Could you sum up the main points of the lesson ?
u4f60u80fdu5426 u603bu7ed3 u672cu8bfe u7684 u8981u70b9uff1f
Objective To study MRI features of cerebella hemangioblastomas and sum up the main points of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this disease .
u76eeu7684u63a2u8ba8u5c0fu8111u8840u7ba1u7f51u7ec7u7ec6u80deu7624MRIu8868u73b0u7279u70b9uff0c u603bu7ed3 u5176u8bcau65adu548cu9274u522bu8bcau65ad u8981u70b9u3002
Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion .
u6211u7b80u77edu5730u628au8fd9u6b21u8ba8u8bba u7684 u91cdu70b9u4f5cu4e2a u603bu7ed3u3002
Sum up and analyze the existing problem The fifth part is the conclusion which contents the main research work the basic concept the innovation points and limitations .
u7b2cu4e94u90e8u5206u7ed3u8bbauff0cu8bf4u660e u4e3bu8981u7684u7814u7a76u5de5u4f5cu3001u57fau672cu89c2u70b9u3001u521bu65b0 u70b9 u548cu5c40u9650u6027u3002
Conclusion - sum up the full text of the main points summarized innovation pointing out that the environmental costs of coal requires further study .
u7ed3u8bba& u603bu7ed3 u5168u6587 u8981u70b9uff0cu5f52u7eb3u521bu65b0u4e4bu5904uff0cu6307u51fau6709u5173u7164u70adu73afu5883u6210u672cu7684u5c1au9700u8fdbu4e00u6b65u7814u7a76u7684u5185u5bb9u3002
To sum it up the theory has three main points : ( 1 ) Central item . There must be a leading discipline or doctrine in the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies and the chief expert must be appointed accordingly .
u5b83u5305u62ecu4e09u4e2a u65b9u9762 u7684 u5185u5bb9uff1auff081uff09 u4e2du5fc3u9879uff08 CentralItemuff09uff0cu5b66u79d1u4f1au805au4e0eu4ea4u53c9u5fc5u6709u4e00u4e2au4e3bu8981 u7684u9886u57dfu3001u5b66u79d1u6216u5b66u8bf4uff0cu8fd9u662fu786eu5b9au9996u5e2du4e13u5bb6u7684u4f9du636euff1b
Objective To sum up the main points for nursing the patients undergoing fracture of mandible treated with internal fixation with micro titanium plate .
u76eeu7684 u603bu7ed3u5faeu578bu949bu677fu575au56fau5185u56fau5b9au672fu6cbbu7597u4e0bu988cu9aa8u9aa8u6298u672fu540eu60a3u8005u7684u62a4u7406 u8981u70b9u3002
To conclude this rather long line of reasoning let us first sum up the main points .
u4f5cu4e3au8fd9u4e00u6bb5u76f8u5f53u957fu7684u8bf4u7406u7684u603bu7ed3uff0cu8ba9u6211u4eecu5148 u5f52u7eb3 u4e00u4e0b u4e3bu8981 u4e4b u70b9u3002
[法] 概述要点,总结要点