Is ten dollars a big sum to him ?
u5bf9u4ed6u6765u8bf4uff0cu5341u7f8eu5143u662fu4e2au5927 u6570u76eeu5417uff1f
If you do add them and compare their sum to the total social cost of the financial crisis the picture is no longer one of unabashed mollycoddling of the financial sector and neglect of the manufacturing sector .
u5982u679cu7b97u4e0au8fd9u90e8u5206u6210u672cuff0cu5e76u5c06u5176 u603bu548c u4e0eu91d1u878du5371u673au7684u603bu793eu4f1au6210u672cu8fdbu884cu6bd4u8f83uff0cu60c5u51b5u5c31u5168u7136u4e0du540cu4e86uff0cu4e0du518du662fu91d1u878du4e1au4e00u5473u53d7u5230u65e0u803bu7684u7eb5u5bb9uff0cu800cu5236u9020u4e1au4e00u518du906du5230u5ffdu89c6u3002
The requirement that your turns sum to zero is necessary to keep you from getting caught in certain loops such as one shaped like a capital G ( try it out on paper to see what I mean ) .
u8f6cu8eabu6570u7684 u603bu548c u5fc5u987bu662fu96f6uff0cu8fd9u662fu4e3au4e86u907fu514du9677u5165u67d0u4e9bu73afu8defuff0cu6bd4u5982u5927u5199u5b57u6bcdGu5f62u72b6u7684u73afu8defuff08u5728u7eb8u4e0au8bd5u7740u8d70u4e00u4e0bu8fd9u4e2au5f62u72b6uff0cu5c31u4f1au660eu767du6211u7684u610fu601duff09u3002
Ten thousand pounds ! Heaven forbid ! How is half such a sum to be repaid ?
u4e00u4e07 u9551uff01u5929u4e0du5bb9uff01u5373u4f7fu534au6570uff0cu53c8u600eu4e48u8fd8 u5f97u8d77uff1f
He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund .
u4ed6 u5411u6551u6d4eu57fau91d1u6350u8d60 u5de8u8d44u3002
His brother made out the sum to settle the account .
u4ed6u5144u5f1fu62fcu51d1u4e86 u8fd9u7b14 u6b3eu5b50 u6765u4e86u7ed3u8d26u76eeu3002
Where a holder authorizes a bank to receive payment on his behalf the bill is deemed as receipted when the authorized bank credits the collected sum to the holder 's account .
u6301u7968u4ebau59d4u6258u94f6u884cu6536u6b3eu7684uff0cu53d7u59d4u6258u7684u94f6u884cu5c06u4ee3u6536u7684u6c47u7968 u91d1u989du8f6cu8d26u6536u5165u6301u7968u4ebau8d26u6237uff0cu89c6u540cu7b7eu6536u3002
They paid a Single-Phase Electric Motor huge sum to rent a cabin YC / YCL Series Single-Phase Electric Motor a similar about to rent a boat .
u4e24u4ebau82b1u4e86u4e00 u5927u7b14u94b1u79dfu4e86u4e00u95f4u5c0fu5c4buff0cu53c8u82b1u4e86u5deeu4e0du591au540cu6837u7684u94b1u79dfu4e86u4e00u6761u8239u3002
He cannot get the sum to work out .
u4ed6u7b97u4e0du51fa u603bu6570u3002
He had been offered a substantial sum to return to China from the United States and was then awarded a large grant to continue his work .
u4ed6u4eceu7f8eu56fdu8fd4u56deu4e2du56fdu65f6uff0cu83b7u5f97u4e86u4e00u5927u7b14 u94b1uff0cu7136u540eu53c8u5f97u5230u4e86 u5927u7b14u8d44u52a9u6765u7ee7u7eedu4ed6u7684u5de5u4f5cu3002
The secret here is increase the sum to save in proper time .
u8fd9u91ccu7684u7a8du95e8u662fu5728u5408u9002u7684u65f6u5019u589eu52a0 u5b58u94b1 u7684 u6570u91cfu3002
And the incentive to make this approximation and carry the sum to infinity is that then we can put this in what turns out to be a very simple closed form .
u4f5cu51fau8fd9u79cdu8fd1u4f3cuff0cu628a u6c42 u548cu53d8u4e3a u5bf9u6709u9650u9879u7684 u8ba1u7b97uff0cu662fu56e0u4e3au8fd9u6837u6211u4eecu80fdu5f97u5230uff0cu4e00u79cdu5341u5206u7b80u5355uff0cu5c01u95edu7684u5f62u5f0fu3002
In other words there is no fixed sum to go around ; individuals add to the pie by their activities .
u6362u8a00u4e4buff0cu6211u4eecu4e0du662fu628au4e00u4e2au56fau5b9au7684 u6570u91cfu5206u914d u7ed9u6bcfu4e2au4ebauff1bu6bcfu4e2au4ebau90fdu901au8fc7u5404u81eau7684u6d3bu52a8u4f7fu9985u997cu589eu5927u3002
The agent shall inform the applicant after accepting the property within five working days and remit the remaining sum to appointed account by applicant after deducting the agency fee .
