The branch Jia has the power of attorney from the Company C so he can provide a suretyship .
u7532u5206u652fu673au6784u5df2u7ecfu53d6u5f97u603bu516cu53f8Cu7684 u4e66u9762u6388u6743u4e66uff0cu56e0u6b64u6709 u6743 u5bf9u5916u63d0u4f9b u4fddu8bc1u3002
If the creditor does not demand that the surety undertake suretyship liability during the term of suretyship agreed in the contract or provided by the preceding paragraph the surety shall be relieved of the suretyship liability .
u5728u5408u540cu7ea6u5b9au7684u4fddu8bc1u671fu95f4u548cu524du6b3eu89c4u5b9au7684u4fddu8bc1 u671fu95f4uff0cu503au6743u4ebau672au8981u6c42u4fddu8bc1u4ebau627fu62c5 u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu7684uff0cu4fddu8bc1u4ebau514du9664u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu3002
The suretyship liability is directly correlative with the mode of suretyship the term of suretyship and limitations of actions .
Secondly the legal consequences of a variety of causes of the invalid suretyship contract are analyzed .
u5176u6b21uff0cu5bf9u5404u7c7bu4e0du540cu6210u56e0u7684u65e0u6548 u4fddu8bc1u5408u540cu7684u6cd5u5f8bu540eu679cu4f5cu4e86u5206u6790u3002
Article25if the surety of a general suretyship and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship the term of suretyship shall be six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts .
u7b2cu4e8cu5341u4e94u6761u4e00u822c u4fddu8bc1u7684u4fddu8bc1u4ebau4e0eu503au6743u4ebau672au7ea6u5b9au4fddu8bc1u671fu95f4u7684uff0cu4fddu8bc1u671fu95f4u4e3au4e3bu503au52a1u5c65u884cu671fu5c4au6ee1u4e4bu65e5u8d77u516du4e2au6708u3002
According to the regulations if a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority .
u6839u636eu89c4u5b9auff0cu4f01u4e1au6cd5u4ebau7684u5206u652fu673au6784u6709u6cd5u4ebau4e66u9762u6388u6743u7684uff0cu53efu4ee5u5728u6388u6743u8303u56f4u5185u63d0u4f9b u4fddu8bc1u3002
Otherwise the term of suretyship starts when the debtor refuses his obligations .
u4fddu8bc1 u4eba u65e0u5148u8bc9 u6297u8fa9 u6743u7684uff0c u4fddu8bc1 u671fu95f4u5e94 u81eau4e3bu503au52a1u4ebau4e0du5c65u884cu503au52a1u65f6u5f00u59cbu8ba1u7b97u3002
Suretyship is a kind of guaranty which is generally used guarantee a debt in the economic life .
Tentative Ideas On the Legal Nature and its Judicial Application of the Term of Suretyship & based on the view of the Guaranty Law and the Judicial Interpretation
u8bd5u8bba u4fddu8bc1 u671fu95f4u7684u6cd5u5f8bu6027u8d28u53cau5176u53f8u6cd5u9002u7528&u57fau4e8eu62c5u4fddu6cd5u53cau5176u53f8u6cd5u89e3u91cau7684u89c6u89d2
The suretyship is a form of guaranty in which the performance of a contract ( principal obligation ) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety 's general property .
Three factors will be evaluated carefully before any suretyship agreements is made : the character of the principal the financial capacity of the principal and the experience of the principal .
u5728u7b7eu8ba2u4efbu4f55 u4fddu8bc1 u4fddu9669u5408u540cu4e4bu524du90fdu8981u4ed4u7ec6u8bc4u4f30u4e09u4e2au8981u7d20uff1au88ab u4fddu8bc1 u4ebau7684u54c1u8d28u3001u8d22u52a1u5b9eu529bu53cau5176u7ecfu5386u3002
As for the concept and definition the paper mainly expounds the value and function of suretyship defects and inadequacy besides discussion of the legal implication of suretyship .
u5bf9u4e8eu4fddu8bc1u7684u6982u8ff0uff0cu672cu6587u9664u5bf9u4fddu8bc1u7684u6cd5u5f8bu542bu4e49u8fdbu884cu8bbau8ff0u5916uff0cu4e3bu8981u9610u8ff0u4e86 u4fddu8bc1u7684u4ef7u503cu4e0eu4f5cu7528u3001u7f3au9677u4e0eu4e0du8db3u3002
Between the different modes of suretyship the order in which the sureties undertake the suretyship liability and the intensities of the suretyship liability are different .
