sue for

[su fɔr][sju: fɔ:]


  • Ms. Ames filed to sue for sexual discrimination but has been denied access to a trial .

    Amesu5973u58ebu8d77u8349u597du4e86u6587u4ef6 u8d77u8bc9u516cu53f8u6027u522bu6b67u89c6uff0cu4f46u5374u672au80fdu83b7u5f97u7acbu6848u6279u51c6u3002

  • You want to sue for custody ?

    u4f60u8981 u4e3au76d1u62a4u6743 u63d0u51fa u8d77u8bc9uff1f

  • Mr Obama too eagerly pointed out that the first bill he had signed into law was one making it easier for women to sue for wage discrimination .

    u5965u5df4u9a6cu4e5fu6025u5207u5730u6307u51fau4ed6u7b7eu7f72u6210u6cd5u5f8bu7684u7b2cu4e00u9879u8baeu6848u4f7fu5987u5973u53efu4ee5u66f4u5bb9u6613u5730 u5bf9u5de5u8d44u6b67u89c6u8fdbu884c u8d77u8bc9u3002

  • The right to sue for the infringement of intellectual property may be based on the property laws or law of obligation .

    u4fb5u5bb3u77e5u8bc6u4ea7u6743u8bf7u6c42u6743u53efu4ee5u5206 u4e3au8d22u4ea7u6cd5u4e0au7684 u8bf7u6c42u6743u548c u503au6cd5u4e0au7684 u8bf7u6c42u6743u3002

  • He had the gall to sue for damages .

    u4ed6u5c45u7136u6709u8138 u8981u6c42u8d54u507fu3002

  • A newly married wife or husband can take leave from work to care for a spouse or sue for a partner 's wrongful death .

    u4e00u4f4du65b0u5a5au7684u59bbu5b50u6216u4e08u592bu53efu4ee5u8bf7u5047u7167u987eu914du5076uff0cu6216 u5bf9u914du5076u7684u975eu6b63u5e38u6b7bu4ea1 u63d0u51fa u8bc9u8bbc u8981u6c42u6062u590du6743u529bu3002

  • Shareholders shall have the right to request the company to sue for such compensation in accordance with law .

    u80a1u4e1cu6709u6743u8981u6c42u516cu53f8u4f9du6cd5 u63d0u8d77 u8981u6c42u8d54u507fu7684 u8bc9u8bbcu3002

  • We are trying to sue for compensation and get rejected . And today as these people are sentenced they are closing us out said a mother from southern China .

    u6765u81eau4e2du56fdu5357u65b9u5730u533au7684u4e00u4f4du6bcdu4eb2u8868u793auff1bu6211u4eecu8bd5u56fe u8d77u8bc9uff0c u8981u6c42 u83b7u5f97u8d54u507fuff0cu4f46u906du5230u4e86u62d2u7eddu3002u800cu4ecau5929u5ba1u5224u8fd9u4e9bu4ebau65f6uff0cu4ed6u4eecu4e5fu4e0du8ba9u6211u4eecu8fdbu53bbu3002

  • It said they could sue for breach of privacy or take action under protection of harassment laws .

    u636eu79f0uff0cu738bu5ba4u5c06 u4ee5u4fb5u72afu9690u79c1 u63d0u51fa u8bc9u8bbcu6216u6309u7167u9a9au6270u884cu4e3au7684u6709u5173u6cd5u4ee4u91c7u53d6u5fc5u8981u884cu52a8u3002

  • The rebels were forced to sue for peace .

    u53cdu53dbu8005 u88abu8feb u6c42u548cu3002

  • If the police did not have probable cause to arrest you you can sue for false imprisonment .

    u5982u679cu8b66u5bdfu6ca1u6709u6b63u5f53u7406u7531u902eu6355u4e86u4f60uff0cu4f60u53efu4ee5 u4ee5u9519u8befu5173u62bc u4e3au7531 u63d0u8d77 u8bc9u8bbcu3002

  • Can you sue for malpractice and negligence ?

    u4f60u53efu4ee5 u63a7u544au6e0eu804cu548cu5931u804cuff1f

  • Ambulance chaser : a lawyer who obtains clients by persuading accident victims to sue for damages .

    u6002u607fu7d22u8d54u7684u5f8bu5e08uff1au901au8fc7u529du8bf4u4e8bu6545u53d7u5bb3u4eba u8d77u8bc9 u7d22u8d54u800cu83b7u5f97u987eu5ba2u7684u5f8bu5e08u3002

  • When a newspaper prints a defamatory story the victim can sue for libel .

