They have part-time jobs with the Sunbeam Travel Company .
u4ed6u4eecu5728 u9633u5149u65c5u6e38u516cu53f8u505au517cu804cu3002
The days which now come brought not a single sunbeam .
u65e5u5b50u4e00u5929u4e00u5929u5730 u8fc7u53bbuff0c u4e00u76f4u6ca1u6709u4e00u4e1d u9633u5149u3002
His life was like a sunbeam that lit up the world around him .
u4ed6u7684u4e00u751fu5c31u8c61u4e00 u675f u9633u5149uff0cu7167u4eaeu4e86u4ed6u5468u56f4u7684u4e16u754cu3002
Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs .
u4f60u7684 u9633u5149 u5c04 u5230u6211u7684u5730u4e0auff0cu6574u5929u5730u4f38u81c2u7ad9u5728u6211u95e8u524duff0cu628au6211u7684u773cu6ceauff0cu53f9u606fu548cu6b4cu66f2u53d8u6210u7684u4e91u5f69uff0cu5e26u56deu653eu5728u4f60u7684u8db3u8fb9u3002
For that which could not be destroyed by fire being warmed with a little sunbeam presently melted away .
u56e0u4e3auff0cu706bu6240u4e0du80fdu70e7u6bc1u7684uff0cu56e0u8457 u6e29u548c u7684 u4e00u7ebf u9633u5149uff0cu7acbu5373u878du5316u3002
One sunbeam lights a room .
u4e00 u7f15 u9633u5149 u53efu4ee5u7167u4eaeu4e00u6240u623fu95f4u3002
In the world 's audience hall the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeam and the of the midnight .
u5728u4e16u754cu7684u8c12u89c1u5802u91ccuff0cu4e00 u6839u6734u7d20u7684u8349u53f6uff0cu548c u9633u5149u4e0eu591cu534au7684 u661fu8fb0u5750u5728u540cu4e00u6761u6be1 u8925u4e0au3002
With a sunbeam hid in each .
u4e00 u9053 u65e5u5149 u4e2du95f4u85cfu3002
A sunbeam slants through the west window .
u4e00 u675f u9633u5149u4eceu897fu8fb9u7684u7a97u6237u659cu5c04u8fdbu6765u3002
I 'll be the dew if you are the sunbeam .
u6211u613fu662fu90a3u6ef4u9732u6c34uff0cu5982u679cu4f60u662fu4e00 u675f u9633u5149u3002
Can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room .
u5f53u4e00 u675f u5149u7ebfu7a7fu8fdbu6697u6de1u7684u623fu95f4u65f6uff0c u6211u4eecu53efu4ee5u770bu5230u7a7au6c14u4e2du6709u8bb8u591au5c0fu9897u7c92u5728u98deu821eu3002
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam To shine for Him each day ;
u8036u7a23u547du6211u4f5cu4ed6 u5149u4eaeuff0cu6bcfu65e5u7167u8000 u4e0d u505cu3002
A sunbeam brightened her hair to gold .
u4e00 u675f u9633u5149u5c06u5979u7684u5934u53d1 u7167u6210u91d1 u9ec4u8272u3002
In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold .
u5728u5c04u5165u7a97u5185u7684 u9633u5149u91ccuff0cu7ec6u5faeu7684u5c18u57c3u50cfu91d1u5b50u4e00u822cu5728u95eau95eau53d1u4eaeu3002
Thank you again for all your kindness . sunbeam ?
u8c22u8c22u4f60u7684u597du5fc3u3002u4f60u662f u9633u5149u5417uff1f
Finally when I had fully absorbed the prettiness of my meal I went and sat in a patch of sunbeam on my clean wooden floor and ate every bite of it with my fingers while reading my daily newspaper article in Italian .
u6700u540euff0cu5145u5206u4eabu53d7u83dcu80b4u4e4bu7f8eu8272u540euff0cu6211u5728u5e72u51c0u7684u6728u5934u5730u677fu4e0au4e00u5757 u9633u5149u4e2du5750u4e0buff0cu7528u624bu6307u5934u5403u6389u6bcfu4e00u53e3u83dcuff0cu4e00u9762u9605u8bfbu6bcfu65e5u7684u610fu5927u5229u8bedu62a5u7eb8u3002
A big man with grizzled whiskers and gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing .
