Most local cinemas show films in the original language with German subtitles .
u5927u591au6570u5f53u5730u5f71u9662u653eu6620u914du4e0au5fb7u8bed u5b57u5e55u7684u539fu7248u7535u5f71u3002
The film is in Chinese but with English subtitles .
u8fd9u662fu90e8u4e2du6587u5f71u7247uff0cu4f46u662fu6709u82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
Some stations may require subtitles for broadcast in different languages .
u4e00u4e9bu7535u89c6u53f0u53efu80fdu9700u8981 u5b57u5e55uff0cu7528u4e8eu4ee5u4e0du540cu7684u8bedu8a00u64adu51fau3002
Understand movies without reading the Chinese subtitles ?
u770bu7535u5f71u65f6u4e0du9700u8981u4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55uff0c u5c31u80fdu770bu61c2uff1f
It also says it does not have English subtitles .
u5b83u8fd8u8bf4u4e86u8fd9 u90e8 u5f71u7247u6ca1u6709u82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
Watch it a second time with the English subtitles on and see how much more you can understand .
u6253u5f00u82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55 u518du770bu7b2cu4e8cu904duff0cu770bu770bu4f60u53c8u660eu767du4e86u591au5c11u3002
You need to provide a timecode for interviewee titles and subtitles .
u4f60u9700u8981u4e3au88abu91c7u8bbfu8005u7684u5934u8854u548c u5b57u5e55u63d0u4f9bu4e00u4e2au65f6u95f4u7801u3002
The film was only with Chinese subtitles .
u8fd9u90e8u5f71u7247u53eau914du6709u4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
Can you watch the movie without reading the Chinese subtitles ?
u4f60u770bu7535u5f71u65f6u80fdu4e0du770bu4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u5417uff1f
When you go to see English films try not to read the Chinese subtitles .
u5f53u4f60u53bbu770bu82f1u6587u7535u5f71u65f6uff0cu8bd5u7740u4e0du53bbu8bfbu4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
You first do a survey of the report by reading only the title and the subtitles .
u4f60u9996u5148u901au8fc7u9605u8bfbu6807u9898u548c u526fu6807u9898u6765u7eb5u89c8 u4ee5u4e0bu6574u4e2au62a5u9053u3002
The evening news has subtitles for deaf people .
u665au95f4u65b0u95fb u64adu51fau65f6u4e3au804bu54d1u4eba u914du4e86 u5b57u5e55u3002
I watched some episodes though they didn 't have any Chinese subtitles .
u6211u770bu4e86u51e0u96c6uff0cu867du7136u6ca1u6709u4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
Films not in English must have subtitles in English ;
u975eu82f1u8bedu5f71u7247u9700u82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55uff1b
The color of the English subtitles .
u628au82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55u7684u989cu8272 u6539u4e86u3002
If you don 't have subtitles you can skip this part .
u5982u679cu60a8u6ca1u6709 u5b57u5e55uff0cu4f60u53efu4ee5u8df3u8fc7u8fd9u4e00u90e8u5206u3002
Subtitles and special effects alone do not have to use AE for editing this software can handle .
It 's in English but with Chinese subtitles .
u8fd9u662fu4e00 u90e8u82f1u8bed u7247uff0cu4f46u6709u4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u3002
Subtitles : My love password I only leave to you .
Without subtitles in foreign movies I would have to guess what they were saying .
u5982u679cu5916u8bedu7247u6ca1u6709 u5b57u5e55uff0cu6211u53eau80fdu731cu4ed6u4eecu5728u8bf4u4ec0u4e48u3002
Because the film is with English subtitles I can understand it very well .
u56e0u4e3au8fd9u4e2au5f71u7247u914du6709u82f1u6587 u5b57u5e55uff0cu6211u53efu4ee5u5f88u597du5730u7406u89e3u5b83u7684 u610fu601du3002
The dialogue is in Spanish with English subtitles .
u5bf9u8bddu662fu897fu73edu7259u8beduff0cu914du6709u82f1u8bed u5b57u5e55u3002
Finally develop a simple multi-media player play media files and the superposition of the subtitles .
u6700u540eu5f00u53d1u4e86u4e00u4e2au591au5a92u4f53u64adu653eu5668uff0cu64adu653eu591au5a92u4f53u6587u4ef6uff0cu5e76 u5b9eu73b0u4e86 u5b57u5e55u53e0u52a0u3002
Without the subtitles I would not understand the film .
u6ca1u6709 u5b57u5e55 u7684 u8bddu6211u5c31u7406u89e3u4e0du4e86u8fd9u90e8u7535u5f71u3002
I can 't follow it without Chinese subtitles .
u6ca1u6709u4e2du6587 u5b57u5e55u6211u770bu4e0du61c2u3002
Does this French film have subtitles ? I hate dubbed films-it 's nice to hear another language .
u8fd9u652fu6cd5u56fdu7247u6709 u5b57u5e55u5417uff1fu6211u6700u8ba8u538cu770bu6709u914du97f3u7684u7535u5f71uff0cu542cu542cu4e0du540cu7684u8bedu8a00u5f88u4e0du9519u3002
Subtitle Lists that correspond to the subtitles shown on the screen .
u5217u51fau76f8u5bf9u5e94u7684 u5b57u5e55u663eu793au5728u5c4fu5e55u4e0au7684u5b57u5e55u3002
But you know how much of a headache I get reading subtitles .
u4f46u662fu4f60u77e5u9053u770b u5b57u5e55u5bf9u6211 u6765u8bf4u6709u591au5934u75dbu3002
I 'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into english .
u5c71u6211u5b81u53efu770bu6709 u5b57u5e55u7684u7535u5f71uff0cu4e5fu4e0du8981u770bu7528u82f1u8bedu914du97f3u7684u3002
It 's a French movie with English subtitles .
u8fd9u662fu4e00u90e8u6709u82f1u8bed u5b57u5e55u7684u6cd5u56fdu7535u5f71u3002
n.说明字幕,印在外国影片上的对白翻译字幕,译文对白字幕小标题,副标题( subtitle的名词复数 )(电影的)字幕