There is a snake ; cut it in sunder .
u90a3u8fb9u6709u6761u86c7uff0cu628au5b83 u780du65adu3002
Improved Sunder Armor ( Protection ) renamed Puncture reduced to2 ranks for1 / 2 rage cost reduction .
u5929u8d4b u5f3au5316 u7834u7532uff08u9632u62a4uff09u66f4u540du4e3au523au7834uff0c2u70b9u5929u8d4buff0cu51cfu5c11u7834u7532u548c u6bc1u706d u6253u51fbu7684u6012u6c14u6d88u80171/2u3002
Will you sunder nitrogen from air ?
u4f60u80fdu4eceu7a7au6c14u4e2d u628a u6c2eu6c14 u5206u79bb u51fau6765u5417uff1f
The shield block / revenge combo is only marginally better for hate generation than sunder armor ( with talents ) .
u76feu724cu6321 u683cuff0bu590du4ec7u7684u8fdeu7eedu6280u4ea7u751fu7684u4ec7u6068u53eau6bd4u4e0d u505c u7684 u7834u7532 u9ad8u4e00 u70b9u70b9u3002
Does Devastate generate more threat per hit than Sunder Armor ?
u67e5u770b u5173u4e8eu6bc1u706du6253u51fbu4ea7u751fu989du5916u5a01u80c1 u503c u7684 u6d4bu8bd5 u65b9u6cd5 u8bf7 u770b u8fd9u91ccu3002
Once battle begins they lead the charge seeking to sunder the weapons of any enemy warriors .
u4e00u65e6u6218u6597u5f00u59cbuff0cu4ed6u4eecu4f1au7387u5148u51b2u950buff0cu5e76 u4f18u5148 u51fbu7834u654cu65b9u6218u58ebu7684u6b66u5668u3002
The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him w_853 and at an hour when he is not aware and will cut him in sunder and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers .
u5728u4ed6u60f3u4e0du5230u7684u65e5u5b50uff0cu4e0du77e5u9053u7684u65f6u8fb0uff0cu90a3u4ec6u4ebau7684u4e3bu4ebau8981u6765uff0cu91cdu91cdu7684u5904u6cbbu4ed6uff0cu6216u4f5cu628au4ed6 u8170u65a9u4e86u5b9au4ed6u548cu4e0du5fe0u5fc3u7684u4ebau540cu7f6au3002
But the tooltip doesn 't make any mention of added threat like the tooltips for other abilities like Shield Slam and sunder armor .
u4f46u662fu6280u80fdu8bf4u660eu91ccu9762u6ca1u6709u63d0u5230u4efbu4f55u5173u4e8eu989du5916u5a01u80c1u503cu7684u8bf4u660euff1fu6bd4u5982u8bf4u76feu724cu731bu51fbu548c u7834u7532u90fdu6709u8bf4u660eu3002
Will cast Overpower in Battle stance Sunder Armor in Defensive and Whirlwind in Berserker stance .
u6218u6597u653eu538bu5236uff0cu9632u5fa1 u653e u7834u7532uff0cu72c2u66b4u653eu65cbu98ceu3002
Lightning tore the tree in sunder .
u95eau7535u628au6811 u5288u6210 u4e24u534au3002
Pyrolysis of Coal sunder Plasma Conditions to Produce Acetylene Directly
u7164 u5728u7b49u79bbu5b50u4f53u4e2du70edu89e3u76f4u63a5u751fu4ea7u4e59u7094
There has been a lot of rain and the road I sunder water .
u96e8u6c34u4e0du65aduff0cu9053u8defu90fdu88ab u6df9u6ca1u4e86u3002
For he hath broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder .
u56e0u4e3au4ed6u6253u7834u4e86u94dcu95e8uff0cu780du65adu4e86u94c1 u95e9u3002
Sunder Armor ( and similar debuffs ) now reduces armor by4 % per application and is now a single rank .
Stan : you can 't go to the bathroom you 're stacking sunder armor !
u5c4eu86cbuff1au4f60u73b0u5728u4e0du80fdu53bbu5395u6240uff0cu4f60u6b63u5728 u5806u53e0u88c5u7532uff01
Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application regardless of how many sunders are already on . The same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap .
u6bcfu6b21 u7834u7532u4ea7u751fu7684u4ec7u6068u5b8cu5168u4e00u81f4uff0cu65e0u8bbau5df2u7ecfu6253u4e0au4e86u51e0u6b21u3002u632bu9510u6012u53ebu548cu96f7u9706u4e00u51fbu4e5fu662fu5982u6b64u3002
Devastate now benefits from the Improved Sunder Armor talent so there is no longer any way for Devastate to cost more rage than Sunder Armor .
u6251u706du51b2u51fbu73b0u5728u4ece u5de9u56fa u7834u7532u5929u8d4bu4e2du53d7u76cauff0cu6240u4ee5u73b0u5728u6251u706du51b2u51fbu4e0du518du6bd4u7834u7532u6cefu706du66f4u591au809du706bu3002
The city is being sundered by racial tension
u8be5u57ceu5e02u56e0u79cdu65cfu5173u7cfbu7d27u5f20u6b63u5728 u5f62u6210 u5206u88c2u3002
Faerie Fire ( and similar debuffs ) now reduces armor by5 % . See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details .
u73b0u5728u51cfu5c115%u7684 u62a4u7532u3002u8be6u89c1u4e0bu9762u6218u58ebu7684u8bf4u660eu3002
Police moved in to separate the two groups already sundered by distrust .
u8b66u65b9 u53cau65f6u4ecbu5165u5c06u4e92u4e0du4fe1u4efbu3001u4e1au5df2 u5206u5316u7684u4e24u7ec4u4ebau9694u79bbu5f00u3002
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