Lotus leaf porridge prevents sunstroke .
u590f u4ecau9632 u4e2du6691uff0cu8377u53f6 u540cu7ca5u716eu3002
He didn 't feel quite right ; maybe he got sunstroke .
u4ed6u611fu89c9u4e0du592au8212u670duff1bu4e5fu8bb8u662fu6709u70b9 u4e2du6691u3002
One of the guests was treated for sunstroke .
u4e00u4e2au5ba2u4ebau56e0u4e3a u4e2du6691 u800c u63a5u53d7u4e86u6cbbu7597u3002
In recent hot days the Bus Station has also taken effective measures to prevent sunstroke and ensure road safety .
u9488u5bf9u8fdeu65e5u7684u9ad8u6e29u5929u6c14uff0cu8f66u7ad9 u51fau53f0u4e86 u9632u6691 u964du6e29u63aau65bduff0cu4fddu8bc1u884cu8f66u5b89u5168u3002
Sunstroke mainly the result of body being exposed to a high temperature for too long a time can be described as a condition in which the body 's ability to regulate heat fails .
One who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke .
u5728u708eu70edu7684u9633u5149u5e95u4e0bu5de5u4f5cu5f88u5bb9u6613 u5f15u8d77 u4e2du6691u3002
In sunstroke the body does not only lose fluids but salts as well .
u4e2du6691 u540eu8eabu4f53u4e0du4ec5u7f3au6c34uff0cu800cu4e14u7f3au76d0u3002
The item includes Foot Massage Body Massage Cupping Treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient 's neck chest or back Pedicure Ear Treatment etc.
u670du52a1u5185u5bb9u5305u62ecu8db3u7597u3001u63a8u62ffu3001u6309u6469u3001u62e8u706bu7f50u3001u522eu75e7u3001 u4feeu811au3001u91c7u8033u7b49u3002
I was suffering from acute sunstroke starvation and exhaustion .
u6211u4e25u91cd u4e2du6691uff0cu53c8u997fu53c8u7d2fu3002
Conversations were concerning sunstroke . The freshmen always seem like vegetables .
u8c08u8d77 u8bdd u6765uff0c u603b u79bb u4e0du4e86 u4e2du6691u3002u65b0u751fu770bu8d77u6765u603bu50cfu690du7269u4ebau3002
Wang offered summer cooling items to Edunburgh 's front line workers and told them pay attention to sunstroke prevention .
u6700u540euff0cu738bu4e66u8bb0u5411u7231u767bu5821u4e00u7ebfu5458u5de5u8d60u9001 u9632u6691u964du6e29u7269u54c1uff0cu5e76u5631u5490u4f01u4e1au5728 u708eu70edu590fu65e5u5de5u4f5cu4e2du5e94 u505au597du964d u6691u964du6e29u7b49u5de5u4f5cu3002
Conversations were concerning sunstroke ; while butter-making and still more butterkeeping was a despair .
u4ed6u4eecu5728u4e00u5757u513fu8c08u8bddu7684u5185u5bb9u603bu662fu4e0e u4e2du6691u6709u5173uff1bu800cu505au9ec4u6cb9uff0cu5c24u5176u662fu4fddu5b58u9ec4u6cb9u90fdu662fu6ca1u6709u529eu6cd5u505au5230u7684u4e8bu4e86u3002
Heatstroke : debility caused by exposure to heat and humidity usually for many hours called sunstroke when caused by direct sunlight .
u4e2du6691uff1au56e0u66ddu9732u5728u6e7fu70edu73afu5883u4e0bu800cu5f15u8d77u7684u8eabu4f53u865au8131u73b0u8c61uff0cu76f4u63a5u53d7u65e5u6652u5f15u8d77u7684 u4e2du6691u79f0u4e3a u65e5u5c04u75c5u3002
Mother was afraid we would get sunstroke while fishing on such a hot day .
