It is also because of the wild fluctuations in global perceptions about China which swing from ultra-bullish to super-bearish within the space of a few weeks with little apparent regard for the fundamentals .
还因为全球投资者对中国的看法往往会剧烈摇摆,在短短几周内就 从极度乐观 摇摆到极度悲观,似乎根本不把基本面因素当一回事。
In addition the swing from boom to bust completely changes the public view of finance and the willingness to take risks .
此外, 从繁荣到萧条的 转变完全改变了公众对于金融和承担风险意愿的观点。
You 'll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands and others will use their left hands .
你就会看到其中一些喜欢 用它们的右手 摇摆而其他的会用左手来 摇摆。
Like most humanoids I am burdened with what the Buddhists call the monkey mind & the thoughts that swing from limb to limb stopping only to scratch themselves spit and howl .
就像所有的类人动物,我为佛家所谓的猿猴心所苦& 荡来 荡去的思考,停下来的时候只为搔痒、吐口水、嚎叫。
In second grade our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars swing from one high rod to the next .
那场比赛双方水平悬殊上二年级时,我们的老师叫我们班同学列队在操场上进行猴架比赛, 从一个高杠 悬 荡到下一个杠。
Mr Bebb should grab the seat which is high on the Conservatives'national hit list and requires a small swing from Labour .
The front wheels of a car cross the bump one after the other rather than in unison making the car swing from side to side .
汽车的前轮通过一个又一个的颠簸,而不是一致的,使汽车不停的 摆动。
The results showed a swing from a net balance of minus 10.2 in January to positive 28 in July the highest since January 2008 .
调查结果显示,净差额 从1月份的负10.2 转变为7月份的28,为去年1月以来的最高水平。
The housing market has moved beyond a cyclical swing from boom to bust into a fundamental cycle of negative feedback that weighs on the whole economy .
美国房地产市场已经越过盛衰周期 波动,进入到对整体经济构成压力的负反馈基本循环。
This paper introduces a new principle to discriminate power swing from short circuit on transmission line .
本文介绍了区分 振荡 与短路的新原理。
To get the best effect of wavelet transform the paper analyses the principles of discriminating power swing from fault then presents a new criterion .
为了获得最佳小波变换效果,分析了利用改进递归小波变换区分 振荡 与故障的原理,并首次提出了一种新判据。
His mood could swing from joy to despair .
他的情绪 从高兴 变成了沮丧。
My trunk and swing from my branches and be happy .
在我的树枝上 荡 秋千,快快乐乐的。
The results have showed that the hip flexion ( acceleration of leg ) of the long swing from the handstand on HB facing to LB starts before the pass of the vertical plane of HB which is contrary to the traditionary principle of swinging technique .
解析结果表明, 由面对低杠的高杠倒立开始的大 摆 动作,屈髋(腿加速)开始于过杠垂面之前,这与传统的摆动动作技术原理相悖。
He would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches and eat apples .
他会爬上她的树干, 在她的树枝上 摆 荡,一边享用树上的苹果。
They just swing from the east of the sun to the West and back and we can only see them just before sunrise or just after sunset .
由于它们和太阳靠 得很近,所以我们只能在 日出前或黄昏后看到它们。
Perhaps the worst extreme of this is trying on the Development method of the month where a team will swing from RUP to XP to some other agile method within the lifecycle of a single project .
最为糟糕的可能是尝试每个月更换不同的开发方法,在单个项目的生命周期中,一个团队 从RUP 改变为XP,以及一些其他敏捷方法。
This is a massive swing from 2007 when the US private sector ran a deficit of 2.4 per cent of GDP .
这 与2007年相比是个巨大的 逆转。当时,美国私人部门的赤字占GDP的2.4%。
The party went with a swing from the start .
这个聚会 从一开始就 有声有色。
If I would let it swing from one meter height and you would be there and it would hit you you 'd be dead .
如果我让它 摇摆, 从一米高出,你站在这,它击中你,你会死。
There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats
出现了一个巨大 转变:多达20%的人 由支持保守党 转而 支持自由民主党。
For the rest of us Asia 's swing from simplicity to complexity holds an interesting lesson and a worrying question .
对于我们其他人来说,亚洲 由素 转繁是一次有趣的教训,也是一个令人担忧的疑问。
They can go it alone jig for crayfish and swing from ropes along the bank .
他们可以独自去小溪,在水中活蹦乱跳地捉小虾,在岸边 系上绳子 荡 秋千。
Leap over rooftops and swing from trees .
而这个家伙能跳上屋顶,能 在树间 摆动。
So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder .
因此一当你 从肩膀 挥拍 的 时候,要专注于使前臂和手腕稳定。
The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment .
期末考试渐渐 被连续性评估所取代。
Marginal seat show a swing away from the government .
边际 选区显示了对政府的 背离。
美[swɪŋ frʌm]英[swiŋ frɔm]