Inasmuch as the debtor has go bankrupt I will abandon the claim . If the creditor waives the property security the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor 's waiver .
u503au52a1u4ebau65e2u5df2u7834u4ea7uff0cu6211u5c06u653eu5f03u503au6743u3002u503au6743u4ebau653eu5f03u7269u7684u62c5u4fddu7684uff0cu4fddu8bc1u4ebau5728u503au6743u4ebau653eu5f03u6743u5229u7684u8303u56f4u5185u514du9664 u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu3002
A lot of scholars in our country have made a deep study on the suretyship system .
u5bf9u4e8e u4fddu8bc1u5236u5ea6uff0cu6211u56fdu8bb8u591au5b66u8005u5df2u6709u5f88u6df1u5165u7684u7814u7a76u3002
On the Beginning of the Term of Suretyship & And on the Term of Suretyship and the Limitation of Actions of the Contract of Suretyship
u4fddu8bc1 u671fu95f4 u8d77u7b97u65b0u63a2&u517cu8bbau4fddu8bc1u671fu95f4u4e0eu4fddu8bc1u5408u540cu8bc9u8bbcu65f6u6548
The article on collateral 's transfer refers to the clause engaged by the civil subjects in the contract of suretyship which the secured creditor will attain the ownership of the engaged collateral when the debtor can 't pay off the due debt .
u6d41u8d28 u7ea6u6b3eu662fu6307u6c11u5546u4e3bu4f53u5f53u4e8bu4ebau4e4bu95f4u5728u6709u5173u7269u7684u62c5u4fddu5408u540cu4e2d u7ea6u5b9au7684uff0cu4e8eu503au52a1u4ebau5230u671fu672au80fdu6e05u507fu503au52a1u65f6u5373u7531u62c5u4fddu6743u4ebau53d6u5f97u6240u7ea6u5b9au7684u62c5u4fddu7269u7684u6240u6709u6743u7684u6761u6b3eu3002
Claims Secured by Maritime Lien If the creditor waives the property security the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor 's waiver .
u8239u8236u4f18u5148u6743u62c5u4fddu7684u503au6743u503au6743u4ebau653eu5f03u7269u7684u62c5u4fddu7684uff0cu4fddu8bc1u4ebau5728u503au6743u4ebau653eu5f03u6743u5229u7684u8303u56f4u5185u514du9664 u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu3002
Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own .
Traditional accessory suretyship is characterized by principle of co-extensiveness which complies with the purpose of suretyship and is therefore confining the scope of the surety 's liability to that of the principal debtor .
u4f20u7edfu7684 u62c5u4fddu5177u6709u9644u5c5eu6027u548cu8865u5145u6027u7684u7279u70b9uff0cu8fd9u4e00u7279u70b9u5b8cu5168u4f53u73b0u4e86u8bbeu5b9au62c5u4fddu7684u76eeu7684uff0cu4e5fu9650u5236u4e86u62c5u4fddu4ebau8d23u4efbu7684u98ceu9669u8303u56f4u3002
Guaranty Law of the People 's Republic of China mixes up the two terms : suretyship and limitation of action .
u5982u679cu62c5u4fddu300au4e2du534eu4ebau6c11u5171u548cu56fdu62c5u4fddu6cd5u300bu5c06 u4fddu8bc1 u671fu95f4u4e0eu8bc9u8bbcu65f6u6548u76f8u6df7u6dc6u3002
In the discussion on suretyship liability four aspects such as contents and mode scope assumption as well as dissolution of suretyship liability are mainly expounded .
u5728u5bf9 u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu7684u8bbau8ff0u4e0auff0cu4e3bu8981u4eceu4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu7684u5185u5bb9u4e0eu65b9u5f0fu3001u8303u56f4u3001u627fu62c5u53cau706du5931u56dbu4e2au65b9u9762u8fdbu884cu4e86u8f83u4e3au8be6u5c3du7684u9610u8ff0u3002
Thirdly the laws are to be carried on strictly to avoid the situation of the ineffectiveness of suretyship .
u7b2cu4e09uff0cu4e25u683cu6267u884cu6cd5u5f8buff0cu907fu514d u4fddu8bc1u65e0u6548u60c5u51b5u3002
A general suretyship allows the surety to refuse to undertake suretyship liability towards the creditor before a dispute over the principal contract is tried or arbitrated and the obligations are not enforceable even after the debtor 's assets have been seized according to law .
u4e00u822c u4fddu8bc1u7684u4fddu8bc1 u4ebau5728u4e3bu5408u540cu7ea0u7eb7u672au7ecfu5ba1u5224u6216u8005u4ef2u88c1uff0cu5e76u5c31u503au52a1u4ebau8d22u4ea7u4f9du6cd5u5f3au5236u6267u884cu4ecdu4e0du80fdu5c65u884cu503au52a1u524duff0cu5bf9u503au6743u4ebau53efu4ee5u62d2u7eddu627fu62c5u4fddu8bc1u8d23u4efbu3002
Suretyship of Loan Contracts in Ancient China
u4e2du56fdu53e4u4ee3u501fu8d37u5951u7ea6u7684 u4fddu8bc1 u5236u5ea6
Such as : Joint suretyship should follow the principle of contractual specifications so as to ensure guarantor ' subrogation and a claim to exemption from liability offering relief to guarantor to a maximum degree ;
u8fdeu5e26 u8d23u4efb u4fddu8bc1u5e94u5f53u9075u5faau5951u7ea6u7ea6u5b9au539fu5219uff0cu8d4bu4e88u4fddu8bc1u4ebau4ee3u4f4du6743u548cu514du8d23u8bf7u6c42u6743uff0cu4ee5u5145u5206u4fddu62a4u4fddu8bc1u4ebau7684u5229u76cauff0cu6700u5927u9650u5ea6u5730u7ed9u4e88u4fddu8bc1u4ebau6551u6d4euff1b