u6837u7684u573au9762u4f1au5728 u76dbu5927u7684u5bb4u4f1au4e2du7ed3u675fu3002
We were ushered into a sumptuous dining hall .
u6211u4eecu88abu9886u8fdbu4e00u4e2a u8c6au534eu7684u9910u5385u3002
Answer cabanas uncle aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner .
u56deu7b54u5c0fu5c4buff0cu4f2fu7236u4f2fu6bcdu51c6u5907u4e86 u4e30u76dbu7684u665au9910u3002
You will see a sumptuous feast .
u60a8u4f1au770bu89c1u4e00u573a u8c6au534eu7684u76dbu5bb4u3002
At a spacious and luxurious restaurant at the foot of Fuji we ate a definitely not sumptuous western meal .
u6211u4eecu5728u5bccu58ebu5c71u9e93u7684u4e00u5bb6u5bbdu655eu8c6au534eu7684u9910u5385u91ccu5403u4e86u4e00u987fu5e76u4e0d u8c6au534eu7684u897fu9910u3002
Lai Junchen had a sumptuous feast prepared and invited Zhou Xing to his home .
u4ed6u51c6u5907u4e86u4e00 u684c u4e30u76dbu7684u9152u5e2duff0cu628au5468u5174u8bf7u5230u81eau5df1u5bb6u91ccu3002
Sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality .
Bob and Louise had prepared a sumptuous meal to thaw out our bodies .
u9c8du52c3u548cu8defu6613u4e1du4e3au6211u4eecu51c6u5907u4e86u4e00 u987f u4e30u76dbu7684u996du83dcu7ed9u6211u4eecu6696u6696u8eabu5b50u3002
Yana : We had a very sumptuous dinner in the jungle .
u6211u4eecu5728u4e1bu6797u91ccu6709u8fc7u4e00u6b21 u5962u4f88u7684u665au9910u3002
Where my dear Charles did you find this sumptuous greenery ?
u4eb2u7231u7684u67e5u5c14u65afuff0cu4f60u5728u4ec0u4e48u5730u65b9u53d1u73b0u8fd9 u7247 u7e41u76db u8471u830fu7684u8349u6728u7684u3002
In the earlier part of his reign ballets were more frequent and sumptuous than ever before .
u5728u4ed6u6267u653fu7684u65e9u671fuff0cu82adu857eu6bd4u4eceu524du4efbu4f55u65f6u5019u90fdu6f14u51fau9891u7e41u548cu66f4u52a0 u8c6au534eu3002
Adults birthday party on the more formal and most are in a restaurant eating a sumptuous dinner .
u6210u5e74u4ebau7684u751fu65e5u805au4f1au5c31u6bd4u8f83u6b63u5f0fu4e86uff0cu4e00u822cu662fu5728u4e00u5bb6u9910u5385u5403u4e00 u987f u4e30u76dbu7684u665au9910u3002
Goods arrive in elegant black shopping bags with sumptuous gold lettering and logos .
u6240u6709u9012u9001u7ed9u6d88u8d39u8005u7684u5546u54c1u90fdu7528u5178u96c5u7684u9ed1u8272u8d2du7269u888bu8fdbu884cu5305u88c5uff0cu5305u88c5u888bu4e0a u70b9u7f00 u7740 u5962u534eu7684u91d1u5b57u548cLogou3002
After sumptuous banquet they also took us to a dance hall to dance and sing .
u5962 u76dbu7684u5bb4u4f1au540euff0cu4ed6u4eecu8fd8u5e26u6211u4eecu5230u4e00u4e2au821eu5385u53bbu8df3u821eu548cu5531u6b4cu3002
From sea bass to abalone clams to prawns Chile serves up a sumptuous feast from the sea .
u9ed1u9c88u3001u9c8du9c7cu3001u86e4u870au3001u5bf9u867euff0cu667au5229 u968fu65f6u5949u4e0a u8c6au534e u7684 u6d77u9c9cu76dbu5bb4u3002
Lunch or a sumptuous than the last night also .
u5348u5bb4u8fd8u662fu6bd4u6628u665au8fd8 u4e30u76dbu3002
The distinguished guests are served with a sumptuous feast . He had an excellent meal .
u7f8eu80b4 u4f73u9910uff0c u76dbu5bb4u8d35u5bbeu3002u4ed6u5403u4e86u5f88u4e30u76dbu7684u4e00u9910u3002
Johnson stared goggle-eyed at Kravis ' sumptuous quarters .
u7ea6u7ff0u900au76eeu77aau53e3u5446u5730u671bu7740u514bu62c9u7ef4u65afu7684 u8c6au5b85u3002
To accept ( these sumptuous gifts ) embarrasses me but to refuse them would be unmannerly . ; To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing .
The famous lawyer was shown to a sumptuous suite .
u90a3u4f4du8457u540du7684u5f8bu5e08u88abu5f15u8fdbu4e86u4e00u5957 u8c6au534eu7684u623fu95f4u3002
The streets groan under the weight of people . The air is filled with deafening noise and sumptuous smells .
u8857u9053u88abu4ebau7684u91cdu91cfu538bu5f97u5728u547bu541f.u7a7au6c14u4e2du5145u6ee1u7740u9707u8033u6b32u804bu7684u55a7u54d7u566au97f3u548c u5962 u8c6au7684u6c14u5473u3002
On New Year 's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion .
u9664u5915u4e4bu591cuff0cu4e00u5bb6u4ebau5403u4e86u4e00 u987f u4e30u76dbu7684u56e2u5706u996du3002
It makes a great dress shirt which is mainly where you will find this sumptuous hue .
u4f60u4f1au53d1u89c9uff0cu8fd9u662fu4e00 u7c7b u5962u534eu7684u8272u8c03uff0cu5b83u4f7fu5f97u4e00u4ef6u886cu8863 u534eu4e3d u4e0du5df2u3002
Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden .
She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics .
u5979u7528u5404u79cd u534eu8d35u7684u5e03u6599u5236u4f5cu9ad8u96c5u7684u5a5au7eb1u3002
Later he thoroughly enjoyed a sumptuous feast at our booth and left contented .
u7a0du540eu4ed6u5728u6211u4eecu644au4f4du4eabu7528u4e86u4e00 u987f u4e30u76dbu5927u9910uff0cu624du5fc3u6ee1u610fu8db3u5730u79bbu53bbu3002
Norma what I 've from you has been sumptuous .
u8bfau739buff0cu6211u4eceu4f60 u90a3u513fu5df2u7ecfu5f97u5230u4e86 u5f88u591a u5f88u591au4e86u3002