He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason .
u4ed6u7684u60c5u7eeau5bb9u6613u7a81u53d8uff0cu4e14u4f1au65e0u7f18u65e0u6545u5730 u6120u6012u548cu54edu6ce3u3002
Don 't let him sulk in a corner .
u522bu628au4ed6 u4e22u5728u89d2u843du91ccu3002
He turned his back and sulked .
u4ed6u8f6cu8fc7u8eabu53bbuff0c u9762u5e26 u6120u8272u3002
He went off to sulk in his room .
u4ed6u56deu5230u81eau5df1u5c4bu91ccuff0c u751f u8d77 u95f7u6c14u6765u3002
Richard 's having a bit of a sulk upstairs .
u7406u67e5u5fb7u6b63u5728u697cu4e0a u7ef7u7740u8138 u95f9 u813eu6c14u3002
Do not sit in the corner and sulk .
u4e0du8981u4e00u4e2au4ebau5750u5728u89d2u843du91ccu751f u95f7u6c14u3002
Would he sulk over not having been traded ?
u4ed6u4f1au56e0u4e3au6ca1u6709u88abu4ea4u6613 u800c u751fu6c14u5417uff1f
The digital projector decided to sulk that warm evening last April at the Women 's Club .
u53bbu5e74u56dbu6708u7684u4e00u5929u665au4e0auff0cu5728u5987u5973u4f1au7684u6f14u8bb2u793euff0cu6570u4f4du6295u5f71u673a u7adfu7136 u505cu6446u4e86u3002
If she doesn 't get what she wants she goes into a sulk just like a child .
u5982u679cu5979u5f97u4e0du5230u5979u60f3 u800du7684u4e1cu897fu5c31u4f1au50cfu5c0fu5b69u5b50u4e00u6837 u751f u95f7u6c14u3002
Acknowledge your positive qualities and when you come across a quality in yourself that you arent proud of dont sulk in your sorrows proactively work on correcting it .
u627fu8ba4u81eau5df1u6b63u9762u7684u54c1u8d28uff0cu8981u662fu53d1u73b0u8eabu4e0au6709u4f60u5e76u4e0du89c9u5f97u81eau8c6au7684u67d0u79cdu54c1u8d28uff0cu4e5fu522b u96beu8fc7uff0cu4e3bu52a8u6539u6b63u5c31u597du3002
Speaking of which you are not allowed to sulk tonight .
u53efu4f60u4ecau5929 u4e0du8bb8u4e0du9ad8u5174u3002
When you do have an error go ahead and sulk a while and then focus on improving whatever techniques led you to your mistake .
u5f53u4f60u72afu9519u8befu65f6uff0c u751fu6c14u4e00u6bb5u65f6u95f4u540euff0cu5c31u5e94u8be5u96c6u4e2du6539u8fdbu90a3u4e9bu4f7fu4f60u4ea7u751fu9519u8befu7684u6280u672fu3002
Don 't sulk .
u4e0du8981 u6004u6c14u3002
She will go into a sulk and cut you for days .
u5979u5c06u4f1a u8d4cu6c14uff0cu51e0u5929 u4e0d u7406u776cu4f60u3002
Does this guy still sulk in the middle of a meeting ?
u8fd9u5bb6u4f19u8fd8u662fu5728u5f00u4f1au7684 u65f6u5019 u5435u67b6u5417uff1f
I badly want my children to join me there even if they have to sulk up off the floor to discover the stillness .
u6211u5341u5206u60f3u8ba9u6211u7684u5b69u5b50u4e0eu6211u53bbu90a3u513fuff0cu54eau6015u4ed6u4eecu4f1a u751fu6c14u5730u8d56u5728u5730u677fu4e0au3002
He went into a sulk and refused to cooperate .
u4ed6 u751fu6c14u4e86uff0cu62d2u7eddu5408u4f5cu3002
It 's just that the facts about death cause you to stay in your room and sulk .
u800cu53eau662fu8bf4u5173u4e8eu6b7bu4ea1u7684u4e8bu5b9euff0cu5bfcu81f4u4f60u5446u5728u623fu95f4u91cc u751fu6c14u3002
Don 't sulk mope or brood .
u4e0du8981 u751fu6c14u6216u7126u8651u3002
You seem to think that your only options are to flounce off or sulk .
u4f60u4f3cu4e4eu89c9u5f97u4f60u80fdu505au7684uff0cu8981u4e48u5c31u662fu62c2u8896u79bbu53bbuff0cu8981u4e48u5c31u662fu7559u4e0bu6765u751f u95f7u6c14u3002
They used to fight and then cry and then sulk if they could not get their own way .
u8fc7u53bbu4ed6u4eecu4e0du987au5fc3u7684 u65f6u5019u5e38u5e38u6253u67b6uff0cu7136u540eu54edu53ebuff0cu6700u540e u542bu6012 u4e0d u8bedu3002
She said no which sent him into a terrible sulk .
u5979u8bf4u4e0duff0cu8fd9u4f7fu4ed6u5927 u751f u95f7u6c14u3002
If you have any complaint don 't just sulk ; speak up .
u4f60u6709u610fu89c1u63d0u51fau6765uff0cu4e0du8981 u95f9 u610fu6c14u3002
When Regina Mayer 's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse the15-year-old did not sit and sulk .
u4e3du8d3eu5a1c-u8fc8u8036u7684u7236u6bcdu6ca1u80fdu5b9eu73b0u8ba9u5979u517bu4e0au5c0fu9a6cu7684u68a6u60f3uff0cu7136u800cu8fd9u4f4d15u5c81u7684u5973u5b69u5e76u672a u5411u9685u800cu6ce3u3002
Are their dreams not worth it ? If not why do we sulk about them later ?
u662fu4ed6u4eecu7684u7406u60f3u4e0du503cu5f97u5417u3002u5982u679cu4e0du662fuff0cu4e3au4ec0u4e48u4e4bu540e u5c31u4f1a u4e3au6b64 u800c u9057u61beuff1f
If you want to sulk be my guest .
u5982u679cu4f60u60f3u8981 u53d1u706bu7684u8bdduff0cu8bf7u968fu610fu3002