supply schedule

[səˈplaɪ ˈskɛdʒul][səˈplai ˈʃedju:əl]


  • Final schedule of execution of works and supply of technical documentation will be reviewed and agreed by the parties at kick-off meeting provided that the detailed schedule of supply of working documentation is to be submitted by the contractor together with part to be approved .

    只要详细的“工作文件提供 计划”由承包商与待批准部分一同提交,“工程执行最终计划”及 提供的技术文件须双方在开球会上审核并同意。

  • Water supply is adequate special network will supply water to the new area . Study on Deficit Irrigation Schedule for Maize under Agronomic Management

    农艺 节水条件下春玉米的非充分 灌溉制度研究

  • It is often appropriate to integrate lean production and agile manufacturing in the supply chain as lean production requires a level schedule and agile manufacturing is best suited for satisfying a fluctuating demand ( in terms of production volume and variety ) .

    供应链中集成精益生产和敏捷制造往往是合适的,因为精益生产需要层级 调度,敏捷制造最适合于满足波动需求。

  • Based on the modern scientific methods schedule management determines the progress of the goals by diversing the goals and tasks into some levels and then prepares a reasonable schedule and resource supply plan for schedule control and incoordination with the other goals .

    进度管理是以现代科学方法确定进度目标,通过把工期目标和任务层层分解,编制合理的进度计划与资源 供应计划,进行 进度控制,在与其它目标相协调的基础上,实现工期目标。

  • Supply curve ( or supply schedule )

    供给曲线(或 供给

  • The multidrug resistance mechanisms of the intracranial tumors of the children were studied which supply clues for the choice of the anticancer drug in chemotherapy schedule and judgement for the prognosis of the children with intracranial tumors .

    探讨儿童颅内肿瘤的耐药机制,为颅内肿瘤临床化疗 方案的选择和预后判断 提供理论依据。

  • In the process of scientific water supply the decision system of the schedule must rely on the state assessment system in selecting a scheme .

    供水科学 调度过程中, 调度决策系统选择 调度方案时必须借助于状态评价系统。

  • The new technology includes precise design on the oxygen lance and nozzle and establishment of proper oxygen supply schedule .

    转炉高效吹氧技术包括正确设计氧枪喷头,制定正确的 供氧 工艺

  • It analyses the capital supply according to schedule source demands time difference consume . It discusses how to use the capital economically at full capacity and low cost .

    采用了按 进度 计划、按资源需求,实行时差耗费进行资金 供应方法;采用满负荷,降成本,合理节约使用资金措施。

  • With this information operators are able to compute the optimal cost supply schedule for the entire network and the predicted demand profile .

    通过这些信息,操作者能够为整个网络计算出一个最理想的 供应 以及预计需求表。

  • This study will supply a reference for the follow-up schedule management of substation construction engineering .

    这一研究将为后续变电站项目 进度管理 提供可资借鉴的经验。

  • Under traditional electric power industry there is no bidding strategy problem and the all task for power plant is to supply power according to the dispatching schedule released by the electric grid dispatcher .

    在传统垄断体制下,发电厂按照 电网 调度员指令进行生产,完全不存在报价策略的问题。

  • ( iii ) to ensure that service suppliers of any other Member do not supply services unless permitted pursuant to commitments in the Member 's Schedule .

    (ⅲ)保证任何其他成员的服务提供者不 提供该成员 中承诺所允许之外的服务。

  • With debt still in short supply and expensive private equity groups are being forced to find new ways to pay down this debt ahead of schedule .

    由于贷款仍然 供应不足且成本高昂,私人股本集团将被迫寻找新方法来 提前偿还债务。

  • In order to guarantee the effective implementation of the shipbuilding supply chain coordination of cooperation schedule we should introduce cooperation culture information sharing business process reorganization innovation of production plan JIT purchase system and cooperation coordination mechanism .

