No I do not want to get a suntan . I 'd rather stay home and wash my blanket and pillowcases .
u4e0duff0cu6211u4e0du60f3u628a u76aeu80a4 u6652 u6210 u68d5u8272uff0cu6211u5b81u53efu5446u5728u5bb6u91ccu6d17u6bdbu6befu548cu6795u5934u5957u3002
He 's very brown after his summer holiday . Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan .
u4ed6u4e00u6691u5047 u76aeu80a4 u6652u5f97u9eddu9ed1.u9ed1u8272u7d20u4f7fu76aeu80a4u53d8u9ed1u662fu4ebau88ab u6652u9ed1u7684u539fu56e0u3002
Demand for beer ice-cream and suntan oil obviously rises during hot weather just as sales of umbrellas go up when it rains .
u5929u70edu65f6uff0cu5bf9u5564u9152u3001u51b0u6fc0u51ccu548c u9632u6652 u971cu7684u9700u6c42u660eu663eu4e0au5347uff0cu5c31u50cfu4e0bu96e8u65f6u96e8u4f1eu7684u9500u91cfu589eu52a0u4e00u6837u3002
Acquired characteristics ( such as a suntan or a broken nose ) cannot be passed on .
u540eu5929u7684u7279u5f81uff08u4f8bu5982 u6652u9ed1u4e86u6216u8005u9f3bu5b50u6253u7834u4e86uff09u4e0du4f1au88abu9057u4f20u4e0bu53bbu3002
My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool all day .
u6211u59d0u59d0u62b9u4e86u4e9b u9632u6652u6cb9uff0cu4e00u6574u5929u7761u5728u6e38u6cf3u6c60u8fb9u3002
This suntan lotion convinces the Black girl of its good effect .
u8fd9u79cd u9632u6652u6cb9u7684u826fu597du6548u679cuff0cu4f7fu9ed1u59d1u5a18u5fc3u670du53e3u670duff01
She wore a white T-shirt to show off her suntan .
u5979u7a7fu4e86u4e00u4ef6u767du8272tu6064u4ee5u663eu793au5176 u6652u9ed1 u7684 u808cu80a4u3002
These little islands of suntan are the cause of freckles .
u8fd9u4e9b u5c0fu9ed1u6591u5c31u5f62u6210u4e86u96c0u6591u3002
If you want a suntan you cannot beat the dusty Sands of mercury .
u5982u679cu4f60u60f3u8981 u6652u9ed1uff0cu4f60u5c31u4e0du80fdu6253u6389u6c34u661fu6ee1u662fu7070u5c18u7684u6c99u5b50u3002
She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms .
u5979u8f7bu8f7bu5730 u628a u9632u6652u6cb9u6d82u5728u80f3u818au4e0au3002
You definitely won 't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF ( sun protection factor ) 30 .
u4f60u7eddu5bf9u4e0du4f1au88abu6652u4f24u7684uff0cu56e0u4e3au8fd9u4e2a u9632u6652u6cb9u7684u9632u6652u7cfbu6570u662fu4e09u5341u3002
She smeared suntan oil on her legs .
u5979u5f80u817fu4e0au62b9u4e86 u9632 u592au9633 u6652u7684u6cb9u3002
She couldn 't wait to get back and show off her suntan .
u5979u8febu4e0du53cau5f85u5730u8981u56deu53bbu70abu8000u4e00u4e0bu5979 u6652u9ed1 u7684 u76aeu80a4u3002
I 'm gonna get some suntan lotion . I 'll be right back .
u6211u53bbu627eu70b9 u9632u6652u6cb9u6765uff0cu6211u9a6cu4e0au56deu6765u3002
She slathered herself with suntan oil .
u5979u62b9u4e86 u9632u6652u6cb9u3002
We need suntan lotion .
u6211u4eecu5f97u8981 u9632u6652u971cu4e86u3002
Apply the suntan oil to your face and neck .
u628a u592au9633u6cb9u6d82u62b9u5728u4f60u7684u8138u548cu8116u5b50u4e0au3002
Remember to bring suntan lotion or you will get sunburn .
u8bb0u7740u5e26 u9632u6652u971cu53bbuff0cu8981u4e0du7136u4f60u4f1au88abu6652u4f24u7684u3002
Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan .
u9ed1u8272u7d20u4f7fu76aeu80a4u53d8u9ed1u662fu4ebau88ab u6652u9ed1u7684u539fu56e0u3002
The birthday cake was frosted . She anointed herself with suntan lotion .
u751fu65e5u86cbu7cd5u4e0au52a0u4e86u7cd6u971cu3002u5979u5728u8eabu4e0au64e6u4e86 u9632u6652u971cu3002
Suntan cream miss would you like to try this free sample of our new suntan cream ?
How quickly suntan disappears ! You wouldn 't think the twins were brown as berries only a month ago .
u592au9633 u6652u9ed1 u7684 u989cu8272 u9000 u5f97u591au5febu5440uff01u4f60u60f3u4e0du5230u8fd9u5bf9u5b6au751fu5144u5f1fu4e00u4e2au6708u4e4bu524d u76aeu80a4u9ed1 u5f97u50cfu719fu6d46u679cu4e00u6837u3002
You have a great suntan and you look like you have lost weight .
u7ecfu8fc7 u65e5u5149 u6d74uff0cu4f60u7684 u76aeu80a4u68d2 u6781u4e86uff0cu800cu4e14uff0cu770bu8d77u6765u4f60u8fd8u82d7u6761u4e86 u4e0du5c11u3002
Someone who basks in the sunshine in order to get a suntan .
u5728u65e5u5149u4e0bu6652u592au9633u4ee5u628a u76aeu80a4 u6652u6210u9ed1u8272u7684u4ebau3002
She playfully rubs suntan lotion on his neck .
u5979u5f00u73a9u7b11u5730u628a u9632u6652u9732u64e6u5230u4ed6u8116u5b50u4e0au3002
The only thing he wants to do when he 's in Malta is get a suntan .
u4ed6u5728u9a6cu5c14u4ed6u552fu4e00u60f3u505au7684u4e8bu5c31u662fu628a u76aeu80a4 u6652u9ed1u3002
She gets some suntan She must have been on holiday .
u4ed6 u770bu8d77u6765u5f88 u7d2fuff0cu4e00u5b9au662f u6700u8fd1 u592au5fd9u4e86u3002
But because I went to a not-so-great school it was nicknamed suntan U. I had to have a 3.8 .
u4f46u7531u4e8eu6211u4e0au7684u5927u5b66u7b97u4e0du4e0au4e00u6d41uff08u5b66u6821u66feu88abu51a0u4ee5u201c u6652 u592au9633u5927u5b66u201du7684u7ef0u53f7uff09uff0cu6240u4ee5u6211u7684u5e73u5747u5206u5fc5u987bu8fbeu52303.8u5206uff0cu6211u505au5230u4e86u3002
With two tubes of very expensive suntan oil ?
u4e24u74f6u5f88u8d35u7684 u9632u6652u6cb9u5417uff1f