Sunlight came in through the windows . ; The sun shines in at the window .
It can be seen clearly in a ray of sunlight or under a lamp
u5b83u5728 u9633u5149u6216u706fu5149u4e0bu6e05u6670u53efu89c1u3002
The calm sea glistened in the sunlight
u5e73u9759u7684u6d77u9762u5728 u9633u5149 u4e0bu6ce2u5149u7cbcu7cbcu3002
A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds .
u4e00u7f15 u9633u5149u900fu8fc7u4e91u5c42u7167u5c04u4e0bu6765u3002
He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight .
u4ed6u7528u5de6u624bu6321u4f4fu53cdu5c04 u8fc7u6765 u7684 u9633u5149u3002
The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin .
u5728u8fd9u6bb5u9634u90c1u7684u65f6u671fuff0cu9047u5230u5e76u7231u4e0au9a6cu4e01u6210u4e3au5979u552fu4e00u7684u4e00u4e1d u6170u85c9u3002
Sunlight had broken through the clouds .
I saw her sitting at a window table bathed in sunlight .
u6211u770bu89c1u5979u5750u5728u9760u7a97u7684u684cu65c1uff0cu6c90u6d74u5728 u9633u5149u4e2du3002
The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight
u7070u5c18u5728 u9633u5149 u4e0bu65cbu8f6cu7ffbu817eu3002
The bright sunlight made me squint
u5f3au70c8u7684 u9633u5149u523au5f97u6211u772fu8d77u4e86u773cu3002
Quite recently man has succeeded in converting sunlight directly into electrical energy .
u6700u8fd1u4ebau4eecu5df2u7ecfu6210u529fu5730u628a u592au9633 u5149u76f4u63a5u8f6cu5316u4e3au7535u80fdu3002
Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight .
u8fdcu53e4u6587u660eu76f8u4fe1u65b0u9c9cu7684u7a7au6c14u548c u9633u5149u6709u6cbbu75c5u7684u529fu6548u3002
The sunlight glared .
Plants can not do grow w_184 without soil water and sunlight .
u690du7269u77edu4e0du4e86u571fu58e4u3001u6c34u548c u9633u5149u3002
The trickling stream glistened in the sunlight .
u6d93u6d93u6eaau6d41u5728 u9633u5149 u4e0bu95eau95eau53d1u4eaeu3002
All colour fades u2014 especially under the impact of direct sunlight
u6240u6709u989cu8272u90fdu4f1au892au8272u2014u2014u5c24u5176u662fu5728 u9633u5149 u76f4u5c04 u4e0bu3002
Sunlight glinted on his spectacles .
u9633u5149 u7167u5c04u4e0buff0cu4ed6u7684u773cu955cu7247u95eau7740u5149u3002
Sunlight had discoloured the bright red curtain .
Those clouds would have cast shadows that would have blocked some sunlight out .
u90a3u4e9bu4e91u6735u539fu672cu4f1au6295u5c04u51fau4e00u4e9bu9634u5f71uff0cu6321u4f4fu90e8u5206 u592au9633 u5149u3002
Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight
u836fu54c1u7684u50a8u653eu5e94u907fu514d u9633u5149 u76f4u5c04 u3002
Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct hot sunlight
u5927u591au6570u690du7269u90fdu8981u5c3du91cf u907fu514d u5f3au5149 u76f4u5c04 u3002
All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof .
u800cu5916u9762u7684u4e16u754cuff0cu4f60u6240 u80fdu770bu89c1u7684u5c31u53eau662fu900fu8fc7u623fu9876u7f1du9699 u5c04 u8fdbu6765 u7684 u9633u5149u3002
If you must be in the sunlight use the strongest filter cream you can get
u5982u679cu4e00u5b9au8981u5446u5728 u592au9633 u5e95u4e0bu7684u8bdduff0cu5c31u64e6u4e0au4f60u80fdu4e70u5230u7684u9632u6652u7cfbu6570u6700u9ad8u7684u9632u6652u971cu3002
Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation
Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard .
u9633u5149 u7167u5230u9662u5b50u91ccu3002
It lets sunlight in but doesn 't let heat out
u5b83u5438u6536 u9633u5149uff0cu4f46u5e76u4e0du91cau653eu70edu91cfu3002
A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway .
u4e00u675fu8000u773cu7684 u9633u5149u4eceu95e8u53e3 u7167u5c04u8fdbu6765u3002
Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight .
u548cu671bu8fdcu955cu4e00u6837uff0cu5b83u6709u4e00u4e2au66f2u9762u955cu53efu4ee5u79efu805a u9633u5149u3002
The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight .
u6811u53f6u5728u79cbu65e5u7684u6668u66e6u4e2du6cdbu51fau7ea2u9ec4u8272u7684 u5149u3002
The sunlight was reflected from the water .