u4ed6u662fu4e2au5927u4e2au5b50uff0cu82b1u767du80e1u5b50uff0cu5934u5243u5f97u6676u5149 u74e6u4eaeuff0c u5076u7136u6709u4e00 u9053 u9633u5149u5728u4ed6u7684u5934u9876u4e0a u6447u6643u7740u3002
Mr Yang one of Sunbeam 's senior employees was standing there .
u9633u5149 u65c5u6e38 u516cu53f8u7684u4e00u4f4du9ad8u7ea7u96c7u5458u6768u5148u751fu7ad9u5728u65c1u8fb9u3002
In the worlds audience hall the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeam and the stars of midnight .
u5728u4e16u754cu7684u4f1au5ba2u5385u91ccuff0cu4e00u7247u5355u7eafu7684u8349u53f6uff0cu4e0e u9633u5149 u548c u7269u4e1au7684u661fu8fb0u540cu5750u5728u4e00u6761u6befu8925u4e0au3002
A sunbeam rests on the bookshelf .
u6211 u513fu5b50 u771fu662fu4e00u4e2a u5febu4e50 u7684 u4ebau3002
Last Saturday Debbie arrived at Sunbeam Travel and was given an urgent job .
u4e0au5468u516duff0cu9edbu6bd4u6765u5230 u9633u5149u65c5u6e38 u516cu53f8u540eu63a5u5230u4e86u4e00u4e2au7d27u6025u5de5u4f5cu4efbu52a1u3002
Based on the edge of Lake Matt Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870 .
u603bu90e8u8bbeu5728u9a6cu7279u6e56u8fb9u7684 u9633u5149u6e38u8247u516cu53f8u4e8e1870u5e74u5f00u59cbu9020u8239u3002
Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870 .
Was that really you or was it a luminous sunbeam
u2018u90a3u662fu771fu6b63u7684u4f60uff0cu8fd8u662fu8000u773cu7684 u9633u5149u2019
Simon sighed GetWord ( sighed ); picked up some paper from his desk and took it over to the fax machine Mr Yang one of Sunbeam 's senior employees was standing there .
u8d5bu8499u53f9u4e86u53e3u6c14uff0cu4eceu81eau5df1u7684u684cu5b50u4e0au62ffu4e86u51e0u5f20u7eb8u5e76u653eu5230u4f20u771fu673au4e0au3002 u9633u5149 u65c5u6e38 u516cu53f8u7684u4e00u4f4du9ad8u7ea7u96c7u5458u6768u5148u751fu7ad9u5728u65c1u8fb9u3002
A. Just as sunflowers turn their heads to catch every sunbeam so too have we discovered a simple way to get more from our sun .
u5411u65e5u8475u901au8fc7u8f6cu5934u6765u8fceu63a5u6bcfu4e00 u7f15 u9633u5149uff0cu4ebau4eecu4e5fu53d1u73b0u4e86u4e00u4e2au7b80u5355u7684u65b9u6cd5u4eceu592au9633u90a3u91ccu5f97u5230u66f4u591au3002
I cannot said the Sunbeam .
u201cu8fd9u4e2au6211 u53efu505au4e0du5230uff0cu201d u592au9633 u5149u8bf4u3002
The snow was cold but was pierced by the Sunbeam therefore it was easy to get through it and now the Sunbeam came with greater strength than before .
u96eau662fu5f88u51b7u7684uff0cu4f46u662fu5f88u5bb9u6613u88ab u51b2u7834u3002u8fd9u65f6u592au9633u5149u5c04u8fdbu6765u4e86uff0cu5b83u7684u529bu91cfu6bd4u4eceu524du8981u5f3au5927u5f97u591au3002
The child jesus wanting to play in the clouds crawled into the sky on a sunbeam but all of the playmates who followed him soon lost their faith and fell to their deaths .
u5723u5a74u8036u7a23uff0cu60f3u5230u4e91u91ccu53bbu73a9uff0cu5728u4e00 u675f u9633u5149 u5149u675f u4e0bu722cu5230u5929u7a7au91ccuff0cu4f46u8ddfu968fu4ed6u7684u6240u6709u73a9u4f34u90fdu5931u53bbu4e86u4ed6u4eecu7684u4fe1u4ef0uff0cu9677u5165u6b7bu4ea1u91ccu3002
Their flowers in bud smile in the sunbeam .
u9633u5149 u666eu7167u82b1u82deu542bu7b11u3002