switch core

[swɪtʃ kɔr][switʃ kɔ:]


  • The circuit consists of a four-way analog switch integrated circuit CD4066 core composition .

    该电路由一片四双向模拟 开关集成电路CD4066为 核心构成。

  • The inherent limitations of traditional call-center system are analysed the soft switch technique based on H.323 network is introduced and the new call center model in which soft switch is the core device is put forward .

    本文分析了传统呼叫中心系统存在的问题,介绍了基于H.323网络的软交换技术,并提出了以软 交换系统为 核心构造的呼叫中心系统模型。

  • And then it puts forward study on the high speed switch valve using GMM as valve 's core adopting DSP as controller and designing bus communication interface .

    在此基础上提出了以超磁致伸缩材料为 阀芯,以DSP为控制器,带有总线型接口的高速 开关阀的研究课题。

  • Switch is core components in pulsed power systems . Spark Switch is used for electromagnetic pulse simulator . This switch designed as the coaxial structure .

    开关是脉冲功率系统中的 关键部件,研究设计的火花开关应用于电磁脉冲模拟器,开关为同轴式、电脉冲触发结构。

  • The basic architecture of optical burst switching network core switch node is briefly presented in this paper . The function of switch control module and the structure of core switch node are introduced in brief .

    分析了光突发交换网络核心交换节点的基本交换结构、 交换控制模块的主要功能以及 核心交换模块的构成;

  • With the development of soft switch technology Shanghai Mobile Company Ltd. has newly built the core network of soft switch . MSS gradually became the main equipments to load communication services .

    随着软 交换技术的日益成熟,上海移动已经在大量建设软交换 核心网,逐步成为现网业务的主力承载。

  • At the present microwave MEMS devices applied in the wireless communication is a focus of the research in the world . MEMS switch is a core device of microwave communications that it can realize route-conversion .

    目前无线通信中的射频/微波MEMS器件已成为国际上的研究热点,MEMS 开关作为射频/微波通信中实现信号路由 转换 重要器件,成为了研究焦点。

  • Optical switch is the core component in optical network . Research and development in this field is active currently and many series of schemes have been come forth .

    开关作为光网络的 核心元件,一直是光通信领域研究和发展的热点之一,各种各样的实现方案层出不穷。

  • Switch is the core of router .

    交换系统是路由器的 核心组成部件。

  • The switch core can also provide quality of service guarantees and support scheduling of IP packets so it can be used in terabit routers .

    交换 核心能够提供服务质量保证,支持IP分组调度,可应用于太比特路由器中。

  • Dynamic optical circuit switching characteristic of generally modified dilate Benes ( GMDB ) switch network was analyzed and the design of control module for the core optical circuit switching network is proposed .

    分析了基于通用改进型扩展Benes型光 开关的动态交换特性,阐述了 核心光交换控制电路的设计,并组建了实验网络。

  • The paper mainly includes the following sections to meet the needs of inertia switch core demagnetization : 1 . According to the shape of the inertia switch core seat designed and fabricated a suitable fixture and related operating bench . 2 .

    论文主要通过以下几点实现惯性 开关 磁芯退磁需求:1.根据惯性开关磁芯座的外形,设计并加工出合适的夹具及相关工作台。

  • With soft switch as the core technology it adopts an open and standard system structure providing voice vision data and other multimedia services .

    它是以软 交换核心,采用开放、标准体系结构提供话音、视频、数据等多媒体丰富业务的下一代网络。

  • Single-stage crossbar as the dominating switch fabric in core routers is quite abundant in its research achievements . However because of engineering constraints ( rack power supply chip size etc. ) it is not easy to achieve a large switch capacity .

    Crossbar交换网络是目前 核心路由器的主流 交换结构,其研究成果十分丰富,但是,由于受工程实现的限制(机架供电、芯片体积等),单Crossbar交换网络容量无法做到很大。

  • The performance of the switch core is also analysed and hardware design scheme is given .

    文中还简要分析了该 交换 核心的性能,并给出了硬件设计方案。

  • SAN is an application-specific communication network which is similar to the Ethernet in architecture and used to connect the storage devices with communication devices . Fiber Channel ( FC ) Switch is the core of the SAN .

    SAN是关联存储设备和服务器的专用光纤通道网络,它和以太网有类似的架构,其 核心设备是光纤通道 交换机

  • In the intelligent control controlled switching for HV switch is the core technology .

    在智能控制方面,高压 开关的相位控制是其智能操作的 核心技术。

  • The conception of mobile soft switch and three main parts : WCDMA core network system architecture call control module function analysis call control module analysis and realization are intensively researched in this paper .

    文章从移动软 交换的概念与WCDMA 核心网体系结构、呼叫控制功能分析、呼叫控制模块分析与实现三个方面展开了深入的研究。

  • Currently layer 3 switch network devices have spread from the core of network to the edge of network . It occupys a large part of network devices market .

    目前第三层 交换机已由网络的 核心延伸至网络的边缘,占据了相当大的市场份额。

  • Mobile Software Switch & The Technology Innovation in the Mobile Core Network

    移动软 交换&移动 核心网的技术变革

  • With the application of the pulse power technology in military and civilian field research focusing on pulse power system design is attracting more and more attention . Switch as the core component of the pulse power technology is bottleneck that hinders its development .

    随着脉冲功率技术在军用和民用领域里的广泛应用,脉冲功率系统的设计研究受到越来越多的重视,而 开关作为脉冲功率系统的 核心组件一直以来都是阻碍脉冲功率技术快速发展的瓶颈。

  • In thesis the main circuit structure of a large number of simulation analysis such as voltage regulation converter magnetic switch core model the steep gradient compression system circuit thereby reducing research costs faster higher and better results of scientific research .

    文中对主要的电路结构进行了大量的仿真分析,如调压变换器、磁 开关 磁芯模型、压缩陡化系统电路等,以此降低研究成本,获得更快、更高、更好的科研效果。

  • Pulsed power switch is one of the core elements in pulsed power system .

    脉冲功率 开关是脉冲功率系统的 核心元件之一。

  • The task of deploying IDS on the switch core is to detect the attacking actions from the whole network .

    交换机 核心上部署IDS的任务是:检测来自全网的攻击行为。

  • Research on and Design of a Novel Switch Core for Terabit Routers

    一种太比特路由器 交换 核心的研究与设计

  • According to the platform of GaAs technology MMIC is integrated on GaAs substrate to achieve a balanced I-Q vector modulator with PHEMT switch tube core as a control element . 4 .

    利用GaAs工艺平台在GaAs衬底上实现单片集成平衡I-Q矢量调制器,其中控制元件为PHEMT 开关

  • ATM Switch system is the core in some communication network .

    ATM 交换系统是某通信交换网络项目的 核心

  • The optical switch is the core functional component of OPS networks which is used to realize the switching and routing of signals .

    其中 开关是任何光交换网的 核心功能器件,完成信号的交换和路由功能;

  • Then Using example of design for queue scheduling of the line card and switch board card in the core of an Internet router we present a distributed weighted round robin scheduling control algorithms from the control theoretic point of view for QoS support .

    然后以Internet 核心路由器中线卡级和 交换级的队列调度设计为例,从控制论的角度提出了一种支持QoS的分布式加权轮询调度控制算法。