The study of X-ray location method of the embedded supernumerary teeth in fore alveolar bone of maxilla of children
u513fu7ae5u4e0au988c u524du90e8 u57cbu4f0f u591a u751fu7259Xu7ebfu7247u5b9au4f4du65b9u6cd5u7684u63a2u8ba8
Results The location of 130 embedded supernumerary teeth in maxillary anterior area of 87 children can be classified three types : u2460 Partly bone embedded there were 22 cases lip side 7 cases palatal side 15 cases .
u7ed3u679c87u4f8bu513fu7ae5u4e0au988cu524du90e8 u57cbu4f0f u591a u751fu7259uff0cu5171130u9897uff0cu4e34u5e8au4e0au672fu524du5b9au4f4du5206u4e3au4e09u79cdu7c7bu578buff0cu2160u578buff1au90e8u5206 u9aa8u57cbu4f0fu4f4d22u4f8buff0cu5176u4e2du5507u4fa77u4f8buff0cu816du4fa715u4f8buff1b
The accurate positions of a wholly impacted supernumerary teeth in bone was ( obtained ) based on the measured distances of image between the tooth and the tissues around by the ruler on SCT .
u6839u636eCTu6807u5c3au6d4bu91cfu56feu50cfu4e0eu5468u56f4u7ed3u6784u5173u7cfbu7684u8dddu79bbuff0cu4ee5u786eu5b9a u9aa8 u57cbu4f0f u591a u751fu7259u7684u786eu5207u4f4du7f6eu3002
美[ˌsjupɚˈnuməˌrɛri bon]英[sjupəˈnju:mərəri bəun]
[医] 附加骨,额外骨(如额外椎骨或颈肋)