    为保证造船 供应链合作 进度协同这一复杂系统的有效实施,需要引入合作文化、信息共享、业务流程重组、生产计划创新、准时采购制和合作协同机制等相应对策。

  • Application of Micro-PLC in Heat Supply Schedule Automation System

    微型PLC在集中 供热 调度自动化系统中的应用

  • It suggests that in modern project management resource management must be included into schedule management and the influences of resource availability and supply to the schedule should also be considered .

    同时详细地论述了资源链图各资源对项目目标的影响,指出在现代项目管理中,资源管理必须纳入进度管理中,要考虑到资源的有限获得和 供应过程对 工期的影响。

  • Processing problems including requirements of quartz raw materials graphite crucibles power supply vacuum pump oil melting schedule etc. which affect the production and quality of transparent silica glass tubes by vacuum-pressure method have been discussed .

    讨论了采用真空加压法制造透明石英玻璃管的过程中,影响质量和产量的主要工艺因素,其中包括石英原料、石墨坩埚、 配电、真空泵油、熔炼 制度等方面的问题。

  • In this dissertation pipe network prediction optimal schedule intelligence control and the steady switch of high power electromotor are deeply researched and discussed for water distribution systems . Water supply pipe network prediction is premise base of optimal schedule .

    论文对城市 供水系统中管网预测、优化 调度、智能控制以及大功率电机平稳切换等问题进行深入系统的研究和探讨。

  • As he multi-species hybrid assembly line is so complexity that how to ensure the stability and the timely supply of the required materials how to schedule and plan effectively for the assembly line running efficiently and orderly is an important issue for enterprises .

    为了使混流装配线高效有序地运行,要保证稳定的物料需求与及时 供应,实施有效的 调度与规划,这是企业生产管理中的重要问题。

  • Obviously deep insight in the supply chain is needed here to understand whether or not all replenishments are on schedule .

    显然,这里需要深入探察 供应链中发生的情况,才能了解所有产品补充步骤是否都在按 计划正常执行。

  • In the dynamic scheduling process the decision agent needs to rebuild the supply chain and its optimal production and transportation planning according to the demand changing quantity and the executive situation of the old schedule .

    动态调度中决策主体需要根据需求增加或降低,以及在决策 时刻 调度 计划执行状态的基础上进行 供应链系统的重构,制定最优的生产和运输 调度 计划

  • Purchasing is one of the most significant factors of supply chain . That is because the inbound material quality delivery schedule and purchasing cost are decided by the relationship between merchant-supplier and supplier capacity .

    采购是 供应链管理中一项极其重要的因素,因为买家一供应商关系以及供应商的能力决定着进货物料质量,送达 时间,采购价格等因素。

  • Research on Supply Chain Job Schedule in E-Business

    电子商务中 供应链任务 调度问题的研究

  • Objective To understand the dynamic change of bile viscosity when biliary infection and supply more theoretic bases for bile duct stone formation and more rational treatment schedule for biliary infectious patients .

    目的了解胆道感染时胆汁粘度的动态变化,为胆结石成因 提供线索,为临床 提供更合理的治疗 计划

  • The Shipbuilding Supply Chain Coordination of Cooperation Schedule

    造船 供应链合作 进度协同

  • Furthermore output demand uncertainty never affects investment if the industry faces a perfectly inelastic labor supply schedule .

    然而,如果全行业面临的是一个完全无弹性的劳动 供给 时间表,产出需求的不确定性会对投资丝毫没有影响。

  • The supply of land for housing in Hong Kong is complicated . It covers factors of tile policy target demand evaluation development plan implementation schedule and distribution of resources .

    香港住宅用地的 供应问题复杂,涉及种种因素,包括政府目标的订定、住宅需求量评估、发展计划的制订、 进度 计划 安排及资源分配等。

  • Enterprise job planning provides a basis for the core enterprise in supply chain to schedule short-term production activities .

    企业作业 计划 供应链核心企业在短时期内组织生产和经营活动的依据。