u4ee3u7406u4ebau63a5u53d7u6267u884cu8d22u7269u540euff0c5u4e2au5de5u4f5cu65e5u5185u901au77e5u7533u8bf7u4ebau3002u6263u9664u4ee3u7406u8d39u540euff0cu5e76u5c06 u4f59u6b3eu6c47 u81f3u7533u8bf7u4ebau6307u5b9au7684u8d26u6237u3002
An institution subscribed a large sum to the flood relief fund .
u67d0u4e2au673au6784 u5411u6c34u707eu6551u6d4eu57fau91d1u4f1au6350u4e86u4e00 u5927u7b14 u94b1u3002
He subscribe a large sum to an animal protection society .
u4ed6 u7ed9u52a8u7269u4fddu62a4u534fu4f1au6350u4e86u4e00 u5927u7b14 u94b1u3002
The sum to be raised was lower than the 116.7bn of 2009 but higher than many investors had expected .
u8fd9u4e00u7b79u8d44 u989du4f4eu4e8e2009u5e74u76841167u4ebfu6b27u5143uff0cu4f46u9ad8u4e8eu8bb8u591au6295u8d44u8005u7684u9884u671fu3002
WHO has allocated more than US $ 1 million for Sri Lanka at this time with a far greater sum to be allocated and raised via donors in the weeks and months to come .
u4e16u754cu536bu751fu7ec4u7ec7u8fd9u6b21u5411u65afu91ccu5170u5361u8c03u62e8100u591au4e07u7f8eu5143uff0cu8fd8u6709u4e00 u7b14u5927u5f97u591au7684 u6b3eu989d u8981u5728u4ecau540eu6570u5468u548cu6570u6708u4e2du901au8fc7u6350u52a9u65b9u6765u8c03u62e8u548cu7b79u96c6u3002
The contractor pays this relevant sum to the employer during the Defects Notification period then the works or section shall be deemed to have passed these tests after completion .
u627fu5305u5546u4e8eu7f3au9677u901au77e5u671fu9650u5185uff0c u5411u4e1au4e3bu652fu4ed8u76f8u5173 u6b3eu9879uff0cu7136u540eu5e94u8ba4u4e3au672cu5de5u7a0bu6216u533au95f4u5df2u901au8fc7u8be5u7b49u7ae3u5de5u540eu8bd5u9a8cu3002
When I checked I found out that John has been cooking the books and moved a big sum to his private account .
u6211u8c03u67e5u4e86u4e00u4e0bu540eu53d1u73b0u7ea6u7ff0u5728u5e10u672cu91ccu800du4e86u82b1u62dbuff0cu865au62a5u5e10u76eeuff0cu800cu4e14u8fd8u628au4e00 u5927u7b14 u94b1 u632au5230u4ed6u81eau5df1u7684u5e10u6237u4e0bu3002
It is not clear whether the two Chinese groups paid an upfront sum to seal the deal when it was signed on 24 May 2006 .
u76eeu524du5c1au4e0du6e05u695au8fd9u4e24u5bb6u4e2du56fdu516cu53f8u57282006u5e745u670824u65e5u7b7eu7f72u8be5u534fu8baeu65f6u662fu5426u9884u4ed8u4e86 u6b3eu9879u3002
This model utilizes discrete sampling points as input directly and convolution sum to deal with time accumulation process .
u8be5u6a21u578bu4ee5u79bbu6563u6837u672cu4f5cu4e3au76f4u63a5u8f93u5165uff0cu91c7u7528 u5377u79efu548cu7b97u6cd5u5b9eu73b0 u5bf9u65f6u95f4u7d2fu79efu6548u5e94u7684u5904u7406u3002
Hold back a sum to cover incidental expenses
u4fddu7559u4e00 u7b14 u94b1 u4ee5u652fu4ed8u6742u8d39
The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .
u4e2du56fdu7ea2u5341u5b57u4f1au6177u6168u6350u8d60u4e00 u7b14 u5de8u6b3e u4ee5u6551u6d4eu6b8bu75beu4ebau3002
In some cases reverse mortgages can be paid in one lump sum to the homeowner .
u5728u67d0u4e9bu60c5u51b5u4e0buff0cu53cdu5411u62b5u62bcu652fu4ed8u4e00 u7b14u53ef u5411u623fu4e3bu3002
I charge this sum to you .
u6211u5c06u6b64 u6b3e u6258u4f60u4fddu7ba1u3002
He contributed a large sum to the hospital .
u4ed6 u5bf9u8fd9u4e2au533bu9662u6350u52a9u4e86u4e00 u7b14 u5de8u6b3eu3002
美[sʌm tu]英[sʌm tu:]