She was trying to summon up the courage to leave him .
u5f53u65f6u5979u8bd5u56fe u9f13u8db3u52c7u6c14u79bbu5f00u4ed6u3002
You may be able to find and to summon up deep inner resources when you really need them .
u5f53u4f60u771fu7684u9700u8981u65f6uff0cu4f60u5c31u80fd u53ecu5524u5185u5fc3u6df1u5904u7684u80fdu91cfu3002
But which to us summon up face after face .
u5bf9u6211u4eecu6765u8bf4u662fu4e00 u5f20u5f20u7684u9762u5b54u3002
Having just emerged from my own pilgrimage I find it hard to summon up so much anger .
u7ed3u675fu4e86u6211u81eau5df1u7684u8feau58ebu5c3cu671du5723u4e4bu65c5u540euff0cu6211u53d1u73b0u81eau5df1u5f88u96beu5bf9 u8feau58ebu5c3c u62b1u6709u5982u6b64u5927u7684u6028u6c14u3002
You can 't. You may be able to summon up a few phrases .
u6216u8bb8u4f60u80fdu591f u8bf4 u4e0au51e0u53e5u3002
The oddest events will summon up memories .
u90a3u4e9bu975eu5e38u7a00u5947u53e4u602au7684u4e8bu60c5u4f1a u5524u8d77u4ebau4eecu7684u8bb0u5fc6u3002
Queerly enough the harder he tried to summon up her face in his thoughts the vaguer it became .
u5947u602au7684u662fuff0cu4ed6u8d8au60f3u8981 u60f3u8d77u5979u7684u5bb9u8c8cu5979u7684u5bb9u8c8cu5c31u53d8u5f97u66f4u6a21u7ccau4e86u3002
Suddenly with that disgusted air which he knows so well how to summon he picks himself up and adjusts his clothes .
u7a81u7136uff0cu4ed6u76f4 u8d77 u8eabu5b50uff0cu6574u6574u8863u670duff0cu8138u4e0au4e00u526fu5341u5206u538cu70e6u7684u6837u5b50u3002
She began to put the house straight making beds and washing dishes cleaning and tidying ; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it .
u5979u5f00u59cb u65e0u7cbeu6253u91c7 u5730 u6536u62feu623fu95f4uff1bu53e0u88abu5b50uff0cu6d17u7897u789fuff0cu53c8u626bu53c8u64e6u3002
They are all the same . To whom can I open my foolish heart which disdains tears yet cannot summon up laughter ?
u4f46u6240u8c13u670bu53cbu7686u5982u662fuff0cu6211u80fdu544au8c01u4ee5u6211u7684u4e0du5c51u6d41u6ceauff0cu800cu53c8u65e0u529bu7b11 u51fau7684u75f4u5446u5fc3u5883uff1f
You must summon up all your courage to meet the danger .
u4f60u5fc5u987b u9f13u8d77u5168u90e8u52c7u6c14u4ee5u9762u5bf9u5371u9669u3002
They regard Mr Obama as a transformational leader & a man who can with one sweep of his hand wipe away the sins of the Bush years and summon up the best in their country .
u4ed6u4eecu628au5965u5df4u9a6cu770bu4f5cu662fu4e00u4f4du201cu53d8u9769u7684u201du7684u9886u5bfcu4ebauff0cu6325u4e00u6325u624buff0cu4ed6u5c31u53efu4ee5u628au5e03u4ec0u5f53u653fu65f6u7684u7f6au6076u4e00u626bu800cu5149uff0cu53efu4ee5 u5524u8d77u8fd9u4e2au56fdu5bb6u6700u7f8eu597du7684u90e8u5206u3002
Nothing breeds despair like discouraging results . Let 's say that you finally summon up enough courage to talk with someone about your faith but the person responds with a shrug of indifference .
u6ca1u6709u4efbu4f55u4e1cu897fu6bd4u4ee4u4ebau6caeu4e27u7684u7ed3u679cu66f4u53ebu4ebau5931u671buff0cu6bd4u65b9u8bf4uff0cu4f60u7ec8u4e8e u9f13u8d77u52c7u6c14u4e0eu4ebau5206u4eabu4fe1u4ef0uff0cu4f46u5bf9u65b9u5374u65e0u52a8u4e8eu8877u3002
He was hoping to summon up support for his measures .
