The old woman remembered a swan she had bought many years ago in Shanghai for a foolish sum .
u8fd9u4f4du8001u592au592au81f3u4ecau8bb0u5f97uff0cu591au5e74u524duff0cu5979u5728u4e0au6d77uff0cu66feu50bbu4e4eu4e4eu5730 u51fau4e86u4e2au5927 u4ef7u94b1uff0cu5728 u83dcu5e02u4e0au4e70u4e0bu4e00u53eau201cu5929u9e45u201d u3002
I 'll help you solve that sum .
u6211u5c06u5e2eu52a9u4f60u89e3u51b3u90a3u4e2a u603bu6570 u3002
When the money 's unblocked they 'll earn a nice little sum .
u5f53u8fd9u4e9bu94b1u89e3u51bbu540euff0cu4ed6u4eecu5c31u4f1au597du597du8d5au4e00 u7b14 u7684 u3002
The component implementation adds the numbers and returns the sum .
u7ec4u4ef6u5b9eu73b0u5c06u6570u5b57u76f8u52a0u5e76u8fd4u56de u603bu548c u3002
Is included in this sum .
u5df2u7ecfu5305u62ecu5728u8fd9u7b14 u94b1u91ccu4e86 u3002
In 2004 . Zippo bought the Italian company for an undisclosed sum . party to settle the brand dispute .
2004u5e74uff0cZippou4ee5u4e00u7b14u672au62abu9732u6570u76eeu7684 u91d1u989du6536u8d2du4e86u8fd9u5bb6u610fu5927u5229u516cu53f8 uff0cu90e8u5206u539fu56e0u662fu4e3au4e86u89e3u51b3u8fd9u573au5546u6807u7ea0u7eb7u3002
Most of the world 's great books are available today in reprint editions for a modest sum .
u73b0u5728uff0cu7eddu5927u90e8u5206u4e16u754cu4e0au7684u597du4e66u90fdu6709 u518du7248uff0cu6211u4eecu5f88u5bb9u6613u4e70u5230uff0cu5e76u4e14u4ef7u683cu5408u7406 u3002
We 're prepared to offer a small sum .
u6211u4eecu51c6u5907u4e86u4e00u70b9 u94b1 u3002
Adds the first and second arguments then subtracts their product from the sum .
u5c06u7b2cu4e00u4e2au53c2u6570u548cu7b2cu4e8cu4e2au53c2u6570u76f8u52a0uff0cu7136u540eu4ece u548cu4e2du51cfu53bbu5b83u4eecu7684u4e58u79ef u3002
One of them was a pearl and might fetch a considerable sum .
u5176u4e2du4e00u679au662fu73cdu73e0u7684uff0cu4e5fu8bb8u53efu4ee5u5356u5f88u53efu89c2u7684u4e00 u7b14 u94b1 u3002
I would like my allowance in a lump sum .
u6211u5e0cu671bu628au6211u7684u96f6u7528 u94b1u5168u6570u53d1u7ed9u6211 u3002
The doctor was prepared to do the operation for a large sum .
u533bu751fu505au8fd9u4e2au624bu672fu9700u8981u6536u53d6 u9ad8u989d u8d39u7528 u3002
One should therefore take the arithmetic mean as the sum .
u5fc5u987bu53d6u7b97u672fu5e73u5747u4f5cu4e3a u548c u3002
I confirm this by iterating over the vals variable which returns a simple sum .
u901au8fc7u5728valsu53d8u91cfu4e0au8fedu4ee3uff0cu6211u786eu8ba4u4e86u8fd9u4e00u70b9uff0cu5373u8fd4u56deu4e00u4e2au7b80u5355u7684 sum u3002
But GOP outside groups with ads like this are making up for their gap in the sum .
u4f46u662fu5927u4f6cu515au7684u5916u90e8u5e7fu544au5f25u8865 u989du8fd9u4e2au5deeu8ddd u3002
This amount is one nineteenth of the total sum .
u8fd9u4e2au91cfu662f u603bu6570u7684u5341u4e5du5206u4e4bu4e00 u3002
The other heirs are also entitled to that sum .
u5176u4ed6u7ee7u627fu4ebau4e5fu6709u6743u4eabu7528 u8fd9u7b14u8d22u4ea7 u3002
I 'll take you to Chinatown for dim sum .
u6211u8fd8u53efu4ee5u5e26u4f60u53bbu5510u4ebau8857u54c1u5c1d u5c0fu5403 u3002
When the net has visited each pattern it sets the value of a weight object to this sum .
u5f53u7f51u7edcu8bbfu95eeu8fc7u6bcfu4e00u4e2au56feu6848u540euff0cu5b83u5c06u4e00u4e2au6743u91cdu5bf9u8c61u7684u503cu8bbeu7f6eu4e3au8fd9u4e2a u548c u3002
The first week she got her thirty-five dollars it seemed an enormous sum .
u5979u7b2cu4e00u4e2au661fu671fu62ffu5230u5979u90a335u5757u94b1u7684u65f6u5019uff0cu89c9u5f97u8fd9u662fu4e00u4e2au5de8u5927u7684 u6570u76ee u3002
The taxes came up to a huge sum .
u5404u79cdu7a0eu52a0u8d77u6765u662fu4e00 u7b14 u5de8u6b3e u3002
I 'll pay in a lump sum .
u8fd9u7b14 u94b1u6211u6210u603bu513fu4ed8u5427 u3002
You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum .
u4f60u5b9au671fu652fu4ed8u4fddu9669u8d39uff0cu800cu4fddu9669u516cu53f8u5219u4f1au4e00u6b21u6027u7ed9u4f60u4e00 u7b14 u94b1u4f5cu4e3au56deu62a5 u3002
Transport can be provided for a nominal sum .
u53eau9700u5f88u5c11u7684 u94b1u5c31u53efu4ee5u63d0u4f9bu8fd0u8f93 u3002
It is a routine matter to write down an explicit expression for this cycle sum .
u5199u51fau8fd9u4e2au5faau73af u548cu7684u663eu5f0fu662fu4ef6u8f7bu800cu6613u4e3eu7684u4e8b u3002
So if you pass it an array of elements that includes a DIV an INPUT TEXT and a SPAN it will find the numbers within those fields convert them to numbers and return the sum .
u6240u4ee5uff0cu5982u679cu4f20u9012u7ed9u5b83u4e00u4e2au5305u542bDIVu3001INPUTTEXTu548cSPANu7684u5143u7d20u6570u7ec4uff0cu5b83u5c06u4f1au627eu5230u8fd9u4e9bu5b57u6bb5u5185u7684u6570u5b57uff0cu5c06u5176u8f6cu53d8u4e3au6570u5b57u5e76u8fd4u56de u603bu548c u3002
The new administration is preparing a fiscal stimulus of $ 800bn or more an enormous sum .
u65b0u4e00u5c4au653fu5e9cu51c6u5907u63a8u51fa8000u4ebfu7f8eu5143u6216u66f4u5927u89c4u6a21u7684u8d22u653fu523au6fc0u65b9u6848uff0cu8fd9u662fu4e00 u7b14u6781u5176u5e9eu5927u7684 u6570u76ee u3002
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