    u5f53u62a5u4e0au520au767bu4e86u5e26u6709u8becu8511u6027u7684u62a5u9053u65f6uff0cu53d7u5bb3u8005u53efu4ee5 u63a7u544au5b83u8bfdu8c24u3002

  • You have no need to sue for favor .

    u4f60u6ca1u6709u5fc5u8981u4e3a u6c42u52a9 u8bf7u613fu3002

  • Equally investors could declare this a breach of contract and sue for damages but this would be a lengthy and arduous process .

    u6295u8d44u8005u540cu6837u53efu80fdu5ba3u79f0u8fd9u8fddu53cdu4e86u5408u7ea6uff0c u8d77u8bc9 u8981u6c42u635fu5bb3u8d54u507fuff0cu4f46u8fd9u5c06u662fu4e00u4e2au6f2bu957fu800cu8270u5de8u7684u8fc7u7a0bu3002

  • The war criminals sue for peace .

    u6218u72af u6c42u548cu3002

  • If necessary he should sue for custody of the children since being raised by this viper is not in their best interests .

    u5982u679cu6709u5fc5u8981u7684u8bdduff0cu4ed6u5e94u8be5 u5411u6cd5u5ead u7533u8bc9 u4e89u53d6u5b69u5b50u7684u629au517bu6743uff0cu56e0u4e3au7531u574fu4ebau6765u629au517bu4e0du5229u4e8eu4ed6u4eecu6210u957fu3002

  • In the US citizens and NGOs can also sue for compensation for environmental pollution .

    u800cu5728u7f8eu56fduff0cu516cu6c11u4e2au4f53u4ee5u53cau975eu653fu5e9cu7ec4u7ec7u90fdu53efu4ee5 u9488u5bf9u73afu5883u6c61u67d3 u63d0u51fa u7d22u8d54u3002

  • When a man sue for a lady 's hand in marriage is prize their relationship .

    u4e00u4e2au7537u4eba u5bf9u5973u4eba u6700u5927 u5676 u5c0au91cd u7cfb u5411 u8dddu6c42u5a5au3002

  • They declare the Nazi regime overthrown and sue for peace .

    u4ed6u4eecu5ba3u5e03u7eb3u7cb9u653fu6743u5df2u88abu63a8u7ffbuff0cu5e76 u51fau9762 u6c42u548cu3002

  • He couldn 't sue for wrongful arrest .

    u4ed6u4e0du80fd u4ee5u975eu6cd5u902eu6355u7f6a u8d77u8bc9u3002

  • She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her rivate life .

    u62a5u7eb8u5bf9u5979u7684u79c1u751fu6d3bu8fdbu884cu6c61u8511uff0cu5979u51b3u5b9a u8d77u8bc9u5176 u72afu6709u8bfdu8c24u7f6au3002

  • This is the age after which employees can be let go without them being able to sue for unfair dismissal .

    u8fbeu5230u8fd9u4e2au5e74u9f84u4e4bu540euff0cu5458u5de5u5c31u53efu80fdu88abu201cu89e3u96c7u201duff0cu4ed6u4eecu4e0du80fd u4ee5u4e0du516cu5e73u89e3u96c7u4e3au7531 u8d77u8bc9u96c7u4e3bu3002

  • Procuratorial bodies in accordance with law also changed 570 wrong decisions on arrest warrants exemption from prosecution and case withdrawal . If the police did not have probable cause to arrest you you can sue for false imprisonment .

    u68c0u5bdfu673au5173u8fd8u4f9du6cd5u6539u53d8u786eu6709u9519u8befu7684u6279u6355u3001u514du8bc9u3001u64a4u6848u7b49u51b3u5b9a570u4ef6uff1bu5982u679cu8b66u5bdfu6ca1u6709u6b63u5f53u7406u7531u902eu6355u4e86u4f60uff0cu4f60u53efu4ee5 u4ee5u9519u8befu5173u62bc u4e3au7531 u63d0u8d77 u8bc9u8bbcu3002

  • A breach of contract allows the innocent party to enforce the contract rescind the contract or sue for damages .

    u5408u540cu8fddu7ea6u53efu5bfcu81f4u65e0u8f9cu4e00u65b9u5f3au5236u6267u884cu5408u540cuff0cu5e9fu6b62u5408u540cu6216 u5c31u635fu5931 u63d0u51fa u8bc9u8bbcu3002

  • Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages .

    u4e00u4e9bu94f6u884cu8fd8u5217u51fau4e00u4e2au9ed1u540du5355uff0cu5a01u80c1u8981 u63a7u544au8fd9u4e9bu4ebauff0cu8981u6c42 u8d54u507fu635fu5931u3002