sum up the evidence

[sʌm ʌp ði ˈɛvɪdəns][sʌm ʌp ðə ˈevidəns]

[法] 概述证据

  • Finally sum up and summarize the importance of adoption of the criminal evidence and put forward some important factors that related to the criminal evidence is properly adopted .

    u603bu7ed3 u5168u6587uff0cu6982u8ff0u5211u4e8b u8bc1u636eu91c7u7eb3u548c u91c7u4fe1 u7684u91cdu8981u6027uff0cu63d0u51fau5173u7cfbu5230u5211u4e8bu8bc1u636eu88abu6b63u786eu91c7u7eb3u548cu91c7u4fe1u7684u51e0u70b9u91cdu8981u56e0u7d20u3002

  • Evidence regulation is the lapel norm sum filling up the certificate quality certificate attestation about obtaining evidence putting to the proof .

    u8bc1u636eu89c4u5219u662fu5173u4e8e u53d6u8bc1u3001u4e3eu8bc1u3001 u8865u8bc1u3001u8d28u8bc1u3001u8ba4u8bc1u7684u6cd5u5f8bu89c4u8303u7684 u603bu548cu3002

  • To sum up the above analysis and evidence leads us to the unquestionable conclusion that women are fully qualified to join the armed forces just as men .

    u4e0au8ff0u7684u5206u6790u548c u79cdu79cd u8bc1u636eu8868u660euff0cu5973u6027 u548cu7537u6027u540cu6837u6709u8d44u683cu53c2u52a0u5230u519bu961fu7684u884cu5217u4e4bu4e2du3002

  • The judge will sum up the evidence tomorrow .

    u6cd5u5b98u5c06 u5728u660eu5929u505a u7ed3u6848 u9648u8bcdu3002

  • To sum up its importance is mainly reflected in : the first to ensure the smooth progress of investigation procedure verifies the case as soon as possible collection and preservation of evidence timely .

    u6982u62ec u8d77u6765uff0cu5176u91cdu8981u6027u4e3bu8981u4f53u73b0u5728uff1au7b2cu4e00uff0cu786eu4fddu4fa6u67e5u7a0bu5e8fu7684u987au5229u8fdbu884cuff0cu4ee5u5c3du5febu7684u67e5u660eu6848u60c5uff0cu53cau65f6u7684u6536u96c6u548cu4fddu5168 u8bc1u636eu3002