Superexchange Mechanism of Charge Transfer in Supermolecular Assemblies of Double Helix DNA
u53ccu94feDNAu5206u5b50u5185u7535u8377u8f6cu79fb u8d85 u4ea4u6362u673au7406
The results show that the magneto-optical effect of Nd ~ ( 3 + ) ions in Nd : YIG originates mainly from the intra-ionic electric dipole transitions between the 4f ~ 3 and 4f ~ 25d states split by the spin-orbit crystal field and superexchange interactions .
u8ba1u7b97u7ed3u679cu8868u660euff0cNduff1aYIGu4e2dNd3+u79bbu5b50u7684u78c1u5149u6548u5e94u4e3bu8981u6e90u4e8eu79bbu5b50u51854f3u21924f25du7684u7535u5076u6781u8dc3u8fc1uff1bu79bbu5b50u80fdu7ea7u7531u4e8eu65cbu8f68u8026u5408u3001u6676u573au4f5cu7528u53ca u8d85 u4ea4u6362u4f5cu7528u800cu5288u88c2uff1b
The effects of Pb Ga doping on the crystal field superexchange interaction and magneto-optical effect of Ce : YIG crystal are studied based on the quantum theory .
u7814u7a76u4e86u63baPbuff0cGau5bf9Ceuff1aYIGu6676u4f53u7684u6676u573au3001 u4ea4u6362u4f5cu7528u548cu78c1u5149Faradayu6548u5e94u7684u5f71u54cdu3002
n.& adj.超交换(的)