Calculation of mass and energy balance for sulfuric acid alkylation process
u786bu9178 u70f7u57fa u5316u7684u5de5u827au8ba1u7b97u65b9u6cd5
By adding water into acid sludge of refinery sulfuric alkylation dilute sulfuric acid and polymer oil can be obtained . When the dilute sulfuric acid react with sodium silicate precipitated white carbon can will be produced .
u5229u7528u70bcu6cb9u5382 u786bu9178 u70f7u57fau5316u9178u6e23uff0cu52a0u6c34u5206u79bbu51fau7a00u786bu9178u548cu805au5408u6cb9uff0cu7a00u786bu9178u4e0eu7845u9178u94a0uff08u4fd7u79f0u6c34u73bbu7483uff09u6eb6u6db2u53cdu5e94uff0cu751fu4ea7u6c89u6dc0u6cd5u767du70adu9ed1uff1b
A new method for sulfuric acid alkylation unit start up
u786bu9178u6cd5 u70f7u57fa u5316u88c5u7f6eu7684u4e00u79cdu65b0u5f00u5de5u65b9u6cd5
Process optimization of 65 kt / a sulfuric acid alkylation plant
6.5u4e07t/a u786bu9178 u70f7u57fa u5316u88c5u7f6eu5de5u827au4f18u5316
Comprehensively Utilize the Acid Sludge of Sulfuric Alkylation
u786bu9178 u70f7u57fa u5316u9178u6e23u7684u7efcu5408u5229u7528
The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant and it was utilized to produce active clay .
u8bbau8ff0u4e86 u786bu9178 u70f7u57fa u5316u5e9fu9178u7684u5904u7406u65b9u6cd5uff0cu5e76u7528u6765u751fu4ea7u6d3bu6027u767du571fu3002
美[sʌlˈfjʊrɪk ˌælkəˈleʃən]英[sʌlˈfjʊərɪk ˌælkiˈleiʃ(ə)n]
[化] 硫酸烃化