He hit three bull 's eyes in succession .
u4ed6 u8fdeu7eed3u6b21u5c04u4e2du9776u5fc3u3002
Fight a number of battles in quick succession .
u77edu671f u5185u63a5 u8fdeu6253u51e0u4ed7u3002
Confucius contributes greatly to the succession and development of traditional Chinese culture .
u5b54u5b50u5bf9u4f20u7edfu6587u5316u7684 u7ee7u627fu53d1u5c55u4f5cu51fau4e86u5de8u5927u7684u8d21u732eu3002
Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line of succession to the throne
u5c3cu53e4u62c9u65afu00b7u4fddu7f57u00b7u5e15u7279u91ccu514bu662fu738bu4f4du7684u7b2cu4e03u987au4f4d u7ee7u627fu4ebau3002
Three flower shows succeeded one another in quick succession .
u4e09u4e2au82b1u5c55u4e00u4e2au4e2au5730 u63a5u8fde u4e3eu884cu3002
Yesterday 's emphatic victory was their fifth in succession .
u6628u5929u7684u5927u80dcu662fu4ed6u4eec u8fdeu7eedu7b2c5u573au80dcu5229u3002
John got the axe when he arrived late for work three days in succession .
u7ea6u7ff0u7531u4e8e u8fdeu7eed3u5929u4e0au73edu8fdfu5230u800cu88abu89e3u96c7u4e86u3002
There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne .
u5bf9u4e8eu738bu4f4du7684u5408u6cd5 u7ee7u627f u6743u6709u8fc7u4e00u573au4e89u8bbau3002
Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead
u4e9au5f53u65af u8fdeu7740u505au8fc7 u51e0u4efdu8ba9u4ed6u9887u4e3au53d7u76cau7684u5de5u4f5cu3002
Fraser Clyne has won the Scottish Road Running Championship for the third year in succession .
One victory followed another in quick succession .
u4e00u4e2au80dcu5229 u7d27u63a5u7740u4e00u4e2au80dcu5229u3002
At first there was a burst of static then immediately a succession of piercing frantic chilling screams .
u8d77u521du662fu4e00u9635u9759u7535u5e72u6270u58f0uff0cu7d27u63a5u7740u662f u4e00u8fdeu4e32u523au8033uff0cu614cu4e71uff0cu4ee4u4ebau6bdbu9aa8u609au7136u7684u5c16u53ebu58f0u3002
The influence of engineering measures on vegetation succession may mainly exhibit on the spatial distribution of vegetation communities .
u5de5u7a0bu63aau65bdu5bf9u690du88ab u6f14u66ffu7684u5f71u54cduff0cu53efu80fdu66f4u591au5730u8868u73b0u5176u5bf9u690du7269u7fa4u843du7a7au95f4u5206u5e03u683cu5c40u65b9u9762u3002
Mr. Pearson succeeded in the succession .
u76aeu5c14u900au5148u751fu5728 u7ee7u4efbu4e2du6210u529fu4e86u3002
Glad tidings came in rapid succession .
The legal medical expert attracted a lot of attention by solving many strange cases in succession .
u8fd9u4e2au6cd5u533b u56e0u8fdeu7834u591au8d77 u5947u6848u800cu53d7u5230u5404u754cu5173u6ce8u3002
Disputes over succession occurred regularly and have led to a number of civil wars .
England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12 .
u82f1u683cu5170u961fu5df2u7ecf u8fdeu7eed3u6b21u6253u8d25u5a01u5c14u58ebu961fuff0cu603bu6bd4u5206u4e3a83u6bd412u3002
Reports of success on all fronts came in quick succession .
u5168u56fdu5404u6761u6218u7ebf u7eb7u7eb7 u62a5u559cu3002
Environment and fire have some effects on secondary forest succession .
u73afu5883u548cu706bu5bf9u6b21u751fu6797 u6f14u66ffu6709u4e00u5b9au5f71u54cduff1b
I have developed or will develop a formal succession plan .
u6211u5df2u7ecfu5236u5b9au4e86u6216u8005u5c06u8981u5236u5b9au6b63u5f0fu7684 u63a5u73edu8ba1u5212u3002
He has been awarded the first prize for his roses three years in succession .
u4ed6u79cdu7684u73abu7470u82b1 u8fdeu7eedu4e09u5e74u83b7u4e00u7b49u5956u3002
In infinite succession light and darkness shift | and years vanish like the morning dew .
u6d69u6d69u9634u9633u79fbuff0c u5e74u547du5982u671du9732u3002uff08u300au53e4u8bd7u5341u4e5du9996u300buff09
His succession as headmaster was not in any doubt .
u4ed6 u7ee7u4efbu6821u957fu662fu786eu5b9au65e0u7591u7684u3002
Several courses were served in succession .
In succession this article discusses the development of the international financial centers and their achievement .
u5728 u7406u8bbau57fau7840u4e0auff0cu63a2u8ba8u4e86u56fdu9645u6027u91d1u878du4e2du5fc3u7684u53d1u5c55u4ee5u53cau5b83u4eecu6240u53d6u5f97u7684u6210u5c31u548cu53d1u5c55u8fc7u7a0bu7684u7279u70b9u3002
The teacher explained twice in succession .
u6559u5e08 u8fdeu7740u8bb2u4e86u4e24 u904du3002
Scoring three goals in quick succession he made it 10-8
u5728u77edu77edu7684u65f6u95f4u5185u4ed6 u8fdeu8fdbu4e09u7403uff0cu6700u7ec8u4ee510u6bd48u53d6u80dcu3002