u4ed6u5e0cu671bu80fd u8bf4u670d u4ebau4eecu652fu6301u4ed6u7684u89c2u70b9u3002
I couldn 't summon up the energy .
u6211u65e0u6cd5 u6253 u8d77u7cbeu795eu6765u3002
Audience summon up warm applause when lecturer walk into meeting place .
u5f53u6f14u8bb2u8005u4e00u8d70u8fdbu4f1au573auff0cu542cu4f17 u9f13u8d77u70edu70c8u7684u638cu58f0u3002
I had to summon up all my nerve to face my boss .
u6211u5f97 u9f13u8db3u52c7u6c14u53bbu89c1u4e0au53f8u3002
You should summon up your nerve for the task .
u4f60u8981 u96c6u4e2d u7cbeu529bu5b8cu6210u8fd9u9879u5de5u4f5cu3002
He could not summon ( up ) the courage to tell them about it .
u4ed6 u9f13u4e0d u8d77u52c7u6c14u544au8bc9u4ed6u4eecu90a3u4ef6u4e8bu3002
The witch claims to be able to summon up the spirits of the dead .
u5973u5debu58f0u79f0u80fd u5524u6765u6b7bu4ebau7684u7075u9b42u3002
Logistics Make the Effect Summon up Northeastern Region and the Study Which is about Space Layout of Logistics
u73b0u4ee3u7269u6d41u4e1au5bf9u4e1cu5317u8001u5de5u4e1au57fau5730 u632fu5174u7684u4f5cu7528u53cau7a7au95f4u5e03u5c40u7814u7a76
If you can summon up some forgiveness and compassion now you have a chance to really start to move on from what was undeniably in parts a very tough time .
u5982u679cu4f60u80fd u6563u5e03u5bbdu5bb9u4e0eu540cu60c5uff0cu4f60u6709u673au4f1au5b9eu5b9eu5728u5728u5730u5728u90a3u4e9bu4e0du53efu5426u8ba4u5f02u5e38u8270u96beu7684u5c81u6708u4e2du524du8fdbu3002
Somehow he could never summon up the courage to ask for her hand .
u4e0du77e5u600eu7684uff0cu4ed6u603bu662f u9f13u4e0d u8d77u52c7u6c14u5411u5979u6c42u5a5au3002
Summon up a burst of energy and find something on which to compliment him or her .
u4f60 u8981u6253 u8d77u7cbeu795e u6765uff0cu627eu4e9b u597du542cu7684u8bddu8d5eu7f8eu4e00u4e0bu4ed6u6216u5979u3002
When the king 's ship nears the island Prospero asks Ariel to summon up a magical storm that will cause the ship to be wrecked on the island .
u67d0u65e5uff0cu5f53u90a3u4e0du52d2u65afu56fdu738bu7684u8239u4e34u8fd1u5c0fu5c9bu7684u65f6u5019uff0cu666eu6d1bu65afu5f7cu7f57u5429u5490 u827eu5229u5c14u7528u9b54u6cd5u5524u8d77u4e00u9635u98ceu66b4uff0cu8ba9u8239u5728u5c9bu4e0au89e6u7901u3002
Firstly summon up your attention and your courage to do it .
u9996u5148uff0c u8981 u53ecu96c6u81eau5df1u7684u7cbeu529bu548cu52c7u6c14u53bbu62fcu640fu3002
I 'm trying to summon up the to do some more work .
u6211u8bd5u56fe u6512 u8db3 u529bu6c14u518du591au5e72u4e00u4e9bu6d3bu3002
Cascading dialogs are a diabolical idiom whereby controls usually pushbuttons in one dialog box summon up another dialog box in a hierarchical nesting .
u7ea7u8054u5bf9u8bddu6846u662fu4e00u79cdu7cdfu7cd5u7684u4e60u60efu7528u6cd5uff0cu4e00u4e2a u5bf9u8bddu6846u4e2du7684u63a7u4ef6uff0cu901au5e38u662fu6309u94aeu3002
美[ˈsʌmən ʌp]英[ˈsʌmən ʌp]