Cost-minimization Analysis of 2 Schemes for Pediatric Acute Suppurative Tonsillitis
治疗儿童急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎的2种给药方案最小成本分析
Comparison of the efficacy of three different dosage regimens of Cefuroxime in treating pediatric acute suppurative tonsillitis
头孢呋辛3种给药方案治疗儿童急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎疗效比较
Objective : to observe the effect of Chinese crude drug combined Iodophors to treat acute suppurative tonsillitis .
目的:对中药结合碘伏治疗急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎进行疗效观察。
The suppurative tonsillitis amounts to 12 cases ( 10 % );
化脓 性 扁桃腺 炎 共12例(10%);
Treating Acute Suppurative Tonsillitis with Chinese Crude Drug Combined Iodophors
中药结合碘伏治疗急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎
Report of cases of Kawasaki disease with acute suppurative tonsillitis
川崎病合并急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎2例
Curative effect and dosage of ultraviolet on suppurative tonsillitis
紫外线治疗 化脓 性 扁桃体炎的剂量与疗效
Therapeutic effects of cold - light source for suppurative tonsillitis
冷光源治疗 化脓 性 扁桃体炎 32 例
An Observation On the Curative Effect of 78 Cases of Curing Acute Suppurative Tonsillitis with Yu'e Decoction
愈蛾汤治疗急性 化脓 性 扁桃腺 炎78例
Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Gatifloxacin in Different Dosage Plan for the Treatment of Acute Suppurative Tonsillitis
加替沙星不同给药方式治疗急性 化脓 性 扁桃体炎的成本-效果分析
Cost-Effect Analysis of Two Routes of Administration on Children 's Suppurative Tonsillitis
两种给药途径治疗儿童 化脓 性 扁桃体炎成本- 疗效观察