switch indicator

[swɪtʃ ˈɪndɪˌketɚ][switʃ ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtə]


  • Press the power switch at the top of the flashlight to light on the LED indicator . Press again to switch off .

    按下电筒头部电源 开关,LED 源点亮,再按一下即可关闭。

  • The system real-time displays steam drum pressure fuel oil temperature and water level switch valve knob and button can be operated indicator light shows the corresponding working condition .

    系统中实时显示汽包压力、锅炉燃油温度、锅炉水位的值, 开关阀、按钮、旋钮都可进行操作, 指示灯显示相应的工作状态。

  • A kind of effective isolation measure has been taken in the module and the module 's parameters can be setup by dial switch key-presses and indicator lights .

    其内部采用了有效的隔离措施,模块参数通过拨码 开关、按键和 指示灯来进行设置。

  • The recognition and acceleration algorithm for the two types of state indicator ( i.e. rotating switch and flash light indicator for malfunction ) used in switch cabinets are implemented through the abundant hardware resources available in FPGA ; the overall performance of image processing is effectively improved .

    通过FPGA丰富的硬件逻辑资源,实现了对开关柜两种状态指示装置即圆盘旋转 开关和闪灯型故障 指示器图像的预处理和识别算法的加速,有效地提高了图像处理的速度。

  • Start-up : After the lamp holder is connected with the power system turn the main switch to ON and the flash indicator lamp ○ 6 will turn red .

    开机:灯头与电源机身连接好后,总 开关向ON拨动,随后闪光灯机身 指示灯⑥(红色)闪动。

  • A route switch with route indicator of cane railways .

    糖铁特有的 转辙 与进路 指示器

  • Students will power is sent to the control box press ON / OFF button switch ON keys operation indicator light machine .

    将电源送至控制箱内,按下ON/OFF按钮 开关的ON键,运转 指示 指示,机。

  • The utility model belongs to a welding holder type controller used for controlling the on-off of a welder mainly comprising a transformer a contactor a relay and a switch indicator circuit .

    本实用新型属于一种控制焊机启闭的焊把式控制器,其主要由变压器、接触器、继电器、 开关 指示电路所组成。

  • The machine body is also provided with a negative iron output hole a timing switch a power supply indicator light a wind inlet and a power supply line etc.

    机体上还设有负离子输出孔,定时 开关、电源 指示灯、进风口及电源线等。

  • Chapter four discusses switch and phase shifter mainly about principle technical indicator and design method .

    第四章的内容是 开关和移相器,对 开关和移相器的原理、技术 指标和设计方法分别进行了阐述。

  • You can switch indicator sets to see how the report would appear with a different set of indicators .

    您可以 切换 指示器集合以查看,报告怎样与不同系列的指示器显示。

  • Any single device switch control by the control equipment status ( open or close ) can by state indicator shows .

    控制任意单个设备的 开关,被控制设备的状态(开或关)可以通过状态 指示 显示。

  • Input and output modules include a switch and indicator light interface circuit data input and output modules the hand wheel input switching circuit the communication module includes serial communication network communication and USB communication .

    输入输出模块包括 开关 指示灯接口电路,数据输入输出模块、手轮输入切换电路。通信模块包括串口通信、USB通信和以太网通信。

  • Through special processing warm yellow switch indicator light in bright environment in dark environment instructions clear under the light is downy .

    经过特殊处理的暖黄色 开关 指示灯,在明亮环境下指示清晰,在黑暗环境下光线柔和。

  • Plug in the power turn on power switch power indicator light then the light ;

    插上电源,打开电源总 开关,电源 指示灯随即著亮;