surplus flow

[ˈsɚpləs flo][ˈsə:pləs fləu]

[电] 剩余电流

  • Intentionally the government has designed relevant institutions to attract surplus household capitals to flow to the state-owned banks which it preferred and stock markets which may well demonstrate the government intentions .

    政府有意识地通过制度设计使居民金融 剩余 流向它所偏好的国有银行和较能体现政府意图的股票市场。

  • As the main channel of transferring rural surplus labourers at present it is supposed to realize the employment transferring which over 50 percent surplus rate of flow should be transferred .

    作为转移农村剩余劳力的主渠道,不仅应以实现就业转移为主要目标,还应担负转移50%以上 剩余 流量

  • After meeting all positive net present value projects surplus cash flow should be paid to shareholders through various ways .

    公司在满足所有净现值为正的投资项目所需资金后, 剩余 资金本应该通过各种形式支付给股东。

  • In order to smoothly shift the countryside surplus labor force we must imply the comprehensive necessary reform gradually eliminates the restriction agriculture laborers to get employed has the foreword to flow and to establish the city and countryside unification the labor market system barrier .

    要顺利转移农村 剩余劳动力,必须实施综合性配套改革,逐步消除制约农民工就业有序 流动和建立城乡统一的劳动市场的制度性障碍。

  • Then proposed a surplus evaluation criteria of earning quality - the value of relevance sustainability and the correlation with the cash flow introduced evaluation system of earning quality and drew the basic model of this study - Earnings-Return Model .

    接着提出了 盈余质量的评价标准价值相关性、持续性和与现金 流量的关联度,介绍了盈余质量的评价体系,并得出本文研究的基本模型盈余回报模型。

  • The Premise Variable and Policy Meaning of China 's Rural Surplus Labor Flow

    托达罗 模型前提、变量及政策含义的新思考

  • The system can correct the setting flow according to surplus storage heat and deviation of preheating temperature of gas and air and hot blast temperature and flow .

    并按实际预热煤气和空气温度与预定值偏差、换炉的 剩余蓄热量以及使用热风温度和 流量自动修正所设定热风炉各加热期的流量。

  • As the main direct financing market stock market is the joint of capital surplus departments and capital shortage departments . Stock market accelerates the flow of capital in all department of economy and enhances the output level of whole economy .

    作为主要的直接融资市场,股票市场连接着资金 盈余部门和资金不足部门,促进资本在国民经济各部门的 流动,从而提高整个国民经济的产出水平。

  • In the second part this paper develops a method of calculation of the mean water deficit and surplus of the annual flow regulation .

    本文第二部分建议确定年调节水库不足与 水量多年平均值的计算方法。

  • The transfer of rural surplus labor force of the impact of factors contribute to promote the rational flow of the transfer and provide a useful theoretical and empirical evidence .

    而探讨农村 剩余劳动力转移的影响因素有助于为促进转移与合理 流动提供有益的理论与经验证据。

  • The PBoC has generally argued that currency appreciation is essential to stemming the growth of the trade surplus and the unchecked flow of speculative funds into China .

    中国央行的主要立场一直是,要想抑制贸易 顺差增长、阻止投机资金无制约的 流入,货币升值是不可或缺的手段。

  • The optimal supply function model for a power producer is a bi-level mathematical programming problem in which the upper optimization is to maximize the producer 's surplus whilst the lower one is to realize the market optimal dispatch based on optimal power flow .

    发电商最优供给函数是一个两层优化问题,其中上层是发电商生产效益最大化问题, 下层是基于最优 潮流的市场最优化调度问题。

  • The Choice of Surplus and Cash Flow in Evaluating the Accomplishment of a company

    浅议业绩评价中 盈余与现金 流量的选择

  • At present when migration of surplus rural Labor is slow and even of circumfluence the two-dwelling on flow but not migrated transfer undoubtedly result from which many factors are working together but education level rural labor is an important piece of constraint .

    目前,农村 富余劳动力转移缓慢甚至出现回流,其两栖式的 流动而非移民性的转移无疑是多因素共同作用合力的结果,但农村劳动力的教育水平是一个重要的制约因素。

  • The core to solve the problem of surplus rural labor force is to solve the problem regarding the rational flow of migrant workers .

    解决好农村 剩余劳动力的问题的核心是解决农民工合理 流动的问题。

  • But surplus land left behind after moving out of labor was not equally distributed among the surplus rural households . The flow of these land distribution would impact income distribution of local farmers .

    但是劳动力迁出后留下的剩余土地并非在 剩余农户中平均分配,这些土地的 流向将会对当地农民收入分配产生影响。

  • After World War II in spite of the unemployment and underemployed phenomenon are becoming more seriously still an large number of agricultural surplus labor force flow into the city in a lot of country especially developing country .

    二次世界大战后,在许多国家尤其是发展中国家,尽管在城市中失业和就业不充分现象日趋严重,但仍然有大量农业 剩余劳动力 流入城市。

  • A die forging approach of so called IN-OUT way is presented which firstly let metal fulled up die cavity and then it forced surplus metal to flow out .

    前言:介绍了一种所谓“先内后外”的模锻技术,该技术为先让材料充满模膛,然后再把 多余的材料 排出模外。