It carries heightened risk for heart attacks strokes and sudden death .
u800cu52a8u8109u786cu5316u5219u4f1au4f7fu4ebau4eecu7f79u60a3u5fc3u810fu75c5u3001u4e2du98ceu6216 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u7684u98ceu9669u589eu9ad8u3002
Let me think of this sudden death it has a soul after death ?
u8fd9u8ba9u6211 u7a81u7136u60f3u5230u4e86 u6b7bu4ea1uff0cu4ebau6b7bu540eu6709u7075u9b42u5417uff1f
Inquire about a family history of sudden death hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or other organic heart disease .
u67e5u8be2 u5352 u6b7bu3001u539au6027u5fc3u808cu75c5u53cau5176u4ed6u5668u8d28 u6027u5fc3u810fu75c5u7684u5bb6u65cfu53f2u3002
Twenty games have gone to sudden death u2014 a new cup record
u5df2u7ecfu670920u573au6bd4u8d5bu662fu9760 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u6cd5u51b3u51fau7684u80dcu8d1fu2014u2014u521bu4e0bu4e86u676fu8d5bu7684u4e00u9879u65b0u7eaau5f55u3002
He beat Bernhard Langer at the second hole of a sudden death play-off .
u4ed6u5728u91c7u53d6 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u6cd5u7684u52a0u65f6u8d5bu7b2cu4e8cu6d1eu6bd4u8d5bu4e2du51fbu8d25u4e86u8d1du6069u54c8u5fb7u00b7u84ddu683cu3002
In infants it causes sudden death .
u5728u5a74u513fu4e2duff0cu4e8cu624bu70dfu96feu53efu5bfcu81f4 u731du6b7bu3002
I was amazed by the news of george 's sudden death .
u542cu5230u4e54u6cbb u7a81u7136 u53bbu901du7684u6d88u606fuff0cu6211u611fu5230u60cau6115u3002
Studies are ongoing into reports of sudden death heart failure renal failure and gastrointestinal problems .
u5bf9u4e8eu897fu5e03u66f2u660e u5bfcu81f4 u7684 u9aa4 u6b7bu3001u5fc3u810fu8870u7aedu3001u80beu8870u7aedu548cu80c3u80a0u4e0du9002u5c31u95eeu9898u7684u7814u7a76u4e00u76f4u5728u8fdbu884cu4e2du3002
The sudden death of an only child is a tragedy for any middle-aged or elderly parents .
u7279u522bu662fu72ecu751fu5b50u5973u7684 u610fu5916 u6b7bu4ea1uff0cu5176u7236u6bcdu8001u6765u4e27u5b50uff0cu662fu4ebau751fu4e4bu5927u4e0du5e78uff0cu8fd9u5728u4e2du56fdu8fd9u4e2au6709u7740u5112u5bb6u6587u5316u4f20u7edfu7684u793eu4f1au91ccuff0cu8fd9u672cu8eabu5c31u662fu4e00u79cdu60b2u54c0u3002
The news of her son 's sudden death bowled me out .
u5979u513fu5b50 u731du7136 u8f9eu4e16u7684u6d88u606fu4f7fu6211u5927u5403u4e00u60cau3002
He crumpled up under the shocking news of his father 's sudden death .
u542cu5230u4ed6u7236u4eb2 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu53bbu7684u5669u8017uff0cu4ed6u5b8cu5168u5931u9b42u843du9b44u4e86u3002
News of the general 's sudden death was not published for several days .
u90a3u4e2au5c06u519b u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u7684u6d88u606fu6709u597du51e0u5929u6ca1u6709u516cu5e03u3002
We is astonished at the news of her sudden death .
u5979 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u7684u6d88u606fu4f7fu6211u4eecu9707u60cau3002
His sudden death was a great surprise .
u4ed6 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u4e86uff0cu8fd9u4ef6u4e8bu4f7fu4ebau611fu5230u975eu5e38u610fu5916u3002
We are all shocked by the news of his sudden death .
u4ed6u7684 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u4f7fu6211u4eecu5927u5bb6u90fdu611fu5230u9707u60cau3002
Objective To analyze the reason age sex differences and causality of sudden death .
u76eeu7684u5206u6790 u731du6b7b u7684 u6b7bu4ea1u539fu56e0u3001u5e74u9f84u3001u6027u522bu5deeu5f02u548cu8bf1u56e0u7b49u7279u70b9u3002
The sudden death of his wife shattered his dream .
u4ed6u59bbu5b50u7684 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u7c89u788eu4e86u4ed6u7684u68a6u60f3u3002
And his sudden death has jolted us one and all .
u4ed6u7684 u66b4u6b7bu9707u52a8u4e86u6211u4eecu3002
The sudden death of his father docked him of the pleasure of childhood .
u7236u4eb2u7684 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u5265u593au4e86u4ed6u7ae5u5e74u7684u6b22u4e50u3002
Stunned by their sudden death ;
u5bf9u4ed6u4eecu7684 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u5927u5403u4e00u60cauff1b
He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law
u5cb3u7236u7684 u731du6b7b u4f7fu4ed6u5341u5206u4f24u5fc3 u3002
We were astonished at his sudden death .
u6211u4eecu5bf9u4ed6 u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16u611fu5230u60cau8bb6u3002
Sudden death was not related to the loss of any other family member .
Everyone was dazed by the news of her sudden death .
u6bcfu4e2au4ebau90fdu88abu5979 u66b4u6b7bu7684u6d88u606fu60cau5446u4e86u3002
On hearing of her husband 's sudden death Susan burst into tears .
u542cu5230u5979u4e08u592b u7a81u7136 u53bbu4e16uff0cu82cfu73cau653eu58f0u5927u54edu3002
She was shocked by the sudden death of her father .
u5979u88abu7236u4eb2u7684 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u9707u60cau4e86u3002
We were shattered to hear of his sudden death .
u542cu5230u4ed6 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4e86uff0cu6211u4eecu5168u8eabu90fdu8f6fu762bu4e86u3002
We were shattered to hear of her sudden death .
u542cu5230u5979 u7a81u7136 u6b7bu4ea1u7684u6d88u606fu6211u4eecu5341u5206u9707u60cau3002
The sad thing is that Xue didn 't have to suffer humiliation and a sudden death .
u53efu60b2u7684u662fu859bu5e86u89c2u672cu6765u65e0u9700u627fu53d7u4ebau4eecu7684u7f9eu8fb1u548c u7a81u7136 u7684 u6b7bu4ea1u3002
美[ˈsʌdn dɛθ]英[ˈsʌdən deθ]