Sure thing Where and when ?
u5f53u7136 u60f3uff0cu4ec0u4e48u65f6u5019uff1fu5728u54eau91ccuff1f
I knew I was definitely in the bottom two but I thought Alexandria was a for sure thing to go home because of that .
u6211u77e5u9053u6211u80afu5b9au662fu57abu5e95u7684u4e24u4ebau4e4bu4e00uff0cu4f46u662fu6211u4e5f u80afu5b9a u662fAlexandriau88abu9001u56deu5bb6u3002
You 're made to feel like you 're crazy : crazy to forsake the sure thing crazy to think it could work crazy to imagine that you even have a right to try .
u597du50cfu81eau5df1u5df2u7ecfu8d70u706bu5165u9b54u4e86u4f3cu7684uff1au75afu4e86u822cu5730u629bu5f03 u786eu5b9a u65e0u7591 u7684 u4e1cu897fuff0cu75afu4e86u822cu5730u8ba4u4e3au601du60f3u751fu6d3bu53efu884cuff0cu75afu4e86u822cu5730u60f3u8c61u4f60u6709u5c1du8bd5u7684u6743u5229u3002
It is no fun betting on a sure thing .
u5bf9 u5fc5u7136 u8981 u53d1u751f u7684 u4e8bu6253u8d4cu662fu6bebu65e0u610fu4e49u7684u3002
Have fun with your sure thing .
u795du4f60u4e0eu4f60u7684 u65e0 u5371u9669 u7684 u4e8bu73a9u7684u5f00u5fc3u3002
At least that would have been a sure thing .
u81f3u5c11u8fd9u4f1au662fu4e00u4ef6 u80afu5b9a u7684 u4e8bu60c5u3002
Of course Congress being Congress what should happen is anything but a sure thing .
u5f53u7136uff0cu56fdu4f1au5c31u662fu56fdu4f1auff0cu5176u672au6765u52a8u5411u5145u6ee1u4e86u4e0d u786eu5b9au6027u3002
It 's sure thing that he 'll succeed at what he chooses to do because he 's so talented .
u56e0u4e3au4ed6u90a3u6837u6709u624du5e72uff0cu4ed6u9009u5b9au7684 u4e8b u5fc5u5c06u6210u529fuff0cu8fd9u662fu65e0u53efu7f6eu7591u7684u3002
Sure thing I 'll have the report on your desk first thing in the morning .
This proposal is by no means a sure thing .
u8fd9u4e2au63d0u8baeu7eddu4e0d u4f1a u7406u6240u5f53u7136u5730u83b7u5f97u901au8fc7u3002
Your job isn 't a sure thing
u4f60u7684u5de5u4f5cu5e76u4e0du662f u7406u6240u5f53u7136 u7684 u4e8b
Everyone thought it was a sure thing and we were amazed when they pulled out .
u6bcfu4e2au4ebau90fdu89c9u5f97u4e8bu60c5u5df2u6210 u5b9au5c40uff0cu6240u4ee5u5f53u4ed6u4eecu6446u8131u56f0u5883u65f6uff0cu6211u4eecu5f88u662fu60cau8bb6u3002
Sure thing I 'll be glad to do it for you .
Through many experiences I can 't remember how many dreams I have had but a sure thing is that I must be a useful person .
u901au8fc7u5f88u591au7684u7ecfu5386uff0cu6211u4e0du77e5u9053u6211u66feu7ecfu6709u591au5c11u68a6u60f3uff0cu4f46u662fu4e00 u4ef6u5f88 u786eu5b9a u7684 u4e8bu5c31u662fu6211u4e00u5b9au8981u6210u4e3au4e00u4f4du6709u7528u7684u4ebau3002
That 's the stuff . I 've got a sure thing .
u6ca1u9519uff0cu6211u6709u4e00u4e2a u5fc5 u8d62u5927u8ba1u3002
You should not assume at all that you have a sure thing .
u60a8u5b8cu5168u4e0du7528u8003u8651u81eau5df1u6709u4ec0u4e48u53efu8d4cu7684 u4e1cu897fu3002
I don 't agree that it 's a sure thing but as I said you have better odds if you follow your passion .
u6211u8ba4u4e3au4e0d u4e00u5b9a u5982u6b64uff0cu6b63u5982u8bf4u8fc7u7684uff0cu5982u679cu8ffdu968fu6fc0u60c5uff0cu4f60u7684u673au4f1au66f4u5927u3002
' Be careful ! ' u2014 ' Sure thing Dad . So long . '
u201cu8981u591au52a0u5c0fu5fc3uff01u201du2014u2014u201c u4e00u5b9a u4f1au7684uff0cu7238u7238u3002u518du89c1u3002u201d
I 've been luckier than a lot of people sure thing but that doesn 't mean I 'm satisfied with things as they are .
u6211u6bd4u8bb8u591au4eba u5e78u8fd0uff0cu8fd9u6211u627fu8ba4uff1bu4f46u8fd9u5e76u4e0du610fu5473u7740u6211u5c31u6ee1u8db3u4e8eu73b0u72b6u4e86u3002
Jeff : Sure thing my English study partner !
u6770u592buff1a u6ca1 u95eeu9898uff0cu6211u7684u82f1u8bedu5b66u4e60u4f19u4f34uff01
I finished learning u300a Ben 's Sure Thing u300b tonight .
u4ecau5929u665au4e0auff0cu6211u5b66u4e60u5b8cu4e86u300au672cu7684 u8273u9047u300bu3002
Sure thing boss . I have them right here .
u8001u677fuff0c u6ca1 u95eeu9898u3002u5c31u5728u6211u8fd9u513fuff0cu90fd u5f04u597du4e86u3002
It 's almost a sure thing you won 't.
u51e0u4e4e u53efu4ee5 u80afu5b9au4f60u4e00u5b9au8d62u4e0du4e86u3002
It was a sure thing why 'd the deal fall apart ?
u8fd9 u4ef6 u4e8bu5df2u7ecf u5b9au4e86uff0cu4e3au4ec0u4e48u8fd9u7b14u4ea4u6613u5439u4e86uff1f
Little miss wants to see big daddy ? Sure thing .
u5c0fu59d1u5a18u60f3u89c1u7238u7238u4e86u662fu5427uff1f u80afu5b9a u662fu3002
Sure thing ! I 'll be happy to help .
u5f53u7136uff0cu6211u4e50u4e8e u6548u52b3u3002
Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing .
u5982u679cu4f60u8981u5bf9u786eu6709 u628au63e1 u7684 u4e8bu6295u8d44uff0cu8d44u91d1u77edu7f3au4f1au662fu4e2au969cu788du3002
When fear is up it is a sure thing that faith is down .
u5f53u6050u60e7u4e0au5347uff0c u80afu5b9a u4f60u7684u4fe1u5fc3u662fu4e0bu964du4e86u3002
Even if your company has all of these attributes your IPO is not a sure thing .
u5373u4fbfu4f60u7684u516cu53f8u62e5u6709u6240u6709u8fd9u4e9bu7279u8d28uff0cIPOu4e5fu4e0du662f u94c1u677fu9489u9489 u7684 u4e8bu3002
美[ʃʊr θɪŋ]英[ʃuə θiŋ]