u6bcdu4eb2u62c5u5fc3u6211u4eecu8fd9u4e48u70edu7684u5929u9493u9c7cu4f1a u4e2du6691u3002
Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature but does not sweat .
u4e2du6691u7684u4ebau4f1au5934u6655uff0c u53d1u9ad8u70e7uff0cu4f46u5e76u4e0du51fau6c57u3002
Air condition has to be installed in all of operation room and crush-room and drink of sunstroke prevention should be supplied in summer to prevent sweltering of operators .
u5728u9ad8u6e29u5b63u8282u5e94u6ce8u610f u9632u6691u964du6e29uff0cu5185u64cdu4ebau5458u7684u64cdu4f5cu5ba4u3001u5916u64cdu4ebau5458u7684u4f11u606fu5ba4u8bbeu6709u7a7au8c03u8bbeu5907uff0cu5382u5185u590fu5b63u5e94u4f9bu7ed9 u964du6e29u996eu6599uff0cu53efu4ee5u9884u9632u4e2du6691u7684u53d1u751fu3002
Lally was sure that we would get sunstroke while we were fishing .
u62c9u83b1u786eu4fe1u6211u4eecu5728u9493u9c7cu65f6u4f1a u4e2du6691u3002
Iam afraid I 've got sunstroke .
u6211u6050u6015u662f u4e2du6691u4e86u3002
A watermelon is a good fruit for relieving heat and sunstroke .
u897fu74dc & u6d88u6691 u89e3u70edu4e4bu826fu679cu3002
In scorching heat some people have died of sunstroke and dehydration .
u7099u70edu7684u9ad8u6e29u4f7fu6709u4e9bu4ebau56e0 u4e2du6691u8131u6c34u800cu6b7bu4ea1u3002
I suddenly felt dizzy . I must have suffered sunstroke .
u6211u7a81u7136u611fu5230u5934u6655u773cu82b1uff0cu53efu80fdu662f u4e2du6691u4e86u3002
She was treated for sunstroke .
u5979 u56e0 u4e2du6691 u63a5u53d7u6cbbu7597u3002
Symptoms of sunstroke : Headache muscle cramps fatigue dizziness hot dry skin flushed skin high body temperature lack of sweating rapid pulse rapid breathing seizures loss of consciousness .
I kept standing under a burning sun for a long while till I had sunstroke .
u6211u603bu662fu7ad9u5728u70bdu70edu7684u592au9633u5e95u4e0bu4e00u6652u5c31u662fu5f88u957fu65f6u95f4uff0cu7ec8u4e8eu5f97u4e86 u65e5u5c04u75c5u3002
METHOD : The clinical data and management of 8 subjects with sunstroke were retrospectively analysed .
u65b9u6cd5uff1a u62a5u544au5e76u5206u67908u4f8b u65e5u5c04u75c5u60a3u8005u7684u4e34u5e8au8868u73b0u3001u6cbbu7597u548c u62a2u6551 u63aau65bdu3002
Conversations were concerning sunstroke .
u8c08u8d77 u8bdd u6765uff0c u603b u79bb u4e0du4e86 u4e2du6691u3002
The state 's coastal belt is bearing the brunt as high humidity level in the atmosphere coupled with soaring day temperature is leading to cases of sunstroke the report said .
u8bb0u8005u62a5u9053uff0cu8be5u653fu5e9cu6cbfu6d77u4e00u5e26u5fcdu53d7u7a7au6c14u4e2du7684u9ad8u6e7fu5ea6u52a0u4e0au9ad8u6e29u7684u51b2u51fbuff0cu4eceu800cu5bfcu81f4u4e86 u65e5u5c04u75c5 u7684 u53d1u751fu3002
Sunstroke or heatstroke is an illness caused by prolonged exposure to very hot temperatures .
Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening .
u6e38u5ba2u5728u4e2du5348u5f88u5bb9u6613 u4e2du6691uff0cu800cu5728u665au4e0au5f88u5bb9u6613u51bbu50f5u3002